Spiritual journaling provides you with an opportunity to reflect on the spiritual understandings, which may be struggling to rise within your consciousness. Anything, which catches your attention in daily life, such as quotes, images, feelings, or things you find in the world, may be the universe’s way of catching your attention.
The purpose of this series is not to teach you what to write, but to give you strategies to help liberate your writing and take you to a deeper understanding of yourself and your relationship with your Higher Power, however you define that. I will share four different techniques each week in this two week series. We will begin with the most basic technique– streaming. Subsequent technique will incorporate streaming in combination with other technique. Space will be provided for anyone who feels comfortable or desires to share his or her writing.
Please bring a quote, image, feeling or artifact and a sheet of poster board with you to the first session. Also bring a journal to write in and something with which to write.
Cost $10