March 17, 2013

Today, I am grateful for the laughter and joy which continues to fill my life. I am grateful to have been asked to officiate Melissa and Dylan’s wedding service. I am grateful I got to share that experience with Zoe and met some amazing new people. I am grateful that my son is learning how to use his words. I am grateful that I was able to walk as much as I did yesterday without much pain.

March 16, 2013

This morning, I am grateful for the powerful group we had last night and the laughter which filled our house afterwards. I am grateful for having made it through 7 days of being complaint free. I am grateful for the healing I have done over the last three years and the ability to speak my truth with all the emotional wounds healed. I am grateful that Mr Mittens is feeling better. I am grateful for a good night’s sleep and the opportunity to sleep in and be well rested for today’s wedding.

March 15, 2013

Today, I am grateful for all the love which continues to flow into my life and the opportunities for growth, healing, and development. I am grateful for the opportunity to develop my skills to listen without judging or criticizing. I am grateful for friends who share their perceptions of me and enable me to see myself as I appear in their lives. I am grateful for the skills my son is using to advocate for himself and his needs. I am grateful for the decisions I made yesterday to honor a commitment I made to myself and those who are supporting me in that commitment.

March 14, 2013

Today, I am so grateful for the cleansing evening we had last night at love and inspiration. I am grateful for having made it through day 5 of being complaint free.  I am grateful for the healthier choices I am making in my life. I am grateful for being able to laugh with my son last night and celebrate the care homes he will be able to choose from. I am grateful for the opportunities to experience love, joy, and positive energy in my life. ​

March 13, 2013

Today, I am grateful I have made it through 4 complete days of being complaint free. I am grateful I am increasing my awareness of my thoughts and words and what I put out into the universe. I am grateful for taking the time each day to meditate and for the 21 day meditation challenge I am a part of.  I am grateful for the various forms of medicine and healing which are assisting friends and acquaintances of mine at this point in their journey. I am grateful ​for releasing all that is not of love or that I no longer agree with in my life.

March 12, 2013

Sometimes I am grateful for what I have and sometimes I am grateful for the reminders of that which is not in my life. I am grateful that my son's mental health is improving and I no longer have to worry about him threatening to harm me. I am grateful for a partner who is non-abusive and non-controlling. I am grateful I am not grieving the loss of a loved one. I am grateful I no longer have to worry about where my feline babies are and if they are safe. I am grateful I am not having to worry about where I am going to live next.

March 11, 2013

I am grateful for another day and all it brings my way. I am grateful for quality time with Zoe yesterday and time away from work. I am grateful for the clear ramp, drive and road so I can get some fresh air today. I am grateful for the conversation with my brother and his girlfriend yesterday. I am grateful for the myriad of sounds which surround me from the birds chirping, the breeze blowing, the cats playing and life in general.​

March 10, 2013

Today I am grateful for the time I got to spend journeying with someone yesterday. I am grateful for the time I had to pamper myself as I spent quality time reading, relaxing, and crocheting. I am grateful for the laughter which filled our home yesterday and made my sides hurt. I am grateful for the relationships I have where I feel safe to speak my truth and not be judged. I am grateful for the love that continues to flow through my life.

March 9, 2013

Today, I am grateful to have woken up a burst of energy and a positive attitude. I am grateful for the insights that I had this morning and the blog it inspired. I am grateful for the gift of writing and how it enables me to express what is in my heart. I am grateful for the ways the universe uses me to enable others to grow in their journey. I am grateful for all that I have and all that is coming into my life to enable me to evolve and continue to transform.

March 8, 2013

Today I am grateful for waking up to love and affection. I am grateful for the invitation to officiate a friend’s wedding. I am grateful for the love and support of friends I seek to spread kindness and gratitude in this world. I am grateful for the random acts of kindness I have experienced in my life. I am grateful for the joy I have playing with my cat Mittens and his fishing pole.

March 7, 2013

I am grateful for a good nights sleep during which my body could rest and rejuvenate. I am grateful for the new energy flowing into my ministries. I am grateful for the new energy in my relationship with Zoe. I am grateful my son had such a great birthday. I am grateful I am learning to speak truth and stay calm while advocating for myself. I am grateful for my computer literacy skills and the opportunities to use them to bless others.​

March 6, 2013

I am grateful for the reminder about a meeting I have today. I am grateful for the happiness in my brother's life since he met his girlfriend. I am grateful for the new energy in Zoe's life since she began working again. I am grateful for being caught up with my grading. I am grateful for clean clothes and a warm house. ​

March 5, 2013

I am grateful I was finally able to resolve the issue with the bank and use my words to let others know I was not accepting their abuse. I am grateful I had a surprise visit from Zoe last night and this morning on her way to and from the sleep lab. I am grateful I have learned how to use laughter in my life to alleviate stress. I am grateful for the flow of positive energy which I have been experiencing in my own life and the lives of others. I am grateful for the peace which comes with every breath.​

March 4, 2013

Today, I am grateful for the powerful mandala session we had yesterday and the reminder of what a small world we live in. I am grateful for being introduced to a healing coffee. I am grateful for the new energy in our relationship since Zoe has begun working again. I am grateful for all the positive things which are happening in my friends lives. I am grateful for the gifts I was given quite unexpectedly yesterday.

March 3, 2013

I have so much to be grateful for that sometimes I do not know where to start, so here goes. I am grateful for the love and trust Zoe and I have with each other. I am grateful for friends who feel safe enough to trust me with their deepest secrets. I am grateful for the time I got to spend holding baby wyatt last night at the ripe old age of 3 weeks. I am grateful for the ability to get in and out of the house with minimal pain this morning, I am grateful for the emails I got from former students thanking me for the life lessons I taught them

March 2, 2013

Today, I am grateful for the lessons I learned yesterday when the air blew a dust bunny out of hiding from my mental clutter. I am grateful for a sense of humor that enables me to laugh at myself and situations. I am grateful for being able to make things a commercial and to have a commercial partner who listens to my 30 second or less vents before returning to normal programming. I am grateful for my persistence in getting things done and pressing through all obstacles. I am grateful for my friends who are finding peace and healing in their lives.

March 1, 2013

Today, I am grateful for friends who trust me enough to share their deepest struggles in life and know I will not judge them. I am grateful for the good news my friends Mary and Ed received yesterday. I am grateful that Zoe and I were able to team up this week and get the March newsletter done. I am grateful for my friend Marie who named a snowgirl after me, a first in my life. I am grateful for the way my body is adjusting to my new sleep schedule.

February 28, 2013

Today, I am grateful for the powerful love and inspiration we had last night. I am grateful for the confirmation I received of the Infinite’s call on my life. I am grateful for the ability to have caught up with my grading and gotten back on track. I am grateful for the ability to stay focused and present. I am grateful for the loving and peaceful space Zoe and I have been able to create.

February 27, 2013

Today, I am grateful for all I accomplished yesterday. I am grateful for all the information the Creator has given me. I am grateful for the inspiration that enables me to find the answers to my prayers. I am grateful for friends who help open doors for me. I am grateful for a wife who loves me unconditionally

February 26, 2013

Today, I am grateful for the way my skin feels and smells from the lotion. I am grateful for the shine and radiance from giving my body a dry brush. I am grateful for the words and inspiration given to me every time I sit down to write. I am grateful for the love and support of this new circle of people in my life. I am grateful for the ability to release and let go and no longer feel like I have to hold on to something forever.