July 15, 2013

I am grateful to have woken up again this morning and to know what a gift that is. I am grateful for the powerful conversation I had with Judith Andrews at Lightways Journey yesterday and the spiritual relationship we are developing with each other. I am grateful for overcoming my fear of using the video lecture program that Brockport gave me. I am grateful for all the patterns I released so that my brother Mark and I could be close. I am grateful for my kittie boys who teach me lessons every day about balance, self care, water, and play. 

July 14, 2013

I am grateful for the spirit filled and uplifting networking meeting we had yesterday morning and the blessings that flowed out of that meeting into people's lives. I am grateful for Julianna Evans who took the blessings she received here yesterday and used it to bless someone else and the flow of love continues. I am grateful for Sandra Hicks Yoga and Pam Perkins who offer me space to advertise my offerings to a wider public. I am grateful to my "groovy" friend Maryanna Mueller who is constantly trying to spread the word of our ministry and the work we are doing here. I am grateful for my wife who donated hours of her time yesterday to help a friend spend quality time with her daughter.

July 13, 2013

Today I am grateful for my friend Gary Snyder who I got to have a powerful spiritual exchange with this morning. I am grateful for my friend Jerry Singleton from Nova Scotia who always knows when I need a hug. I am grateful for my student Chris Cretelle who always pushes me to be the best teacher I can be. I am grateful for all the love and positive energy which flows into and through my life and our home. I am grateful for the opportunities we have to be of service and do what we can to transform the world. 

July 12, 2013

I am grateful we were able to bless and be of service to others yesterday. I am grateful to have been asked to officiate the renewal of vows for friends of ours next year. I am grateful for my friend Maryanna Mueller who blessed me with the sharing of a God moment that happened in her life yesterday. I am grateful for my friend Paul Pekaz Regoord who always makes me smile and has been there for us in good times and bad. I am grateful for the peace in my life and the gift of waking up each day. 

July 11, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the peace in my body and a restful night's sleep. I am grateful for the opportunities I have each day to be of service. I am grateful for the presence of long time friends in my life like Angel Sullivan who I will always remember as the only person willing to eat lunch with me when I attended the Black Church Studies retreat in 2001. I am grateful for my friend Claude Bowen who I will always remember for his unconditional love, guidance, grace, and sense of humor.  I am grateful for my neighbors Larry and Sue who sold their house and left yesterday for all they did to help us learn about taking care of our home and yard and so many random acts of kindness. 

July 10, 2013

Today, I am grateful to have had the chance to see my friend Michael Nicosia who was in from Colorado for his 40th high school reunion. I am grateful for my friend Jane Patterson from Australia who somehow always knows when I feel called to email her. I am grateful for my wife Zoe who reminds me and encourages me to take care of myself. I am grateful for the feedback from clients about how our services are assisting them in their journey. I am grateful for my friend Maryanna Mueller who spirit is so filled with love and generosity. 

July 9, 2013

Today, I am grateful for the gift of music from the birds outside my window. I am grateful for the person who did not keep an appointment with me yesterday as it gave me time to do other important things in my lie.  I am grateful for the ability to speak my truth in love to someone yesterday and the ability to laugh when I learned she was already thinking the same thing as me and had already developed a plan to fix it. I am grateful for Zoe who reminded me to speak my truth in love. I am grateful for my friend Cookie's daily reminders to give thanks for just waking up one more time.

July 8, 2013

Today, I am grateful for the powerful Meditational Mandala group we had Sunday afternoon. I am grateful for my friend Heather Feinman Fox who lives with integrity, makes me laugh, and supports my life passion. I am grateful for Liesl Gaesser who gives from her heart and continuously steps forward in faith. I am grateful for all those who contribute to me having running water with which I can shower, wash clothes, dishes, flush the toilet, wash hands, have ice, hydrate my body and so much more.  I am grateful for the ability to make decisions as I am reminded that there are those who struggle to do so. 

July 7, 2013

I am grateful to our friends who threw us a semi-surprise belated birthday party last night and gave Zoe a reiki stool and me a queen size rocking chair. I am grateful for the opportunity I had to speak with my friend Martha Contreras yesterday and to learn so much from her and to also have the chance to be of service. I am grateful for my wife Zoe who has such a beautiful spirit and does so much, in her own way, to support me and the work that I have been created to do in my life. I am grateful for my friends Sharon Forsythe Hinkson and her husband Bernie for so many reasons, if nothing else but for their willingness to help me grow spiritually and for all the times they have come to be of service. I am grateful for my friend Nina Ploetz for her unselfish nature, always doing what is right for the world, not what is profitable for her personally.  

July 6, 2013

I am grateful for my friends who have offered to assist me in re-engaging with the community and going places with my manual wheelchair. I am grateful for Angelique San Roman who inspired me to give thanks for my friends each day and to articulate what they mean to me. I am graeful I was able to make my friends Nina and D laugh yesterday as they needed to experience some joy in the midst of all their stress. I am grateful for the gift of sleep and the ability to sleep through the night.  I am grateful for the gift of writing, which I was reminded yesterday not everyone has.

July 5, 2013

I am grateful for the ability to see the Infinite in something unique or unusual, like lamb fries. I am grateful my friend Jane was able to have a vacation after all these years. I am grateful for the wonderful time with friends, old and new, yesterday at our annual 4th of July gathering. I am grateful for x-rays and ultrasound equipments and those that created them to assist others in understanding what is going on in their bodies. I am grateful for the year I have had thus far and all the blessings I have experienced and people I have met.

July 4, 2013

This morning I am grateful for all the people in my life who have helped me to become who i am today. I am grateful for the quiet moments in which i just get to be with Spirit. I am grateful for the gift of reading which I often times take for granted. I am grateful for the sun which is shining through the clouds where we live. I am grateful for the time with friends this and all days. 

July 3, 2013

I am grateful for the kindness of friends around the world, like my friend Jane in Australia who remind me to take care of myself. I am grateful for the life I have and all the love that flows through it. I am grateful for the music which fills our home, thanks to Zoe mostly, and the memories that come back from years past. I am grateful for the new people the universe sends our way and the love we experience as a result. I am grateful for the openings which are happening in our hearts and minds as we come to understand more about the world in which we live. 

July 2, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the friendships I am developing with like minded spirits. I am grateful for the gifts of time, talent, and resources which flowed into our ministry yesterday. I am grateful for the happiness Zoe experienced at the acquisition of this old typewriter as she began learning how to clean it and restore it. I am grateful for image my friend Jane sent me of her visit to Hill Inlet in Whisunday Australia and her description of her visit to the Great Barrier Reef. I am grateful for Jane and her ability to transport me in my mind with her vivid descriptions.

July 1, 2013

This morning I am grateful for my allergies which keep me humble and remind me of the simple things like being able to breath clearly. I am grateful for breathing, which my body knows how to do without me thinking about it. I am grateful for our cats Dr Wally and Mr Mittens who teach us lessons about balance and living everyday. I am grateful for discipline which keeps me focused and balanced. I am grateful for elephants which remind me of the importance of community and strength in numbers. 

June 30, 2013

This morning I am grateful to have gotten some sleep and woken up one more day. I am grateful for my friend Heather who offered to get me a book from the library for me. I am grateful for the inspiration of Spirit who created an answer to a friend's prayer. I am grateful for the clarity I have been given regarding my queer theory syllabus.  I am grateful for the healing that is happening as I continue to battle this summer cold and allergies. 

June 29, 2013

This morning, I am grateful for the love offerings we received yesterday of time, talent, and resources. I am grateful for the Universe hearing and answering my prayers. I am grateful for the rain which is watering our yard and cleansing the air. I am grateful for the healing power of herbs and all I am learning. I am grateful for my wife who is so supportive of me and all I am doing in my life. I am grateful for each breath I take and the blessing of waking up one more day.

June 28, 2013

This morning I am grateful for my friend Nina who shared her blessings with us and brought us a love offering of chicken, tortillas, lemons and honey.  I am grateful to my friend Heather who brought Zoe and I dinner last night.  I am grateful for the opportunities to be of service to others. I am grateful for the wounds which got exposed yesterday so I know where to focus healing now. I am grateful for the love and healing energy which fills our space and makes people not want to leave. 

June 27, 2013

I am grateful to continue to feel a little better each day. I am grateful for the healing power of tea, lemon, and honey. I am grateful for those who inspire and teach me. I am grateful for unexpected compliments and positive feedback. I am grateful for the opportunities to be of service. I am grateful for the ability to stay focused and productive.

June 26, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the continued healing in my body and the energy that is being restored.  I am grateful for the opportunities to be of service I was blessed with yesterday.  I am grateful for the ability to speak my truth in love. I am grateful for the lessons I am learning about self care and self love. I am grateful for the cleansing power of showers.