February 20, 2014

This morning I am grateful for the powerful time I had with a colleague yesterday as we caught up on life. I am grateful for the gift of listening I was able to offer someone yesterday as so often we do not feel heard. I am grateful for the love and support of my immediate family when I need to make the right decision for me in my life. I am grateful, I had a chance to talk to an old friend and congratulate her on the opportunities that are unfolding in her life. I am grateful to have arrived at a space where I can celebrate the accomplishments of my friends and colleagues without being jealous.

February 19, 2014

This morning I am grateful for the nap I had yesterday and a restful nights sleep. I am grateful for the time with students and the chance to make my disability a teachable moment. I am grateful for all the grading I got done yesterday and giving thanks for all I accomplish today. I am grateful for the heat in our home on these cold wintry days. I am grateful for the liftline reservation I got yesterday.

February 18, 2014

I am grateful for such a fun filled and relaxing evening last night and the chance to have helped Karen and her cat Mooks. I am grateful our friend Cassaundra was not killed in the hit and run car accident which took out the entire right side of her car. I am grateful that our friend Max is listening to his doctor and staying in bed this week. I am grateful that Zoe's family loves and accepts me so unconditionally into their family. I am grateful for the liftline ride I got to go to class today.

February 17, 2014

This morning I am grateful to have woken up one more time as I never take that for granted. I am grateful for Wegman's new service of shopping for you even if I never use it. I am grateful for the cuddle time I had with Zoe, always enjoy those times. I am grateful she can talk to me about what is in her heart. I am grateful for our Sunday morning love and inspiration group as they always inspire me.

February 16, 2014

This morning I am grateful that I have a roof over my head and clothes on my back and food in my pantry. I am grateful for what I have and what I do not have in my life. I am grateful for having a son who is doing well and is in a place where people love and support him. I am grateful my friend Lu will be able to spend time with her brother Skip again before he makes transition. I am grateful that I am making healthier choices about my physical health and body.

February 15, 2014

This morning I am grateful for all that I am learning about my life and my self because it yields to greater understanding. I am grateful for the opportunities to be of service yesterday as it reminds me that the Ultimate is not done with me yet. I am grateful to have woken up one more time as it provides me with another chance to be of service. I am grateful for the energy shifts and powerful evening we shared last night at our book club and I am excited to have Mary Grace come back again on the 20th for our Skype/onsite book club. I am grateful for Mittens and Wally who remind me about balance and to take a nap when I need one.

February 14, 2014

This morning I am grateful for the early morning affirmation from my colleague Barb thanking me for all I have done and encouraging me to keep going. What a wonderful thing to read as we just began Valentine’s day. I am grateful to have a wife who loves me unconditionally. I am grateful for the vision I have out of my one eye until my other contact arrives. I am grateful for the reminder I received about being a Jonathan Livingston Seagull for others. I am grateful to be able to look at those things which speak to me spiritually every time I look at my altar.

February 13, 2014

This morning I am grateful for learning how to be patient in the midst of other people's chaos. I am grateful for the doors that are opening each day shedding new light on the vision I have been dreaming for my life. I am grateful for each day that I come to love myself more then the day before. I am grateful for the reminder that the one who has the power to change my life is me. I am grateful for Sam explaining why the bolt on my wheelchair broke and how easy it is to fix.

February 12, 2014

This morning I am so grateful for how the words that I put out to the universe years ago are still speaking today. I am so grateful for my new FB friend Claudia who took the time to connect and tell me how she found me even though we live continents apart. I am grateful for the sounds of life that are fill our home as they keep me grounded. I am grateful for the way my body is responding to the healthier choices I am making in my life. I am grateful for the ability to remember to take time for myself to pay myself for all i have accomplished that day.

February 11, 2014

This morning I am grateful for the gift of coffee that we received last night, as having gourmet coffee is quite the treat around here :). I am grateful for the reminder to be grateful but also clear on what it is I appreciate about that which I am grateful for. I am grateful for the way Spirit uses me to confirm a message for someone else, without my even knowing it until they tell me. I am grateful for students who call me and ask me to help them through their emotional response to the readings as it helps me to know that they are learning and reminds me what it is like to first be exposed to this new material. I am grateful for the gift of laughter and Zoe sharing some of what makes her joyful with me as it makes me happy to see her happy.

February 10, 2014

This morning I am grateful for the chance to have met Cassaundra yesterday. I am grateful that she and Zoe clicked and are going to support each other. I am grateful I had the chance to be of service to someone via distance reiki last night. I am grateful for the awesome time we had at love and inspiration yesterday. I am grateful that Claude and Meach are moving from talk to action.

February 9, 2014

This morning I am grateful for Sam's offer to help with the cooking as I know it came from a space of love. I am grateful for the time I had to cuddle with and listen to Zoe yesterday. I am grateful for all the grading I got done yesterday. I am grateful for the clear focus on healing before profit in our ministry. I am grateful for the reminder that no belief from my past has to stay in my present unless I choose for it to be there. I am grateful that my cooking resonates with the stomachs of those I feed.

February 8, 2014

This morning I am grateful for the opportunity to laugh and talk with Zoe's Aunt Joanie who has loved and accepted me into the family since day one. i am grateful for Zoe and Sam bringing me some club soda last night, it is the little things in life that bring me so much joy. I am grateful that liftline recertified me for another three years so that I can continue to receive supplemental services, which is better then no services at all. I am grateful my nephew Aaron was not hurt in the car accident he was in and the news that he might be coming up to Buffalo as I have not seen him in 8 years. I am grateful for the chance to have laughed with my friend Gloria who I have not seen in almost a year.

February 7, 2014

I am grateful that Petey is no longer suffering and is playing on the Rainbow Bridge with his friends. I am grateful for the choices I am making in my life to pursue my dreams. I am grateful for the love and support of family and friends. I am grateful for the new clients that have sent into my life. I am grateful for the opportunity to help JD line up spaces to draw while he is here. I am grateful Sam enjoys his job so much.

February 6, 2014

This morning I am grateful to be able to host a Spirit Drawing Workshop for JD Arrichi. I am just so honored that he is doing this  here.  I am grateful for how Spirit has been using me and speaking to me and confirming that I am still doing what I am supposed to be doing. I am grateful for the ability to have open, loving, and supportive conversations with my wife who is also my best friend. I am grateful for being able to sleep through the night and wake up feeling rested and refreshed. I am grateful for Sam who made a fresh pot of coffee this morning. 

February 5, 2014

This morning I am grateful for the reminder about the power of love notes and why I still have the one Zoe left on my treadmill about 10 years ago. I am grateful that Zoe is feeling better. I am grateful for taking a leap of faith and investing in our future. I am grateful for a restful nights sleep and the improvements I am seeing in my health. I am grateful for the love and support of friends and family. I am grateful that our family in the midwest still have their power.

February 4, 2014

Today, I am grateful to have woken up one more day and to have yet another chance to be of service. I am grateful for Zoe's help on a project I am behind on. I am grateful for the conversation I had with Anthony Peone at Brockport Computer this morning (he is the bomb). I am grateful to be surrounded by people who value healing over $$. I am grateful for the completion of a project which took hours less time then I thought it would.

February 3, 2014

This morning I am grateful for one more day, as at least one person did not make it to this moment. I am grateful for the great Dr's report that Zoe got this morning. I am grateful she let me sleep in and did not wake me up with her at 6:30 am (thank you sweetie). I am grateful for my friend Paul who introduced me to skinnytaste.com which is helping us all lose weight and eat healthier. I am grateful that Zoe's cousin Terry made it back to Long Island safely this morning (albeit at 3 am).

February 2, 2014

I am grateful my friend Martha took a moment to contact me yesterday and share a little surprise with me. I am grateful for a restful nights sleep and lots of energy this morning. I am grateful that I figured a solution to my problem on my own (I rock). I am grateful to have had cuddle time with Zoe last night (always a blessing). I am grateful for the quiet time I had this morning to get some writing done.

February 1, 2014

I am grateful for the way the diffusion of Thieves has helped Zoe to feel better. I am grateful to have found a way to make "healthier" waffles for her. I am grateful for the clients I journey with as they continue to bless me in ways I cannot even articulate. I am grateful for the peace and calm in my life. I am grateful for the opportunity for the Ultimate to do something for me today.