July 10, 2014

I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the rain which waters all that is living outside and enables plants to grow. i am grateful for having someone in my life I can talk to about cooking and food (thanks Jonathan). I am grateful for the peace and quiet in my home this morning.  I am grateful for how our Wednesday group is able to love and inspire each other. 

July 9, 2014

Today, I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful to be done with all my grading for 271 and to be able to focus on 382. I am grateful Zoe went to the store for me to get ricotta cheese yesterday. I am grateful I ate fruit yesterday when i got hungry. I am grateful for tissues when my allergies are acting up. 

July 8, 2014

This morning i am so grateful to have woken up one more time because i know that no moment in life is guaranteed. I am grateful to have Ursula volunteering here with us at Healing Harbor. i am grateful for the new energy and people that are coming here and how our little ministry is growing and evolving. I am grateful for how we are evolving as a family. I am grateful for the things my body does for me, like cleanse, circulate, and repair without my even asking.

July 7, 2014

This morning I am grateful to have gotten a restful nights sleep and woken up one more day. I am grateful for all I accomplished yesterday and all I will accomplish today. i am grateful for the sounds of life which fill my home (birds, cats, people sounds). I am grateful for the cleansing and rejuvenating power of a shower. I am grateful for the full house we had at love and inspiration yesterday.

July 6, 2014

Today, I am so grateful that I have made such great headway with my grading for summer 1 and if all goes well I will be able to turn grades in tomorrow. I am grateful for the interesting dinner we had last night and the foolishness and laughter which filled our home. I am grateful for my evolving relationship with a few people and the ability to journey with them. I am grateful for all I accomplished yesterday and all I will accomplish today. I am grateful Katharine was able to find a place to board Duff while she was in San Diego.

July 5, 2014

This morning I am grateful for the time with friends, new and old yesterday. I am grateful for the abundance of everything important in our lives. I am grateful to have met one of my online students yesterday. I am grateful to have accomplished one overdue task yesterday. I am grateful to just be and to be able to be grateful

July 4, 2014

This morning I am so grateful to have had such an awesome nights sleep.  I am grateful that Sam offered to go to the grocery store for me today. I am grateful for a new associate who trusted me with something deeply personal this morning. I am grateful for having survived my first summer session and a few days to prepare for the next course.  I am grateful for the gift of laughter. 

July 3, 2014

This morning i am grateful to have woken up one more time, albeit earlier then I had planned. i am grateful to have the flexibility to take naps when I need one, which I may earlier. i am grateful for the powerful conversation and sharing we did last night at love and inspiration; I love our ever growing group. I am grateful for the new energy which is flowing to us and through us and how all things are falling into place and manifesting themselves. I am grateful to have the house to myself this afternoon. 

July 2, 2014

I am so grateful for the chance to wake up one more time. i am grateful for the newsletter being done and sent out. I am grateful that I am almost done with this first summer intensive. I am grateful that Sam will be able to spend time with his family. I am grateful for a restful nights sleep, air conditioning, and a roof over my head.

July 1, 2014

This morning i am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the rejuvenation I feel after a morning shower. I am grateful for the welcoming words of a colleague this morning. I am grateful my friend Jane made it through her month long road trip in the US and got back to Australia going WOW. I am grateful that Laura chose to go home from her daughter's house and let the case manager get her the supports she needs.

June 30, 2014

This morning I am so grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the celebratory time we had with Max and Kerry. I am grateful that Sharon and Bernie came over to surprise Zoe. I am grateful for all I accomplished yesterday and for the determination which will bring me through today. I am grateful for the water which quenches my thirst.

June 29, 2014

this morning i am grateful to have woken up one more time and that each day I am experiencing less and less discomfort. I am grateful for the little things in life like indoor plumbing, central air, a bed to sleep on, etc. - well maybe they are not so little, but everyday things. I am grateful I am not in the hospital and overall doing well. I am grateful for the power of prayer to bring about transformative change in people's lives. I am grateful for the new energies that are coming into my life and ministry.

June 28, 2014

This morning I am so grateful for the benedryl which helped me to sleep last night as I continue to have pain from this infection. I am grateful for the love and support of my family who always asks what they can do to support me. I am grateful for a client who had an awesome job interview yesterday. I am grateful for the plants that are blooming in our garden. I am grateful for the garden plan and the power of following my intuition.

June 27, 2014

I am grateful that I read the warning label on one of my prescriptions and did not take it as it would have destroyed my contact lenses. I am grateful to have slept better last night and to not be in as much pain this morning. I am grateful for all the people in my life who have expressed concern and prayer the last few days. I am grateful for all I have accomplished and all that I will accomplish in my life. I am grateful for being able to have the opportunity to journey with others and to help them grow and evolve in their lives.

June 26, 2014

This morning I am grateful to have made it through another night and woken up one more time, despite the interrupted sleep. I am grateful for my conversation with Katharine yesterday about our plans for a community meditation garden. I am grateful for the powerful conversation we had yesterday at love and inspiration. I am grateful for my friends who help me move through my own challenges in life. I am grateful for the drs appointment i was able to make for this afternoon.

June 25, 2014

This morning i am grateful to once again wake up and have an opportunity to be of service. I am grateful for the joy and laughter we shared last night at Angel Card practice night. I am grateful for having a family who loves me unconditionally. I am grateful for the healing that is happening in my body and that I was able to sleep longer without having to wake up last night. I am grateful to be slowly catching up with my grading. 

June 24, 2014

This morning I am grateful that my online oils desk reference site is back online. I am grateful for the oil cocktail which has knocked out my bladder infection in two doses. I am grateful for the joint vision Zoe, Sam and I are creating for our meditation garden. I am grateful my friend Karen sold her house and got what she wanted for it. I am grateful to have learned that we already have some of the plants for the garden in our yard.

June 23, 2014

This morning I am grateful for a good nights sleep and to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the discussion Sam and Zoe and I have been having about our meditational garden. i am grateful for the refreshing and cleansing feeling of a morning shower. I am grateful for the encouragement of my friend Katharine to walk in the fullness of my wisdom and gifts and value what I have been given in this life. I am grateful for leftovers as they give me a night off from cooking when I do not feel like it.

June 22, 2014

This morning I am grateful to have woken up one more time. i am grateful for the awesome day we had with family yesterday. I am grateful to also have an empty house again. I am grateful for all our non-human family members who bring so much joy into our life. i am grateful for the cleansing feeling of a morning shower. i am grateful for indoor plumbing which brings water to me

June 21, 2014

I am so grateful that this weekend's celebration was so successful. I am grateful Zoe had a chance to spend time with some of her relatives and to meet her 2nd and 3rd cousins. I am grateful for Barb who drove them all here. I am grateful to Woody, Laura, Crystal, Laurie, and Heather who loaned us air mattresses. I am grateful to Sharon for taking pictures of the party. I am grateful to Sam for all he did to help make this weekend so special for Zoe.