September 28, 2014

this morning I am grateful for a restful nights sleep and to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the love which fills my home. I am grateful for the growth Inspiritual is experiencing. I am grateful for Chef King who bring me pot stickers when I am craving them. I am grateful for the smell of freshness in the morning. 

September 27, 2014

This morning I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for my daily time of meditation and focusing. I am grateful for the opportunity to meet a FB colleague today and to learn from and with him. I am grateful for the way Zoe expresses her love for me after all these years. I am grateful for Sam going to the grocery store one more time until we can get the car in the driveway again. I am grateful for all I accomplished yesterday.

September 26, 2014

This morning I am grateful for the quiet time to get things done while everyone else sleeps. i am grateful for the chance to go back to sleep, knowing that i listened and didn't just do . I am grateful for my friend Katharine who gave me some awesome advice which I am already seeing the impact of in my ministry. I am grateful for the time of love and laughter with Dina last night. I am grateful for all I accomplish each day and the ability to not beat myself up because something did not get done.

September 25, 2014

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the opportunity to have ministered to people even before I finished my morning coffee. I am grateful for the way the universe is working with and through me. i am grateful that my blog spoke to Ursula's soul. I am grateful for the suggestions Katharine gave me yesterday about promoting my facebook presence. 

September 24, 2014

This morning I am grateful for the opportunity I had yesterday to watch the neighborhood dogs and see the diversity in personalities and how they echo those of their human beings. I am grateful for the delicious egg rolls Sam brought me home from the grocery store last night as I got to have them for breakfast too. I am grateful for Zoe telling me to leave the kitchen and let her unload and load the dishwasher. I am grateful for those who make documentaries that help educate the world. I am grateful for the gift of life without which I would not be awake this morning.

September 23, 2014

This morning I am grateful for the consistency with which we are working to finish moving the last of this dirt and compost to the garden. I am grateful for the calm which fills our home while all are sleeping. I am grateful for the compost which is fertilizing our soil and will and is helping the plants to grow in the garden. I am grateful for the colors of vegetables and fruits which bring beauty to the dishes we create. I am grateful for the constant love which flows in and through our lives and our ministry.

September 22, 2014

This morning I am grateful for the beauty I am able to see in every member of my family and the willingness to seek it in all that I meet. I am grateful for the reminder about the beatitudes and the wisdom they bring to my life. I am grateful for the bunnies who hop around in our front yard as they remind me to stop and play and move around. I am grateful for the smell of fresh baked bread as it brings back childhood memories. I am grateful for the beat of my heart as it reminds me of the music of life and my connection to the universe.

September 21, 2014

This morning I am grateful for the amazing conversation we had this morning about "stuff". I am grateful for the artistic talents of Sam and the way Spirit speaks through him. I am grateful for the awareness I have of my body and learning how it speaks to and through me. I am grateful for the attitude I have about life and it's impact on my day. I am grateful for the angels and ancestors who guide and protect me on my life's journey.

September 20, 2014

this morning I am grateful to have woken up one more time and to have one more day to be of service. I am grateful for all I have been blessed with and the opportunity to share with others. I am grateful for the blanket which keeps me warm and the roof over my head. I am grateful for the health I have been given and all I have been spared. I am grateful for the ability to focus and accomplish so much in my life.

September 19, 2014

This morning I am grateful for having all three of us up early this morning. I am grateful for the oneness blessing we got last night and the image that was seen around me. I am grateful Zoe had an opportunity to work last night. I am grateful for the laughter that fills our home. I am grateful for Sam bringing me home new socks that fit me properly.

September 18, 2014

I am grateful for the early morning laugh I had with Sam this morning. I am grateful for giving myself permission to go back to sleep as my eyes were still so tired. I am grateful for the opportunities to be of service. I am grateful for all I accomplished yesterday and all I will accomplish today. I am grateful for my decision to invest in some new clothes for myself as I am worthy and have not bought myself anything in quite a few years

September 17, 2014

This morning I am grateful to have woken up one more time and slept a bit better last night. I am grateful for my new nightshirt as it is soft and warm and comforting in its own way. I am grateful that class went so well yesterday and that my students were moved by the experience. i am grateful for the can of olives Sam bought me yesterday as they are one of my comfort foods and he hates them, so him buying them really made me feel loved. I am grateful that Zoe stepped outside her comfort zone yesterday and helped make dinner while I was gone.

September 16, 2014

I am grateful for the ability to give thanks and to be mindful of the way the Infinite is working and through me. I am grateful for all those who have given that our meditation and prayer garden is becoming a reality. I am grateful for the love and support of my friends and family. I am grateful that I was able to get a liftline reservation to go to class tomorrow. I am grateful for all the opportunities that I have to be of service and raise the vibration in this world.

September 15, 2014

This morning I am grateful to have woken up one more time as I never take that for granted. I am grateful for the opportunity I had yesterday to help Sam in the garden as the bugs were gone. I am grateful for all I accomplished yesterday and how I am managing to keep on schedule with my workloads. I am grateful for the awesome conversation we had at love and inspiration yesterday.  I am grateful for taking time for me last night to do something which relaxes me and brings me joy.

September 14, 2014

this morning I am grateful that our power was restored by 9:30 last night even though their original estimate was 11. I am grateful for Zo's back up power charger as it kept my phone charged when we had no power. I am grateful for the Pizza Hut driver who knew how to find us in the dark during the blackout. I am grateful for every night Sam is brought home safely on his bike ride home in the dark. I am grateful for each lap up and down the hallway I make and the changes it is making in my body. 

September 13, 2014

This morning I am grateful for a restful nights sleep. I am grateful for the multiple trips I made up and down the hallway. I am grateful for the great book club discussion last night. I am grateful for each healthy decision I make about my body. I am grateful for the great conversation I had with Mary last night.

September 12, 2014

This morning I am grateful for an interesting and revealing nights sleep. I am grateful Bill is coming today to look at my wheelchair. I am grateful that the grocery list is already completed and Sam has offered to go again. I am grateful for all I am understanding as I read and study this book by Doreen Virtue. I am grateful that I am a light worker and not a light rester. 

September 11, 2014

this morning I am grateful to have  woken up one more time. I am grateful for the conversation we had at love and inspiration last night. I am grateful for Zoe's inspiration yesterday to begin learning about children's books. I am grateful for giving myself permission to sleep in this morning as I stayed up late reading last night. I am grateful for the sounds of life which fill our home.

September 10, 2014

This morning I am grateful to have gotten a good nights sleep as it allowed me to wake up rested and refreshed. I am grateful for the opportunity to share a meal with friends I have not seen in a long time. I am grateful for having money in savings for the first time in a long time. I am grateful for the sunshine that is shining through our window. I am grateful for clean clothes that smell so good. 

September 9, 2014

this morning I am grateful to have slept soundly and woken up one more time as it provides me with one more opportunity to be of service. I am grateful for the open lines of communication between Zoe and I as it keeps us able to grow and evolve as a couple and move forward. I am grateful that Sam chose not to work in the yard today as his body needs rest and it is important for him to listen to his body. I am grateful for some of my students this semester as they are really working to learn and educate themselves and not just pass the class. This makes teaching so much more enjoyable. I am grateful for our departmental secretary who was able to fix my phone problem with the university so that students were not being misdirected to me when they really wanted the registrar's office.