January 21, 2015

This morning I am grateful to have learned that my bilirubin is continuing to return to normal -- down to 1 from 9.47 when this phase of my journey began. I am grateful to my wife for her unconditional love and support. I am grateful for the opportunities presented to me to grow and evolve. I am grateful for the reminder yesterday to stop and look at the view. I am grateful for the comments from readers who share how the meditations of my heart speak to their soul.

January 20, 2015

this morning I am grateful for my wife reminding me that I did not die from the obstructive jaundice, although I could have. I am grateful for the night off from cooking. I am grateful for having had a chance to catch up my friend Barb yesterday. I am grateful for the love and support of friends and clients. I am grateful for being able to work at home

January 19, 2015

Today I am grateful that I got both my classes updated for the fall. I am grateful to have gotten a good nights sleep. I am grateful Zoe was willing to help me with my forms. I am grateful that my vision in my left eye seems to be improving. I am grateful that I am doing well on my walking program. I am grateful for Sam's help at the grocery store yesterday. 

January 18, 2015

This morning I am grateful for the new women who caqme to writing for the soul. I am grateful for my remembering to do my blood sugar levels two days in a row in the morning. I am grateful for walking 4 times yesterday. I am grateful for Zoe offering to help me and encouraging me to take care of myself. I am grateful for the choices I am making to be healthier each day.

January 17, 2015

This morning I am grateful that Zoe's brakes did not fail while she was on the highway. I am grateful for Zoe getting us to and from the drs safely. I am grateful for auto repair shops that work on the weekends. I am grateful for Woody and Laura who have offered to take me to school when Zoe is working and I cannot get a liftline ride. I am grateful for Ursula who offered to take Zoe to pick up her car.

January 15, 2015

This morning I am grateful to have had such an awesome evening with Ursula. I am grateful Zoe had a grate night at work. I am grateful that Zoe and I are able to work together to process our feelings about Sam moving out. I am grateful foe the liftline reservation I was able to get for today. I am grateful for the positive changes I am noticing in my body each day.

January 14, 2015

This morning I am grateful to have made it through another day despite the challenges and discomforts. I am grateful that my blood sugars are under control. I am grateful for all that is not wrong with me and all the challenges I am not going through. I am grateful that Zoe and I can talk through our differences and find a middle ground. I am grateful for the words and encouragement of friends.

January 12, 2015

Today I am grateful to have made it through one more day making healthy choices about what I ett. I am grateful for my friend Barb who talks about the love and healing she is experiencing here. I am grateful to my friend Lu and the people at her church who blessed my new bear Rainbow Cubbins. I am grateful for Sam's encouragement last night about my weight loss. I am grateful to my wife who read to me yesterday one more time so I could work on my school work.

January 11, 2015

This morning I am grateful for a good nights sleep with minimal itching. I am grateful for my wife who offers to help me read and do some of my work for school while my vision heals. I am grateful for my friend Crystal and her father who brought me some magnifying readers to I can see things on my own.  I am grateful for my friends who love and support me in all circumstances. i am grateful for my faith which consistently reminds me that it is the Ultimate that braces me in my brokeness.

January 10, 2015

this morning I am grateful for the love and support of my friends and family. I am grateful to Crystal for offering to let me use one of her readers. I am grateful to Zoe for helping me find one online. I am grateful to my blind friends for all their advice and encouraging me to blog about this journey and the lessons I am learning. I am grateful to my wife who has offered to read to me and help me while my cornea heals. I am grateful for those who are not blaming me for my health conditions, but supporting me in my healing.

January 9, 2015

this morning I am grateful for the love and support of my wife who keeps me focused and reminds me to give thanks in all circumstances. I am grateful for Dr Ryan who knows my eyes so well and was able to give me a temporary remedy so that I can keep reading and working with adaptations. I am grateful for all the love and support from those who are part of the Inspiritual community. I am grateful for Dr Odorisi who is all about ensuring my heart remains in good condition.  I am grateful for the power of prayer and rest to renew one's faith and remind one of the transformative power of prayer and love.

January 8, 2015

Today I am grateful for listening to spirit and doing things in the order I am told. I am grateful for the benedryl which helped me sleep last night. I am grateful for the ability to get an appt with my eye doctor and to the person who cancelled so I would see him. I am grateful for the magnifier on my computer which is helping me type and see what i am doing. I am grateful for my friend Ursula who came out in the cold yesterday to give me a reiki treatment.

January 7, 2015

Today I am so grateful for friends like Woody and Laura who came over to help Zoe clean the house yesterday. I am also grateful for the healthy dinner they repared for us. I am grateful for my friend Ursula who has offered to come and do reiki treatments on me to help me with my healing. I am grateful for the person who cancelled their appointment with Dr Ryan so that he could see me tomorrow and help me understand what is going on with my vision. I am grateful for the love and support of Zoe and Sam who are helping me to remain productive and independent while I heal and recover.

January 6, 2014

This morning I am grateful for my wife who went to the store for me in the bitter cold last night because I was missing an ingredient. I am grateful to be home and have the chance to rest and recover. I am grateful for my friend Anthony who offered to bring me something from his store and not charge me for delivery, which he would normally do. I am grateful that Sam got his part time job at the bookstore. I am grateful to the community which reads my blogs and follows me for their love and support and prayers for healing.

January 5, 2015

This morning I am grateful to have gotten another good nights sleep. I am grateful to be getting my energy back and the desire to do things. I am grateful for my time with Katharine and Calude at love and inspiration. I am grateful for my wife who loves and supports me unconditionally. I am grateful that Sam is feeling better this morning.  I am grateful to be leaving the house for something other than a doctor's visit.

January 4, 2015

This morning I am grateful to have time with Claude and Katharine at love and inspiration. I am grateful to have gotten a good nights sleep and feeling a bit more energy this morning. I am grateful for the healthier choices I have been making with my diet the last few days since being home. I am grateful for Jessica's gift of a massage for Zoe. I am grateful for my community who has prayed for me and continues to pray for me during my recovery.

January 3, 2015

This morning I am grateful to be home. I am grateful they were able to do the esu tomorrow and that there was no sign of cancer in my organs. I am grateful for the health care team at unity health who were so helpful, loving, and kind. I am grateful to woody and laura for being with zoe during my procedure. I am grateful for the gift of fresh fruit from them as well as it tasted so good with my non-fat yogurt.

January 1, 2015

This morning I am grateful for the medical team thar is providing care anh helping me recover and heal. I am grateful for my wife who has been my rock throughout this journey. I am grateful for my nurse Mindy who helps me stay calm in the midst of this journey. I am grateful for the visit with Zoe yesterday and the fun we had playing cards. I am gratefulfor the visit from Lu and her prayer. 

December31, 2014

I am grateful to be able to write in my journal again after not being able to do so for 5 days. I am grateful for the medical team at Unity Health who are working to find out what is wrong with me and bring me back to health. I am grateful for my wife whose love for me is bringing me enery and courage to go through this journey. I am grateful for all those who have been praying for me and showering me with love. I am grateful to still be alive. 

December 26, 2014

This afternoon I am grateful for the quiet day i had with Zoe and Sam  yesterday. I am grateful for the message of hope I got from Mary yesterday. I am grateful for my brother Rodney who reminded me to be a fighter. I am grateful for Dr Connolly and her compassionate and loving spirit. I am grateful for my friends whose unconditional love and support has helped me so much in this phase of my journey.