July 4, 2015

Today I am grateful to just be and to have an opportunity to be of service one more time. I am grateful for a clean house, food, friends, and family to gather with today. I am grateful for good customer service skills, as I helped calm someone down this morning. I am grateful for all the people who volunteer here to help us grow and evolve. I am grateful for all those who have helped us reachour five year anniversary.

July 3, 2015

Today I am grateful to have woken up to a note from Kelleigh letting us know our fundraising campaign got its first $100 order. I am grateful to have discovered edy's frozen yogurt bars so I can have a healthy summer treat. I am grateful for all Wendy is teaching me as our Pampered chef business grows and evolves. I am grateful that Zoe spoke her truth in love last night. I am grateful for the loving notes from former and present students

July 2, 2015

this morning i am grateful to have woken up one more time and to have had a bed to sleep on. I am grateful for the frozen yogurt bars we found yesterday which allow me to have a summer treat and stay healthy. I am grateful for how the Universe has provided for all my needs this summer and kept me able to pay my bills. I am grateful for my ever deepening relationship with Wendy and her love and support. I am grateful for the things I am learnign about myself each day and how much stronger i am becoming.

July 1, 2015

today I am grateful to have closed out all my June parties and to have earned some free product from the new fall line. I am grateful I am going to earn more in July. I am grateful Zoe is tapping into her creativity again. I am grateful for all I accomplishing in my life and that the energy I am flying in is new and positive.I am grateful my friend Heather trusts me.

June 30, 2015

this morning I am grateful for all Zoe and i accomplished yesterday and for the new energy which continues to grow in and through our relationship. I am grateful for the love and support of my Pampered Chef director Wendy. I am grateful for the opportunities I had yesterday to reconnect with some former students. I am grateful for the courage I am finding to always speak my truth in love and not let others take advantage of me. I am grateful for the little things in life that are not so little like indoor plumbing.

June 29, 2015

this morning I am grateful for all I got done yesterday and I was able to catch up on. I am grateful to be closing out the month of June soon and starting in on July. I am grateful to not have any groups today and for Zoe being so excited about her party tonight. I am grateful for the love and support of friends and family. I am grateful for my gifts of love and inspiration which surround me.

June 28, 2015

This morning I am grateful to have gotten everything done and to Zoe for the newsletter. I am grateful to have been able to walk to and from the community building yesterday. I am grateful for the rest I was able to get last night, even if it was not a full nights sleep. I am grateful for all the hard work Leslie did to salvage the team challenge. I am grateful for the inspiration I got at the team meeting yesterday.

June 27, 2015

This morning I am grateful for the healing which happens in our spiritual journaling group, although I am sorry that this group has come to an end. I am grateful for the new energy and enthusiasm that continues to flow in and through our lives. I am grateful Zoe got an extra work day this week. I am grateful for my new elephants from Alan and Janet. I am grateful for a decent nights sleep and to have woken up this morning. 

June 26, 2015

This morning I am grateful for the powerful group we had last night. It was what it was supposed to be: small, intimate, and powerful. I am grateful for the deepening relationship I am developing with Heidi and Kelleigh and even Alan. I am grateful for all I am accomplishing and all that I have yet to accomplish. I am grateful for the new energy and opportunities which continue to fly into my life. I am grateful for learning that even if I make one unhealthy decision in my eating, it does not mean I have to spend the whole day making unhealthy decisions.

June 25, 2015

this morning I am grateful to know I am blessed. I am grateful for having groceries in our home again. I am grateful for the love offerings and donations which flow to and through us. I am grateful for the healthy choices I am making in my life and for the affirmation that I am doing well from people who have not seen me in a while. I am grateful for the peacefulness in our garden.

June 24, 2015

This morning I am grateful I found a recipe i could make that is healthy for me for a meeting I have to go to. I am grateful Zoe's port is out. I am grateful Zoe is having fun playing at art and soul. I am grateful for the chance I had to connect with Celina yesterday. I am grateful to have accomplished all that I did.

June 23, 2015

This morning I am grateful for our new volunteer Josh who did an awesome job of deweeding the garden, a never ending process. I am grateful to my sex and culture students for pushing me to become the best teacher I can be. I am grateful for all Zoe's hard work in the garden and that it is becoming a space she enjoys being in. I am grateful for all I have accomplished and all I am accomplishing in my life and my ministry. I am grateful for every opportunity I have to be of service.

June 22, 2015

today I am grateful for the surprise visit from our friend Sophia yesterday. I am grateful for the night off from cooking. I am grateful to be temporarily caught up with my grading. I am grateful for the volunteer help today. I am grateful for Zoe's hard work in the garden.

June 21, 2015

Today I am grateful to have gotten a good nights sleep and to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for people who care enough to share their concerns with me. I am grateful to have had time to spend with Janet yesterday and to get to know her better. I am grateful to have time with Zoe outside of the house and to have given her what she wanted for her birthday - nothing. I am grateful for the opportunities each day provides

June 20, 2015

Today i am grateful for the powerful times I had with Janet, Jessica, Kelleigh, and Alan yesterday, although not all together. I am grateful for the new energy in Zoe and that continues to fill our home. I am grateful to be catching up with my grading.I am grateful for time with friends today. I am grateful for a restful nights sleep

June 19, 2015

today I am grateful to Sam for fixing my wheelchair. I am grateful for all the grading i got done yesterday and all I will get done today. i am grateful for the parties I am going to book for this month and for July. I am grateful for the new spiritual partnership clients I am going to begin working with over the next few months. I am grateful for the new consultants who are joining us as we grow our Pampered Chef business.l

June 18, 2015

Today I am grateful to have made it through one more day and to have asked for what I needed from those I serve. I am grateful to have met my deadlines again and to have taken the time to better organize my time. I am grateful for the love and support of my wife. I am grateful for the lunchtime conversation with Ursula. I am grateful for the new energy which continues to fly in my life.

June 17, 2015

This morning I am so grateful for the love and birthday wishes from so many. I am grateful to Alan and Kelleigh for my birthday surprise. I am grateful to Alan for going to the store for me last night. I am grateful for all the work I am accomplishing. I am grateful for having the courage to speak my truth in love. 

June 16, 2015

Today i am grateful to be celebrating 59 years of life, love, and positive energy in my life. I am grateful for each opportunity I have to be of service. I am grateful for my wife who I can talk with about absolutely everything. I am grateful for my ever deepening relationship with Kelleigh and Alan. I am grateful for all the birthday wishes that have been flowing in today. I am grateful for the courage to speak my truth in love.

June 15, 2015

Today I am grateful for all that I am accomplishing and for taking time last night to decluttet my desk. I am grateful for the new perspective sleep brings. I am grateful for the decisions i am making to remove things from my calendar that are taking more energy then they give. I am grateful for being intentional about getting back on track. I am grateful for remembering to make decisions out of love, not fear.