September 2, 2015

Today I am grateful for the amazing time I had with my students.  I am grateful for the full house we had last night at living the five agreements.  I am grateful for the progress I made on my fall script for my meeting with Marla today. I am grateful for the love and support of so many people, it is so humbling. I am grateful that I hit my all time high sales for August and plan on doubling it in September. 

September 1, 2015

So grateful for an Amazing August where I hit personal highs in my life. I am grateful for a Spectacular September. I am grateful to be starting off the month being TV free. I am grateful for the courage to climb the personal mountains in my life. I am grateful for my friend Melissa who inspires and encourages me. 

August 31, 2015

today I am grateful for those who see the Divine in me and reflect it back to me in their loving kindness and grace. i am grateful for Julie Spooner who allowed me to learn more her life and friends last night. I am grateful Zoe and I finished the newsletter one more time. I am grateful for the awesome conversation yesterday about faith at Love & Inspiratoin. I am grateful for my understanding of technology and how it helps me in my daily life and for all those who have contributed to its development.

August 30, 2015

Today I am grateful for having made it through a long day, but also to have been able to show my team members that I do support them. I am grateful for the national network that answers my prayers and knowing I am not alone. I am grateful for my wife who does not complain when I have long work days. I am grateful I did not need to cook last night. I am grateful to have one more thing to do for Pampered Chef today and then be caught up and able to focus on school work, editing, and writing. 

August 29, 2015

Today I am grateful for a good nights sleep. I am grateful for the relationship that Kathryn and I are developing on our own. I am grateful this hectic month is almost over. I am grateful for Rodney's patience with me. I am grateful for the abundance of blessings which continue to flow through my life. 

August 28, 2015

today i am grateful I was able to help Kelleigh and Alan turn it around. I am grateful they had cheesecake frozen yogurt at Abbotts yesterday. I am grateful for all I accomplished and all that I know I can do moving forward. I am grateful for the love and support of my wife who truly loves me unconditionally. I am grateful for a great time at Sarah's Pampered chef party last night.

August 27, 2015

Today I am grateful for  the positive and loving energy which radiates into and through our home and lives. I am grateful Zoe got five days at work for September and maybe more. I am grateful for all we accomplished yesterday and knowing that the best is yet to come today. I am grateful for the great meditation group we had last night. I am grateful for my growing and evolving team at Pampered Chef. Team Inspired & Inspiring rocks!

August 26, 2015

Today I am grateful for all I accomplished yesterday and all I will accomplish today. I am grateful to see Zoe applying for work again. I am grateful for being able to be there for those I love when they need me. I am grateful for being able to set boundaries with people and speaking my truth when I need to in love. I am grateful for the ability to barter with others who have something I want or need.

August 25, 2015

This morning I am so grateful for the powerful meeting we had at the 5 agreements group and their interest in meeting weekly. It is awesome when a group owns itself. I am grateful for the love and support of my director Wendy who always pushes me to be my best. i am grateful I was able to connect with Liz and Heather and encourage them to come on the 2nd. I am grateful  that I get paid tomorrow and that I have made it through the financial challenge of the summer. I am grateful for my new team members and for a full calendar of parties in September.

August 24, 2015

This morning I am grateful for all I accomplished with my school work yesterday. I am grateful for the director bound program I entering. I am grateful for the love and support from my wife. I am grateful for my friendship with Janet. I am grateful for a good nights sleep and renewed energy this morning. 

August 23, 2015

today I am grateful that I went to sleep last night so I could wake up rested, refreshed and with a new perspective. I am grateful for the love and support of my Pampered Chef team. I am grateful that Ron and Lauren have joined our team. I am grateful for our growing Living the Five Agreements group which will meet tomorrow. I am grateful for my wife who loves me unconditionally.

August 22, 2015

This morning I am grateful to be completely done mounting my online class. i am grateful to be half way through mounting my hybrid class. I am grateful for the love and support Zoe gives me in all I strive to do for us and for myself. I am grateful Mr Mittens seems to be feeling better. I am grateful that Sam has finished things here and we can move on. 

August 21, 2015

Today I am grateful for the great time I had with Melinda. I am grateful I was able to be of service to my friend Eileen. I am grateful for all I have accomplished this week and all that is yet to come. I am grateful for my positive attitude and energy. I am grateful for those who share with me how I am making a difference in their lives.

August 20, 2015

Today I am grateful to have been intentional about knocking any hard spots off my heart and keeping it soft, flexible, and open to fully experiencing and expressing love. I am grateful that Lauren and Ron are going with us to training this weekend. I am grateful that I got one class pretty much done and now can focus on class 2, then Rodney's book. I am grateful for the staff at Wegman's who made buying my egg beaters affordable for me. I am grateful for a restful nights sleep.

August 19, 2015

This morning I am grateful for Wendy and Eileen who are always so supportive of my growing team. I am grateful for my wife who is a safe place for me to speak my truth in love and to share my journey with. I am grateful for things that are coming to an end and that I am choosing not to allow it to harden my heart. I am grateful that I know other people who do handiwork and can help us with some repairs.I am grateful for finally understanding how to navigate blackboard.

August 18, 2015

Today I am grateful for friends who I feel safe having my commercials with and they won't let it become a documentary or mini-series. I am grateful for my faith which brings me through when I have to face a challenge. I am grateful for all the new energy in my life. I am grateful for the time with Jane yesterday. I am grateful for Zoe's assistance last night when we were both tired.

August 17, 2015

this morning I am grateful for the conversation I had with Kelleigh yesterday. I am grateful to see Alan come into his own and hear his views and ideas. I am grateful that Janet came and spent time with us and our team. I am grateful Kathryn will be joining us on Saturday. I am grateful I took time for me yesterday.

August 16, 2015

this morning i am grateful for the networking that happened yesterday. I am grateful the event is also over. i am grateful for the chance to have met Dolores. I am grateful for the chance to have met Michael. I am grateful for the surprise visit from Mark


August 15, 2015

This morning I am so grateful for thelife I am living and the positive energy that fills me. I am grateful for the ability to set healthy boundaries with people. I am grateful for the friendships that are happening in my life. I am grateful for all I accomplish each and every day. I am grateful to have so much love in my life. 

August 14, 2015

This morning I am grateful for a good nights sleep. I am grateful to be done with summer grading and all caught up on Pampered Chef prep for this month. I am grateful that Barb and i are on one accord with 271. I am grateful for the way our PC business and Inspiritual ministry is growing. I am grateful Woody found a shoe store she likes.