January 3, 2015

Today I am grateful for the opportunity to spend time with my friend Barb again  yesterday. I am grateful for the growing Craft circle on Saturdays. i am grateful for leftovers and how they minister to people's spirits. I am grateful for the time to crochet and relax with friends. I am grateful to be of service one more time.

January 2, 2016

This morning I am grateful for the healthier choices I am making in my life. i am grateful for a long shower this morning. I am grateful for time to process my feelings before speaking. I am grateful for the ability to feel. I am grateful for the new people I connected with last  night and the gifts we discovered we have in common.

January 1, 2016

Today i am grateful to begin another year. I am grateful to have moved through my first conflict of the year and managed it well. I am grateful for the wedding i was able to officiate last night. I am grateful for the ability to sleep in this morning. I am grateful for the continuous flow of positive energy in and through my life.

December 31, 2015

Today i am grateful for my friends who walked with me last night as I moved through a challenging experience. I am grateful for the professionalism I demonstrated and the respect I earned from others. I am grateful I did not spend more than I did in preparation for last night's event which I did not wind up doing. I am grateful for all I have accomplished and all I have yet to accomplish in my life. I am grateful that I am slowly catching up on life and getting organized.

December 30, 2015

Today I am grateful for the honest conversation we had last night at the four agreements group. I am grateful for all I accomplished yesterday, even though I am not sure I made a dent in it. I am grateful for the new litter box that Zoe got for the boys. I am grateful for every step I took yesterday. I am grateful for having the inspiration to write last night. 

December 29, 2015

Today I am grateful for warm clothes. I am grateful for the food in my refrigerator and those that prepared it for delivery to my local store. I am grateful for the water which keeps my body hydrated. I am grateful for the appliances which make my life so much easier. I am grateful for the technology which enables me to maintain my independence. 

December 27, 2015

This morning I am so grateful to just be and to be at peace with who I am. I am grateful for the peace in my life. I am grateful for the love which is flowing in and through my life. I am grateful for my healthy blood pressure. I am grateful for the gift of laughter.

December 26, 2015

This morning I am grateful to have made it through another Christmas having avoided the commercialism. I am grateful to have slept in. I am grateful for the peace and quiet I had yesterday. I am grateful for all the work I accomplished. I am grateful for the time to crochet I will have today.

December 25, 2015

Today I am  grateful to have made it through grading frenzy and gotten everything done again and somehow managed to stay calm. I am grateful for my friends who ran the marathon with me. I am grateful for giving myself the gift of sleeping in today. I am grateful for all I have accomplished this year in terms of improving my health and that I am not at risk of being hospitalized like I was this time last year. I am grateful for all the weight I have lost physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

December 24, 2015

Boy i know i am tired when i forget to do my gratitude journal for an entire day. So this morning I am back at it and am grateful to be able to be grateful another day. i am grateful for the good doctor's appt. I am grateful for my wife who loves and supports me through grading frenzy and has for 14 years today. I am grateful for all those who love me unconditionally. I am grateful for the water which is keeping me hydrated and for my friends who understand me nough to understand me.

December 22, 2015

Today I am grateful for the warmth of the coffee cup in my hand. I am grateful for the quality time with Amy last night. I am grateful for Zoe going to the post office. I am grateful for the lack of problems in my life. I am grateful for all the grading I got done and am getting done.

December 21, 2015

Today I am grateful for the things I forget to always give thanks for like breathing, going to the bathroom, blood that flows through my veins, etc. I am grateful that Nina was at the blood lab when I went as she is amazing. I am grateful for Zoe doing the dishes this morning. I am grateful for having one class completely done. I am grateful that I will get all my grading done and my PC team WILL be green this month. 

December 20, 2015

today I am grateful to have gotten a good nights sleep. I am grateful for all the grading I got done yesterday. I am grateful I am not on the direct shipping pilot. I am grateful for the healthier choices I am making each day. I am grateful for the strength I am rebuilding in my legs.

December 19, 2015

Today I am grateful to be alive. i am grateful Nina was at the blood lab this morning to draw my blood as she is amazing. I am grateful for how much better I am walking than a year ago. I am grateful for the love and support of my friends and family. I am grateful for my faith which keeps me moving forward. 

December 18, 2015

This morning I am grateful to have made it through all the opportunities to be of service last night. I am grateful for Zoe working on a schedule for me to keep me on track. I am grateful for all I accomplished yesterday. I am grateful to have found my keys to Dailey so i can return them. I am grateful for Barb's understanding.

December 17, 2015

Today I am grateful Zoe got to work at the library. I am grateful I was able to go through and unpack my bags and put away my piles. I am grateful for the choice to have salad over chicken wings. I am grateful for the ideas that God gives me. I am grateful I do not have to drive to work.

December 16, 2015

Today I am grateful Zoe is no longer working. I am grateful for all her friends who congratulated her on losing her job. I am grateful for my team members who never seem to give up.  I am grateful for the powerful session we had last night at Living the 5 agreements. I am grateful for the cleaned up and detailed wheelchair. I am grateful for the chance to wake up one more time.

December 15, 2015

Today I am grateful for another day. I am grateful I saw the wheelchair repair van in the driveway with enough time to throw clothes on this morning. I am grateful I made lunch for Zoe and I yesterday. I am grateful for a good nights sleep. I am grateful I got so much done yesterday.

December 14, 2015

This morning I am grateful to have gotten my winter course up and mounted on time. I am grateful that i have stopped taking responsibility for other people's eating habits.  I am grateful for the gift from the Pink Zebra people. I am grateful for my wife who got up early on her short day. I am grateful for the good time I had with Eileen.