September 21, 2016

Today i am grateful i allowed myself to sleep in. I am grateful I was able to set healthy boundaries with a student of mine.  I am grateful for saving one party yesterday. I am grateful for the time with Chet yesterday. I am grateful for advocating for myself and speaking my truth

September 20, 2016

this morning i am grateful that i woke up in such a stupid and funny mood and was able to entertain a friend. I am grateful for all the work I am accomplishing so early this morning. I am grateful for the extra party i am going to book this month somehow and the one more new team member I am adding. I am grateful Barb's surgery went so well today.

September 19, 2016

today i am grateful for the things i got done yesterday. I am grateful for the sun that shines through my window. I am grateful for the rain that watered our yard. I am grateful that zoe got three more shifts this week. I am grateful for the ability to reschedule drs appts and not get charged.

September 18, 2016

today i am grateful for a good nights rest. i am grateful for the things i forget to give thanks for like sheets, towels, socks, clothing, etc. I am grateful for the laughter that fills our home. I am grateful for the convo eileen and i had yesterday. i am grateful for our microwave popcorn maker which allows me to make healthy junk food.

September 17, 2016

today i am grateful for the surprise call this morning from an old friend. i am grateful for the bottle of wine a friend bought me  yesterday. i am grateful for the gifts of love and talent from a friend who is giving me a newly rehabbed front door. i am grateful for all i got done yesterday - progress made. i am grateful for the love which flows in and through my life.

September 16, 2016

this morning i am grateful for all the positive feedback i have gotten in the last 12 hours about my new idea -- holy moly batwoman!   I am grateful for the door being fixed this evening. I am grateful for the convos zoe and i are having. i am grateful for the healthier choices i am making in my life. i am grateful for the progress i am making in catching up on things on my past due list.

September 15, 2016

today i am grateful that the universe has removed negative energy from my life and protected me from harm. i am grateful for my battery charger which makes sure my wheelchair has power. i am grateful for the socks which keep my feet warm. I am grateful for the fun time we had last night. i am grateful for staying focused and working my things to do list.

September 14, 2016

today i am grateful for james knowing how to fix our door. i am grateful kelleigh came through her procedure just fine. i am grateful for all i got done yesterday and all i will get done today. i am grateful for the ways zoe and i support each other. i am grateful for all the hours they are giving her.

September 13, 2016

Today I am grateful that i got a few of my "frogs" taken care of yesterday and today I can tackle some more. I am grateful for the fun time at the grocery store. I am grateful for the extra hours Zoe is getting at work. i am grateful for the conversation with Amber yesterday. i am grateful for the beautiful day yesterday.

September 12, 2016

today i am grateful for the people i met yesterday. i am grateful for the awesome conversation i had with my chair yesterday. i am grateful for the fundraisers i am doing this and next month. i am grateful for the time to rest last night. i am grateful they are going to find out what is wrong with a friend. 

September 11, 2016

so what was i grateful for yesterday -- lol -- i never got back to this -- grateful i got so much done on saturday. -- grateful i got everything packed -- grateful i got laundry done -- grateful i had no visitors -- grateful for so few phone calls 

September 10, 2016

Today I am grateful for the quality time with Zoe yesterday. I am grateful for the conversation I had with Barb yesterday. I am grateful for the clean desk. I am grateful for the nap I took yesterday. I am grateful for the great event tomorrow. 

September 9, 2016

today i am grateful for another good nights rest. I am grateful that i am taking time to nurture my body, mind, and soul. I am grateful for the generosity of my friend eileen. i am grateful for the courage of my friend cheryl. i am grateful for the working relationship i am building with barb

September 8, 2016

today i am grateful to have slept through the night. I am grateful to have woken up with energy. I am grateful to have connected with Barb and Faith about Sunday. I am grateful for Eileen's generosity and upcoming new team member. I am grateful for LaVergne and her passion.

September 7, 2016

today I am grateful to be functioning as i did not sleep well at all. I am grateful to be alive. i am grateful for my friend Cheryl who made me laugh. i am grateful my friend made it through her last cheme treatment. I am grateful for all I got done yesterday 

September 6, 2016

today I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the great time we had this weekend and that it is over. I am grateful to my friend Kim who sent me an image to you use in my posts yesterday. I am grateful for Chris's success. I am grateful for the new people we met. I am grateful for the gift from Max

September 5, 2016

Today I am grateful for the fun time we all had yesterday. I am grateful for the enjoyable visit I am having with Barb. I am grateful for the chance to meet her cousin today. I am grateful for the reminder that suffering is temporary. I am grateful for the peace that fills my life.

September 4, 2016

Today I am grateful for a good nights sleep. I am grateful for the love and support of friends and family. I am grateful for Zoe going to the store for me yesterday. I am grateful for more cuddle time last night. I am grateful for fresh brewed coffee this morning.

September 3, 2016

Today I am grateful for the compassion others have shown me across the years. I am grateful for my ability to be compassionate with others. I am grateful for the creativity which nurtures me and allows me to nurture myself. I am grateful for the fresh brewed coffee which warms my hands this morning. I am grateful for the comforter which keeps me warm at night. I am grateful for the cuddle time with Zoe yesterday morning.

September 2, 2016

Today I am grateful for the little things in life that make life so much easier. I am grateful Zoe treated me to dinner out last night. i am grateful for the surprise conversation with my friend Paul last night. I am grateful for the cuddle time with Zoe this morning. I am grateful for the kind and encouraging notes from Marla.