January 20, 2017

Today I am grateful to be alive and positive about my life.  I am grateful for my wife who loves me unconditionally. I am grateful for my team who is working to make a difference. I am grateful for my upline who believes in me even when i have moments of doubt. I am grateful for my new schedule which is helping to keep me on track. 

January 19, 2017

Today I am grateful for the new vending events. I am grateful for Zoe believing in me. I am grateful for the reminder to stop chasing after people who leave your life. I am grateful for the new possibilities. I am grateful to be grateful

January 18, 2017

Today I am grateful for the love and support of friends. I am grateful for all I accomplished yesterday. I am grateful for a good nights sleep. I am grateful for the healthy choices I made yesterday. I am grateful for protection from the elements

January 17, 2017

Today I am grateful for those who gave me the space to process my feelings yesterday and come to a space of peace. i am grateful for the blessing I got from a friend last night. I am grateful for the visit from Ganesha last night. I am grateful for waking up feeling rested and refreshed. I am grateful for waking up one more time

january 16, 2017

Today i am grateful for friends and loved ones who help me process my feelings. I am grateful for the integrity with which i live my life. I am grateful for my courage to be honest. I am grateful for remembering to affirm myself.I am grateful to never give up

January 15, 2017

Today I am grateful to have gotten so much done in such a short amount of time. i am grateful for my squash lasagna, I have been craving this for months. I am grateful for Zoe's passion for reading as it makes me not feel guilty about working so hard. I am grateful for the illnesses I do not have. I am grateful for the roof we have over our head

January 14, 2017

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for friends who understand my situation. I am grateful to have taken the time to make my squash yesterday. I am grateful for the quest I am on in my life and the answers that are forthcoming. i am grateful for the tea which keeps my hands warm

January 13 ,2017

Today I am grateful I am done with this project and now I can focus on the other things in my life. I am grateful for listening to Spirit even when others tell me I am wrong. I am grateful for the medicine that makes me feel better when i do not feel well. I am grateful for my wife who always encourages me to take care of myself. I am grateful for the love and support of so many

January 12, 2017

Today I am grateful to have gotten so much done yesterday. I am grateful for the laughter with friends. I am grateful for Karen's generosity. I am grateful for the spiritual practice gathering last night. I am grateful for being able to do things that make Zoe feel loved

January 11, 2017

Today I am grateful that my team is on a roll and working together. I am grateful for Zoe's help this morning and her willingness to help out with things. I am grateful to be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am grateful to be grateful. I am grateful for answers to questions and the path to more questions

January 10, 2017

Today I am grateful to be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel for a project I am working on. I am grateful for the awesome team meeting i had last night. I am grateful for the love and support of so many people. I am grateful for the progress I am making in expanding my team. I am grateful for things that make me smile and laugh.

January 9, 2017

Today I am grateful for the sweaters which keep me warm. I am grateful for Zoe helping me with a mundane project I was dreading. I am grateful for things that are warm and keep me warm like a hot cup of tea   I am grateful for a restful nights sleep. I am grateful for parties that are starting to come alive. 

January 8, 2017

today i am grateful for all i am accomplishing each day. I am grateful for that which i am releasing. I am grateful for the freedom to walk my journey  I am grateful for the love which uplifts me. i am grateful for the protection from the cold and all that keeps me warm. I am grateful for all the things I do not even realize I have

January 7, 2017

today i am grateful that my parties, at least some of them are starting to take off. I am grateful for the new host leads. I am grateful for the spiritual partnership leads. i am grateful for Zoe's being sensitive and understanding. I am grateful for making the time for a client

January 6, 2017

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the late night conversation with Zoe. I am grateful for the book I am reading which is helping me to release some feelings I had been holding on to. I am grateful for the new sweater which keeps my arms and head warm  I am grateful for the love and support of friends.

January 5, 2017

Today I am grateful to have a wife who loves me unconditionally. I am grateful for health care providers who give of their talents. I am grateful for my boy s who let me know they love me. I am grateful to have woken up to such kind messages. I am grateful for the opportunities to be of service

January 4, 2017

Today I am grateful for all the good things happening in my life. I am grateful for the cuddle time with my wife. I am grateful that God still finds ways to use me. I am grateful for medical facilities which help those in need. I am grateful for the progress and changes i am making in my life. 

January 3, 2017

Today I am grateful for the progress I am making on a project. I am grateful for my wife who loves me unconditionally. I am grateful for my friends who are honest and supportive. I am grateful for standing my ground and setting boundaries. I am grateful to be getting rid of all the candy and junk food in our home.

January 2, 2016

Today I am grateful for the fun time with Sally and Tom. I am grateful for the visit from Lu and the first tear of my chanukah bush. I am grateful for cuddle time with Zoe. I am grateful for friendships that are built over time. I am grateful for all the progress I am making.

January 1, 2017

Today I am grateful for all I have accomplished last year. I am grateful Karen got to go home. I am grateful for Ticia's presence in my life. I am grateful for the laughter shared with Kelleigh and Alan. I am grateful for friends, old and new. I am grateful for all I have not had to go through