March 28, 2017

today I am grateful to have overslept as my body needed it. I am grateful to be closing out some parties and deciding which to roll over to April to help with free for all and repromoting. I am grateful for zoe helping and wanting to learn cinchshare. I am grateful for dinner and how good it tasted even if it did not look great (ugh). I am grateful to almost be caught up with inspiritual and pampered chef for now (whoo hoo).

March 27, 2017

Today I am grateful to be up and energized even though I only got 5 hours sleep last night. I am grateful for a healthy breakfast and a warm cup of tea. I am grateful for how I am slowly catching up with projects. I am grateful that I am healthy and we have power. I am grateful just to be grateful

March 25 and 26, 2017

Hmm -- i thought i had gotten to the computer on the 25th -- guess not -- so i better get this done while i am still thinking about it -- i am grateful i gave myself a day off yesterday although it sent me even further behind. I am grateful I had the courage to speak truth in love to Tracy and Meg. I am grateful for my relationship with Zoe, albeit not always perfect. I am grateful for the roof over our head. I am grateful to have heard from my friend Sandy. I am grateful karen is doing better. i am grateful those who love me are giving me space. I am grateful for my time with claude. I am grateful for zoe's offer to help me with online parties. I am grateful for remembering to take my pills. 

March 24, 2017

Today I am grateful that this week is almost over. I am grateful that most of my parties are qualifying. I am grateful that I am slowly catching up on life. I am grateful for zoe reading to me and putting on my shoes. I am grateful to just be alive. 

March 23, 2017

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more day. I am grateful Laura's flowers are still alive. I am grateful Zoe had a good night at work. I am grateful for all I accomplished. I am grateful fpr all I am going to accomplish today.

March 22, 2017

Today I am grateful for all I accomplished yesterday and all I will accomplish today. i am grateful for the restorative power of a nap. I am grateful for the quality time with zoe. I am grateful for the stillness with God. I am grateful for the choices I am making in my life. 

March 21, 2017

Today I am grateful to have made so much progress yesterday. I am grateful for a good nights sleep. I am grateful for a cleansing shower this morning. I am grateful Karen is doing so well. I am grateful for food in our frig. 

March 20, 2017

Today I am grateful for the new friends i make at every party I do. I am grateful for every time the Universe uses me to make this world a better place. I am grateful to be caught up with one of my three classes and to almost be caught up with a second. I am grateful for the full calendar and the new clients. I am grateful I took time to reach out to Eileen this morning

March 19, 2017

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the healthier choices I am making foodwise. I am grateful for slowly catching up with all my projects. I am grateful to be taking care of myself. I am grateful for the protection from the elements

March 18, 2017

Today I am grateful to have made it through another day. I am grateful I was able to bless Phil and Eileen. I am grateful Zoe gets to rest today. I am grateful i am slowly catching up on life. I am grateful my tomatillos came

March 17, 2017

I am grateful I got midterm grades in. I am grateful to be caught up with grading in both classes, at least for now. I am grateful for a clean house. I am grateful for the energy in my business. I am grateful to get Kevin's party up and going.

March 16, 2017

I am grateful for Phil and Keith clearing our driveway. I am grateful for zoe getting much needed rest. I am grateful for Luba's party closing on time. I am grateful for all the grading I got done. I am grateful for leftovers so I did not need to cook today. I am grateful for all the catching up I am doing.

March 15, 2017

Today I am grateful to not have to go out in the 3 feet of snow. I am grateful for the full March calendar. I am grateful for Keith and Phil who snowblowed and shoveled for us last night. I am grateful for Zoe working on a project for me. I am grateful for Wendy creating an image for me. 

March 14, 2017

Today I am grateful for the new energy and new team members coming my way. I am grateful for the full calendar for March and for April. I am grateful for the little things in life that are not so little like running water, power, heat, and food. I am grateful for indoor plumbing, a washer and dryer, dishwasher and all my other appliances. I am grateful to be able to work at home. I am grateful to have a positive attitude and outlook

March 13, 2017

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the reminder from Kevin that we gave his mom her last happy moment in life. I am grateful for Zoe getting so much work. I am grateful for friends I can talk to about spiritual matters. I am grateful for my note from Marla. 

March 12, 2017

Today I am grateful to be able to write in my journal again after four days with no electricity. I am grateful for all the delivery places that bought us food. I am grateful for my friend Liz who gave us her afternoon to grocery shop so I could catch up on work. I am grateful for friends who love you unconditionally even when you do not talk to them all the time. I am grateful for the blankets that kept the four of us warm during the cold

March 8, 2017

Today i am grateful for a good nights rest. I am grateful for the love and support of friends. I am grateful for Wendy's support. I am grateful for the progress I am making in my efforts to catch up from being sick. I am grateful for zoe's love and support.

March 7, 2017

Today i am grateful karen's body scan was clear. I am grateful for the powerful night we had last night. i am grateful for catching up with some grading. I am grateful for the affirmation of my calling. I am grateful to be back in touch with eileen.

March 6, 2017

Today I am grateful to have made it through another day. I am grateful for all I accomplished and for all that is to come. I am grateful for my creativity in the kitchen. I am grateful for Zoe offering to go to the store for me again. I am grateful for my students understanding

March 5, 2017

Today I am grateful for how I managed to get everything done yesterday. I am grateful for the good time with friends. I am grateful for Zoe's help. I am grateful for the good start to a great month. I am grateful Tom is joining my team.