July 26, 2017

Today I am grateful to have woken up energized after 5 hours sleep. I am grateful for the ability to stay positive when others would not. I am grateful for all I am accomplishing and all I am overcoming. I am grateful to be grateful. I am grateful for the ability to release negative energy

July 25, 2017

today i am grateful for the good drs visit. I am grateful for all I got accomplished yesterday. i am grateful for listening to my spirit. I am grateful for telling zoe i need to leave the house more often. i am grateful for the new friends i am making

July 24, 2017

today i am grateful for being able to be there for a friend last night. I am grateful she has a husband whose love for her transcends description. I am grateful for my health care team who is so loving and compassionate. I am grateful for the clothes i have I am grateful for the safe places where I can just be and let it all hang out.

July 23, 2017

Today i am grateful that Mr Mittens has been doing so much better since changing his food. I am grateful for the night of not cooking. I am grateful to be catching up on projects. I am grateful for the new recruit leads. I am grateful for all those who are working to fight cancer.

July 22, 2017

today i am grateful i woke up. I am grateful karen is going home today. i am grateful that all my parties are going to qualify, even if it is minimally. i am grateful for treating myself last night. i am grateful that i am going to stay calm on monday

July 21, 2017

Today I am grateful I slept a little better last night. I am grateful for the hosts I have who are working with me to have great shows. I am grateful for all I am accomplishing in my life. I am grateful for indoor plumbing. i am grateful for the love and support of friends and family.

July 20, 2017

today i am grateful i somehow made it through the night. i am grateful that karen has such amazing drs. i am grateful i felt like cooking yesterday. i am grateful i was able to do so much walking today. i am grateful i am drinking more water today

July 19, 2017

today i am grateful for my wife whose love for me teaches me something new about love everyday. I am grateful for those who see the beauty in me and help me see parts of my beauty i could not see. i am grateful for the opportunities i am given each day to be of service. I am grateful for my relationship with my higher power. i am grateful for the opportunities to heal and to be healed

July 18, 2017

Today i am grateful that Karen has the oncologist she does. I am grateful that Kate won her trip. I am grateful that I can talk to Eileen so honestly. I am grateful for all I am getting done. I am grateful for the progress I am making.

July 17, 2017

today i am grateful to have woken up this morning. this is something i am always grateful for. i am grateful to have food choices in our home again. I am grateful for the helping hands service and mart carts at wegmans. i am grateful for the allergy drops for my eyes which help me see better. I am grateful for the words of inspiration that surround me.

July 16, 2017

today I am grateful for my friendship with corey johnson as she always leaves me feeling loved and inspired. I am grateful for my new vending group that is attracting people with such amazing attitudes. i am grateful for zoe's help at the grocery store today. I am grateful for her intentionally stepping out of her comfort zone. I am grateful for all i am accomplishing.

July 15, 2017

today i am grateful for opera and the beautiful stories it tells. i am grateful for onions and how they bring so much flavor to my food. I am grateful for oregano and the story I know about its roots. i am grateful for oranges and the sweet taste they leave in my mouth. I am grateful for old friends who have been with me forever. 

July 14, 2017

Today I am grateful for all the new people I am meeting because of this 30 day challenge. I am grateful for all the work I am getting done. I am grateful for the way inspiration comes to me. I am grateful for the way Zoe and I are working together to resolve problems. I am grateful for each healthy choice I make in my life.

July 13, 2017

today I am grateful for all I got accomplished yesterday. Still much to do. I am grateful for the rain which the ground so needed. I am grateful for the chance to catch up with Eileen and Wendy. I am grateful for sleeping in this morning. I am grateful for not being in the heat


July 12, 2017

today i am grateful for all i got done yesterday. I am grateful for the awesome response I got from people when i let them see my heart. I am grateful for the great pc month i am going to have. i am grateful for the new inspiritual clients coming my way. I am grateful for the healthy choices I am making today.

July 11, 2017

today i am grateful I woke up this morning. I am grateful I made all my drs appts yesterday. I am am grateful for the ability to work through my things to do list. I am grateful for the love in my life. I am grateful I was able to minister to a friend this morning. 

July 10, 2017

Today I am grateful to have the relationship that I have. I am grateful for the opportunities to be of service. I am grateful for the progress i am making on all four projects. I am grateful for the inspiration and ideas i am given. I am grateful for sleeping in this morning

July 9, 2017

Today i am grateful for time with loved ones. I am grateful for my friendship with Claude. i am grateful for time to rest. I am grateful for the days when my legs work. I am grateful for the life that i have

July 8, 2017

Today I am grateful to know why i have not heard from my upline. I am grateful to be on track on so many things. I am grateful for my niece's  wedding today even thought i cannot be there.  I am grateful for money to buy my eye care needs. I am grateful for zoe's willingness to run errands for me

July 7, 2017

Today I am grateful for the chores I am accomplishing. I am grateful for my wife who loves me unconditionally. I am grateful for new recipes that are low carb. I am grateful for being completely done with one summer class. I am grateful for releasing fears.