November 3, 2017

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the picture of Bruce that I have to keep his memory alive. I am grateful for the friends who make me laugh. I am grateful for the ability to go to the bathroom by myself. I am grateful to be able to prepare foods my wife enjoys.

November 2, 2017

today I am grateful I woke up one more time. I am grateful to have gotten so much done yesterday. I am grateful for all I am going to accomplish today. I am grateful for the grocery delivery company.  I am grateful for protection from the wind and rain.

November 1, 2017

today i am grateful to have my boo home with me. I am grateful for all the work I am getting done. I am grateful to have gotten through October. I am grateful for being able to get my shoe on by myself today. I am grateful I did not burn my arm worse then I did the other day and that it is healing.

October 31, 2017

Today I am grateful I woke up one more time. I am grateful I took the time to rest yesterday and for the Benedryl which helped me sleep last night. I am grateful for friends who are loving and understanding. I am grateful for the paycheck coming tomorrow. I am grateful for the good turnout last night at the recruiting event 

October 30, 2017

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the food in our home. I am grateful that Zoe is getting to spend time with her family again. I am grateful I could be there for my brother yesterday. I am grateful that Kelleigh and Alan were not hurt

October 29, 2017

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful Zoe has time with her family. I am grateful that the homegoing for Bruce was so beautiful. I am grateful for the food I have to eat. I am grateful for the warmth in our home

October 28, 2017

Today i am grateful for friends like kelleigh and alan who brightened my day. I am grateful for a good nights sleep. I am grateful zoe made it to ohio safely. I am grateful for the peace and quiet and the work I am getting done. I am grateful for zoe going to the store yesterday

October 27, 2017

Today i am grateful to just be alive. I am grateful for all I am feeling even it does not feel good. I am grateful for the love and support of friends. I am grateful for the the warm clothes. I am grateful for Zoe running errands after work today.

October 26, 2017

Today i am grateful to still be alive. I am grateful that Joanie is home from the hospital. I am grateful for the gift I was given this morning. I am grateful for the cleansing power of tears. I am grateful for time which heals wounds

October 25, 2017

Today I am grateful that I can make decisions. I am grateful that this month is going to be over in a few days. I am grateful for the chance to be alone this weekend. I am grateful to be slowly catching up on my work. I am grateful for the little things I am doing in my life to move myself forward

October 24, 2017

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful the swelling in my ankle and calf has gone down. I am grateful Eileen and I still support each other. I am grateful for my internal strength and courage. I am grateful for the chance to share a few memories about Bruce with Patrice.

October 23, 2017

Today I am grateful for the ability to cry and grieve and feel. I am grateful for the choices I made yesterday and the little things I am doing to reclaim my health. I am grateful for the love and support of friends. I am grateful Wendy and Greg made it back safely. I am grateful Lu made it through a tough worship service. 

October 22, 2017

Today i am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for my actively choosing to work on my walking again. I am grateful for all I have accomplished as we have moved through some challenging times. I am grateful for the choice to give myself time to grieve and feel. I am grateful for the healing power of time

October 21, 2017

today i am grateful for the hospice workers who made Bruce's last days so comfortable. I am grateful for Tim and Patrice making sure his needs were met. I am grateful for every memory I have of Bruce. I am grateful for the grief I am feeling today as it reminds me how much I loved him. I am grateful that Zoe and I have people in our lives to love and support us while we grieve

October 20, 2017

Today i am grateful for the ability to feel and move through my feelings. I am grateful I am always able to talk to Zoe. I am grateful for Kelly B's encouragement to invest in my own outer beauty and appearance. I am grateful I am giving myself permission to focus on my external beauty as well as my inner beauty. I am grateful for the chances I am giving myself to continue growing and evolving.

October 19, 2017

today i am grateful to have woken up one more day. I am grateful for slowly catching up on my piles of work. I am grateful for making changes in my life to take my own healing to the next level. I am grateful for the love and support of others. I am grateful for the energy in all my businesses at present

October 18, 2017

Today I am grateful for my time with Ebony. I am grateful for owning a part of me i have been in denial of and remembering I am beautiful inside and out. I am grateful for making sure I took time to write and do my new skin care routine. I am grateful for the time I am investing in me. I am grateful for the low carb meals i ate today

October 17, 2017

Today I am grateful to be awake one more time. I am grateful to slowly be getting the piles of work on my desk completed. I am grateful for warm clothes on these cold days. i am grateful for warm cups of coffee and tea which warm up our hands and fingers. I am grateful for insurance even though the copays still impact me, it is better then not having no insurance.

October 16, 2017

today i am grateful that I am slowly catching up on everything. I am grateful for the solutions and knowledge I have gained. I am grateful for the warm clothes and heat we have on these cold days. I am grateful for the shelter which protects us from the elements. I am grateful for the indoor plumbing which allows me to shower and go to the bathroom inside 

October 15, 2017

This morning I am grateful to finally be out of FB jail and I plan on staying out of jail. I am grateful for the work I got caught up on and the grading I am getting done. I am grateful we were able to find a reasonably priced ticket so Zoe could go see Bruce. I am grateful I was able to help her with her ticket/expenses. I am grateful for my hosts and their love and energy