December 13, 2017

Today I am grateful for memories which remind me of things and people who have helped me be who I am now. I am grateful for meeting the people I have on my journey. I am grateful for each minute I have in my life. I am grateful for my meditation time and the peace it brings me. I am grateful for the music which speaks to my soul

December 12, 2017

Today I am grateful for all the love, light and positive energy in my life. I am grateful for the lotion which keeps my skin soft and smooth. I am grateful for the liquids which hydrate my body. I am grateful for Lisa's love and understanding last night. I am grateful for the life lessons which help me grow and evolve.

December 11, 2017

I am grateful for the kindred spirits who are in my life. I am grateful for the kindness of strangers. I am grateful for the keys which open doors in my life. I am grateful for my friendship with Kelleigh and all the shapes it takes. I am grateful for keeping in touch with old friends.

December 10, 2017

today I am grateful we got all the bedding washed. I am grateful I was able to stay calm while, Zoe got overwhelmed. by a situation. I am grateful for the ability to think on my feet. I am grateful for all the things I accomplished today. I am grateful for the reminder to take time to stop and smell the roses

December 9, 2017

today I am grateful I was able to get some sleep. I am grateful I had the money to cover an unexpected expense. I am grateful for Zoe bringing a situation to my attention. I am grateful for the warm liquids which warm my hands and my body. I am grateful for the time and energy which gets things done.

December 8, 2017

Today I am grateful to have met one of many deadlines this week. I am grateful for answers to mysteries. I am grateful for warm clothes on wintry days. I am grateful for Lee's sharing of this talents. I am grateful for all the deadlines I will meet between now and the 22nd

December 7, 2017

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful that Tiffany is stepping up to the plate. I am grateful that my team members are coming together as a whole. I am grateful for Zoe bringing me a salad last night. I am grateful that my team is going to be green this month.

December 6, 2017

This morning I am so grateful for the love and support of my Pampered Chef family. I am grateful for the positive energy in my new team members. I am grateful for a good nights sleep. I am grateful for all I will accomplish today. I am grateful for the water which hydrates my body.

December 5, 2017

Today I am grateful to have gotten so much done yesterday. I am grateful for the new relationships I am building. I am grateful for Zoe treating me to dinner last night. I am grateful for hosts who are energized. I am grateful for my team repromoting this month.

December 4, 2017

Today I am grateful that I got to do something fun with Zoe yesterday. I am grateful that my team is coming together one more time. I am grateful that I got a good nights sleep. I am grateful to know my son is coming up for the holidays. I am grateful I will be caught up with Inspiritual and Pampered Chef by the end of the day and possibly even Brockport

December 3, 2017

Today I am grateful for an awesome turn out last night. I am grateful to have gotten so much work done yesterday. I am grateful for the love and support of my uplines. I am grateful for Zoe's love and support. I am grateful for warm sweaters on cold days

December 2, 2017

Today I am grateful for the little things in life. I am grateful for heat in my home. I am grateful for indoor plumbing. I am grateful for food in our pantry and refrigerator. I am grateful for the love and support of friends. I am grateful for one house organization project being done.

December 1, 2017

Today I am grateful for the December new consultant incentive which rocks. I am grateful for all that I got done yesterday. I am grateful Lee got our shelf done earlier then expected. I am grateful that Nick will be here for Christmas. I am grateful to have woken up with so much excitement this morning.

November 30, 2017

Today I am grateful to have gotten paid again. I am grateful to be able to be independent and functioning without pain again. i am grateful to be caught up and maintaining on all my jobs. I am grateful for the new clients. I am grateful for new opportunities

November 29, 2017

today i am grateful to have my wheelchair up and running again. I am grateful i motivated myself to walk three times yesterday even with it fixed. I am grateful I am up to date with three of my projects. I am grateful for Zoe's love and support. I am grateful for friends who prayed for me. 

November 28, 2017

today i am grateful i slept through the night. I am grateful my wheelchair is being fixed today. I am grateful for my hosts who are working on their parties. i am grateful for knowing that i can push myself beyond my boundaries. I am grateful for the love and support of so many 

November 27, 2017

today i am grateful that i woke up one more time. I am grateful for all the drama and trauma that is not in my life. I am grateful I do not have to report to a parole officer. I am grateful I have a wife who loves and supports me unconditionally. I am grateful for the sleep I got, albeit interrupted.

November 26, 2017

Today I am grateful to be in a little less pain this morning. I am grateful for my wife whose love for me is unconditional. I am grateful for the beautiful words people wrote me on the Pampered Chef page.  I am grateful for the friendships that I have. I am grateful to just be grateful

November 25, 2017

Today I am grateful for Zoe being so supportive. I am grateful for my legs which still allow me to walk to the bathroom and back albeit painfully. I am grateful that I made it through another day and that I got up this morning to do it all again. I am grateful for the tears which are leaving me as it is taking the pain out of my body which I have been feeling. I am grateful for the ways my words are touching the hearts of others.

November 24, 2017

today I am grateful to have made it through yesterday. I am grateful for my wife's love and support through the day's challenges. I am grateful for my reiki stool and my walker which are allowing me to get around the house until next week when they can fix my wheelchair. I am grateful for my brother's love and support and taking the time to listen to me. I am grateful that we had such a quiet day as i would not have been up to entertaining