March 23, 2018

today I am grateful to be eating healthier again. I am grateful that my team is green. I am grateful Wendy surpassed her $100,000 mark. I am grateful for having so many flavors of tea to choose from each day. I am grateful to have woken up with so much energy

March 22, 2018

Today I am grateful that my team is what it is. I am grateful for the warm and soothing cups of tea I get to drink each day. I am grateful for all that I got done yesterday and all that I am getting done today. I am grateful for the ability to help a friend. I am grateful for the healthier choices I am making in my life. 

March 21, 2018

Today I am grateful for my time with Carolyn last night. I am grateful to work with Cindy to help her grow. I am grateful for the convo with my new client last night. I am grateful for Becky wanting to work on her business. I am grateful for Jaycie's renewed enthusiasm


March 20, 2018

today I am grateful for having cleaned out three drawers and gotten them reorganized yesterday. I am grateful for the new inspiritual client. I am grateful for a full calendar. I am grateful our team will be green this month. I am grateful for the idea of Eula and I joining forces and groups

March 19, 2018

Today I am grateful for the love and support of my PC family. I am grateful for the memories my brother shared with me this morning. I am grateful to have slept at all last night. I am grateful for a full calendar. I am grateful for the conversation Zoe and I shared last night. 

March 18, 2018

Today I am grateful to have shown Tammy how to do something new. I am grateful I was able to help Carolyn calm down. I am grateful for being the peacemaker. I am grateful for warm blankets. I am grateful to be caught up with grading and able to focus on decluttering, reading, and taxes today

March 17, 2018

Today I am grateful to have made it through another week. I am grateful for the questions which inspire me. I am grateful for the quotas which I meet each month. I am grateful for the quiet in the midst of the storm.  I am grateful for the quest I am on in my life at this time. 

March 16, 2018

Today I am grateful for a fairly restful nights sleep. I am grateful for the team that I have. I am grateful for the pillows which support my neck and head. I am grateful for the people who fill my life with love and support. I am grateful for the pills which keep me healthy. 

March 15, 2018

Today I am grateful for a good nights sleep. i am grateful for the gift from Marla and her kind words. I am grateful for the love and support from Wendy I am grateful for the last three years of my life. I am grateful for the extra free time today. i am grateful for all I have gotten done and that I will get done

March 14, 2018

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for friends who check in on me. I am grateful for the roof over my head. I am grateful for Zoe shoveling the driveway today. I am grateful for the mailman picking up the packages today. 

March 13, 2018

Today I am grateful to have made it through the ultrasounds yesterday. I am grateful for the stranger who wheeled me up the ramp. I am grateful for Zoe bringing me to my drs appointments. I am grateful for the sleep I got last night. I am grateful for the issues I am not having to deal with. 

March 12, 2018

Today I am grateful for the fun time we had at the cooking show. I am grateful for the qualifying parties that I have to submit tomorrow. I am grateful for Zoe taking me to the drs appts. I am grateful for the man who pushed me up to the landing. I am grateful for the loving prayers of so many.

March 11, 2018

Today I am grateful for all the grading I got done and getting my midterm grades in early. I am grateful for Zoe's love and support. I am grateful for my friends who have been praying for me. I am grateful for my team who is on fire this month, especially Michele. I am grateful for Carolyn's kind and loving teaching presence. 

March 10, 2018

Today I am grateful I woke up with energy even if i did not sleep well. I am grateful for the chance to check in with friends this morning. I am grateful I will be done with my midterm grading today. I am grateful for warm clothes. I am grateful for team members who are working to help us be green as a team.

March 9, 2018

Today I am grateful to have gotten some sleep after a restless night. I am grateful for food to eat during the current snowstorm. i am grateful to be ahead on my midterm grading. I am grateful that my problem student is calming down I am grateful Zoe made it to work on time

March 8, 2018

Today I am grateful for the good nights sleep I got. I am grateful to be done with the grading for one class and hope to finish another one today. I am grateful for Zoe running errands for me yesterday. I am grateful for the team I have and the questions they ask me. I am grateful for the ideas which come to and through me

March 7, 2018

Today I am grateful for the blankets which kept me warm last night. I am grateful for the tea which warms my hands today. I am grateful for the cleansing shower this morning. i am grateful for the friends who love me unconditionally. I am grateful for being able to help my friend Michele last night. 

March 6, 2018

Today I am grateful I woke up at my normal time. I am grateful I am back to losing weight. I am grateful I am almost caught up with all my Pampered Chef work. I am grateful for all the grading I will get done today. I am grateful Zoe is working tonight. 

March 5, 2018

Today I am grateful I get to wish Nick a happy 36th birthday. I am grateful to be getting my energy back. I am grateful for having slept through the night and feeling like I slept. I am grateful for kidneys that work. I am grateful to be off that medication. 

March 4, 2018

Today I am grateful for all those who came to my tea party.  I am grateful for all that Robyn taught us and that she made it here safely. I am grateful for how Zoe and I worked together to get the house clean. I am grateful for all the grading I got done. I am grateful for how Julie and I worked together to trouble shoot.