July 3, 2018

today i am grateful for my new client. I am grateful for my students who nominated me for the excellence in teaching award. I am grateful for the choice to walk again today. I am grateful for the fresh brewed pot of coffee. I am grateful for all the grading i got done yesterday

July 2, 2018

today I am grateful for the time zoe and i shared yesterday. i am grateful for the parties i got set up and packages I got put together. I am grateful for the blueness of the sky. I am grateful for the berries which will go in my smoothie bars later. i am grateful for being alive one more day.

July 1, 2018

Today I am grateful we are starting a new month. I am grateful for what this month holds and all we will achieve. i am grateful for all I have accomplished today. i am grateful for freshly brewed coffee. i am grateful for indoor plumbing.

June 30, 2018

Today I am grateful for the restful sleep i have been getting lately. I am grateful for the inspiration and advice of others. I am grateful for speaking my truth in love. I am grateful for remembering to take my pills. I am grateful for my tolerance of pain

June 29, 2018

Today I am grateful for the parties I booked yesterday. I am grateful for the inspiration for bookings from others. I am grateful for the grading I got done. I am grateful for the conversation i had with Zoe last night. I am grateful for a good nights sleep. 

June 28, 2018

today I am grateful for a restful nights sleep. I am grateful Mr Mittens is feeling better. I am grateful for the time to focus on bookings. I am grateful for making myself walk the hallway. I am grateful for a washer and dryer so we can do laundry whenever

June 27, 2018

Today I am grateful to have walked twice yesterday. I am grateful for the love and support of friends and family. I am grateful for my yogurt this morning. I am grateful for the bananas Zoe bought home. I am grateful for Mr Mittens feeling better this morning

June 26, 2018

Today I am grateful for the little things in life that i so often take for granted like the windows that bring light in but keep bugs out. I am grateful for zoe's family who keeps in touch and keeps her laughing. I am grateful for the $200 order that came in while I slept.  I am grateful for the feedback from others about my latest poem. I am grateful for the inspiration to write again.

June 25, 2018

Today I am grateful that Carolyn and Roy are home at least for a few days. i am grateful Carrie is getting the help she needs. i am grateful my drs listen to me. I am grateful this first summer semester will be over soon. I am grateful I woke up again this morning.

June 24, 2018

Today I am grateful I did not have any issues last night or this morning. i am grateful for being able to be there for a friend this morning. i am grateful I got almost all my reading done yesterday and most of my posting done. I am grateful for the bookings I am getting and the potential team members. I am grateful for having gotten most of the laundry done

June 23, 2018

Today I am grateful for the work I got done yesterday. I am grateful for the party I booked late last night. I am grateful for the questions from students. I am grateful for the gift of laughter. I am grateful for zoe trying to work on my kindle.

June 22, 2018

Today I am grateful to have a relationship ending that has become toxic. I am grateful for my team and the possibility of us being green this month. I am grateful for staying positive and focused. I am grateful for breaking down and making myself what I was craving to eat. So good. I am grateful to have some quiet time this afternoon

June 21, 2018

I am grateful for the time to rest this morning even if it was not intentional. I am grateful for the play time with Zoe. I am grateful for the mistake that RTS Access made which made it all possible. i am grateful for the new energy coming into our group at Thunder Run. I am grateful for the friends and colleagues who love and support me

June 20, 2018

I am so grateful for the choice to spend time with Zoe on her birthday. I am grateful we got a liftline ride so we could get out of the house together. I am grateful I got to see old drivers. I am grateful for a shower which makes me feel ready for a new day. I am grateful my brother texted zoe to wish her a happy birthday and that nick remembered to call her

June 19, 2018

today I am grateful we made it through the high temperature day without AC. I am grateful for all I have gotten done and all I will get done. I am grateful for releasing those that are not contributing to my life or well being. I am grateful for the new energy flowing in and through my life. I am grateful for the additional income which has taken some of the pressure off

June 18, 2018

Today I am grateful for the mornings which remind me I am still alive. I am grateful for the medications which keep me healthy. I am grateful for the memories which remind me of the lessons I have been blessed with on this journey. I am grateful for mushrooms and their taste and texture. i am grateful for the music which speaks to my spirit and soul

June 17, 2018

today I am grateful that my birthday is over. I am grateful for having slept in today. i am grateful for the work I got done in my syllabus. I am grateful for emma talking to me about what is going on . I am grateful for Joanie feeling better. 

June 16, 2018

Today I am grateful for the birthday wishes which started my day. I am grateful for the relationships I have built which have resulted in orders. I am grateful for the chance to sleep until I woke up. I am grateful for zoe feeling better this morning. I am grateful for the memories of those who have loved me, even if i miss them them in this world

June 15, 2018

Today I am grateful for the love and support I have with Zoe she understands and supports me in ways I cannot describe. i am grateful for the love and support of the few friends I have. I am grateful for those who dare to remember and think about me even though I cannot see them anymore. I am grateful for my students who inspire me. i am grateful for having woke up this morning. 

June 14, 2018

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for  getting up and going for a roll with zoe. I am grateful for my convo with Jessica. I am grateful for the friends I have who ask how I am doing and care about me. I am grateful for the mound bar I got to make myself today