February 12, 2019

Today I am grateful for the free maintenance Zoe gets on her car. I am grateful for the amazing gift my brother gave me and the love and support of my friends. I am grateful that my parties are all going to qualify and that I am going to book 4 more for this month. I am grateful for the meds which are helping me get healthy. I am grateful for the grocery delivery company

February 11, 2019

I am grateful to have woken up one more day. I am grateful for the pain meds which keep me comfortable. I am grateful for the changing relationship with my brother. I am grateful for being caught up with my grading . I am grateful for the plumbing which allows us to do laundry upstairs

February 10, 2019

today I am grateful to just be alive, something I no longer take for granted. I am grateful for the pain meds which keep me comfortable. I am grateful for Zoe who has been through this journey with me. I am grateful for all the grading i got done. I am grateful for the new cpap machine which is so amazing

February 9, 2019

Today I am grateful to have my new cpap machine and be able to give zoe her’s back. I am grateful for the new mask as well as mine had pretty much seen its last day. I am grateful for the plumber who came and looked at things yesterday.I am grateful I was able to keep Zoe calm when she saw water in the basement. I am grateful for all the work I will get done today

February 8, 2019

Not sure why I did not write here yesterday. However, yesterday I was grateful to be alive. I was grateful for my surgical team which did such an amazing job. I am grateful for the love and support of my team and friends. I am grateful for Marla who sat with Zoe for four hours. I am grateful for the safe travel we had to and from the hospital.

February 7, 2019

Today I am grateful to have woken up and made it safely to the hospital. I am grateful for all those who sent me prayer requests last night. I am grateful for all I got done yesterday. I am grateful for not having to cook for Zoe today. I am grateful that I have the surgical team I have.

February 6, 2019

Today I am grateful for my friends who love and support me. I am grateful that zoe wont be alone tomorrow. I am grateful for a whole week of no incidents. i am grateful for trying the teazer last night. I am grateful for all I am accomplishing each day

February 5, 2019

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for my ability to laugh at myself. i am grateful for making myself move this morning. I am grateful for the gift of laughter. I am grateful for the hearts and hugs my team gave me last night

February 4, 2019

Today I am grateful I woke up one more time. I am grateful that Anthony still fixes computers and answered his phone. I am grateful for the willingness to try new things. I am grateful for new team members who are excited. I am grateful for moments of joy and laughter.

February 3, 2019

Today I am grateful to have gotten so much done yesterday. I am grateful for Zoe taking time to rest and relax. I am grateful for my bladder doing better. I am grateful my blood levels for surgery looked good. I am grateful for Zoe helping me with a project last night

February 2, 2019

Today I am grateful I passed all the pre-op testing. I am grateful I chose to have the extra bloodwork done. I am grateful for Zoe suggesting we order dinner last night. I am grateful for all the people who are praying for me. I am grateful for Vicki joining my team

February 1, 2019

Yesterday was a crazy day, but this is what I meant to say I was grateful for. I was grateful for the ride to the hospital so I could get my pre-op testing done. I was grateful that one of my inactive team members reactivated. I was grateful at how hard my team members worked to make sure we qualified. I am grateful for the friends who came through last minute to help me. I am grateful for my wife who supports me unconditionally

January 31, 2018

Today I am grateful for the love and support from unexpected places. i am grateful for my wife. I am grateful for my son who is growing up like crazy. I am grateful for my students. I am grateful for the ride tomorrow

January 30. 2019

Today I am grateful I was able to reschedule my pretesting. I am grateful our deficit to being green is decreasing. I am grateful for the love and support from so many directions. I am grateful our team is going to be green one way or the other. I am grateful for warm clothes and not having to leave the house during this wind shut down

January 29, 2019

Today I am grateful for my convo with Vicki and the chance to have reconnected. I am grateful for being so close to being green. I am grateful for the encouragement from friends and the support from Zoe. I am grateful for the rest I got last night once I fell asleep. I am grateful for being organized, now if I can just stay on top of things

January 28, 2019

Today I am grateful to have gotten a good night sleep. I am grateful for the talk Zoe and I had this morning. I am grateful for a coffee maker. I am grateful for zoe being able to clean the ramp and driveway for me. I am grateful to be keeping up with everything.

January 27, 2019

Today I am grateful to have had another chance to sleep and rest. I am grateful for the parties I am beginning to book for February. I am grateful for friends who love and support me and know I love and support them. I am grateful for keeping on top of everything including schoolwork. I am grateful for having enough supplies to make it through the month

January 26, 2019

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for a quiet day where we can both rest and feel better. I am grateful for setting boundaries with some people. I am grateful for the warm blankets. I am grateful for hot tea

January 25, 2019

Today I am grateful to have gotten some rest. I am grateful to be caught up with schoolwork. I am grateful to be booking parties again. I am grateful to be moving negative people and energy from my life. I am grateful for the open and loving relationship I have with Zoe

January 24, 2019

Today I am grateful to have woken up this morning without incident. I am grateful I got all the laundry done and the bed linens changed. I am grateful for the recipes Zoe found for me to try. I am grateful for convos with friends and the chance to lift others as others lift me. I am grateful for the uup raise at work