May 4, 2019

Today I am grateful for a restful nights sleep. I am grateful to be feeling better. i am grateful for being intentional about moving this week. I am grateful for being able to help others. I am grateful for all I am getting done

May 3, 2019

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful that Wendy is happy. I am grateful I spoke my truth in love. I am grateful for the improvement in my mobility. I am grateful for the friends who love and support me

May 2, 2019

Today I am grateful that I made it through another day. I am grateful for the safe places to vent. I am grateful for those who came to my team meeting. I am grateful for the improvement in my bladder. I am grateful for the team I have

May 1, 2019

today i am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the memories which fill and touch my heart. I am grateful for the healing of my bladder I am grateful for the flexibility of working from home. I am grateful for the ability to be honest about my feelings

April 30, 2019

Today I am grateful to have woken up after a solid nights sleep. I am grateful to have not had any incidents again. I am grateful Jess quit her job. I am grateful for the amazing team I have and the records they are breaking.I am grateful for the doctor I have and her long term history of me

April 29, 2019

Today I am grateful to have slept through the night. I am grateful to have had no incidents this morning. I am grateful to have gotten a ride. I am grateful for the love and support of friends. I am grateful for morning coffee

April 28, 2019

Today i am grateful to have gotten myself up off the floor. I am grateful I did not hurt myself. I am grateful for the love zoe and I share. I am grateful for the growing intimacy in our lives. I am grateful for leftovers from last night

April 27, 2019

Today I am grateful to have woken up with minimal trouble. I am grateful for the conversations Zoe and I are having. I am grateful at least one of my parties is qualifying. I am grateful for my conflict resolution skills. I am grateful for a good nights sleep last night

April 26, 2019

Today I am grateful that AI woke up and on time to catch my ride. i am grateful for the fairly successful blood draw even if it was not Nina. I am grateful for all I got done yesterday and all I will get done today. I am grateful for walking one time yesterday and at least one time today. I am grateful Sandy knew the pie place was not the right business for her

April 25, 2019

Today I am grateful for waking up, even though I overslept. I am grateful I had less to repair in posts this morning then I thought. I am grateful for the flexibility in my schedule. I am grateful for getting caught up with things to do one task at a time. i am grateful for Zoe helping with dishes yesterday.

April 24, 2019

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the things I am learning. I am grateful for the things I am accomplishing. I am grateful for some of the choices I am making to be healthier. I am grateful for my relationship with Zoe.

April 23, 2019

Today I am grateful to have woken up without incident. I am grateful my wheelchair is fixed and quiet. I am grateful that my junk food is not uber junky. I am grateful for my notes from Robin. I am grateful for my renewed relationship with Karen

April 22, 2019

Today I am grateful for the minor changes I am making in my life. I am grateful for some quiet time today. I am grateful to have slept in. I am grateful for my junk food again. I am grateful one party has qualified.

April 21, 2019

Today I am grateful to have slept soundly most of the night. I am grateful for Zoe cleaning up the cat puke before I rolled in it. I am grateful for the host news I learned this morning. I am grateful for those who are my friends, even if through PC. I am grateful for the peppermint oil which kills ants

April 20, 2019

Today I am grateful for all I got done yesterday and all I will get done today. I am grateful that Cory no longer has to carry this weight with her. I am grateful that I am working through my hurt and anger and finding peace. I am grateful for the laughter Zoe and I shared last night. I am grateful for all the laundry I got done.

April 19, 2019

Today I am grateful to have gotten out of bed this morning without incident. I am grateful for the healthy choices I made this morning. I am grateful every morning I can put my foot on by myself. I am grateful Max and Kerry had visitors yesterday. I am grateful Sandy may have found her niche.

April 18, 2019

I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful every time I can get my brace and shoe on my myself. I am grateful my team knows I am here and care about them. I am grateful for not having to see the pulmonologist for a year. I am grateful for remembering I can clean up messes. I am grateful for my friends who love me unconditionally.

April 17, 2019

I am grateful I got a ride to the drs today. I am grateful for the chance to be there for friends when they need me. I am grateful for the good nights sleep. I am grateful for having made it through some more grading. I am grateful for the water which keeps me hydrated

April 16, 2019

Today I am grateful for people who radiate love and positive energy into my life. I am grateful for the ability to wear pjs to work when i want to. I am grateful for th e pizza we had found that Zoe likes. I am grateful for the protection from the rain and snow. I am grateful for the piano and the beautiful and soothing music I heard come from it this morning.

April 15, 2019

Today I am grateful to have the whole day to myself. I am grateful for the joy and happiness jumping around inside me. I am grateful for all the grading I have gotten done. I am grateful for the full calendar this month and the full calendars I will have every month. I am grateful for Zoe picking up my meds