January 6, 2022

today i am grateful for feeling safer then i felt a year ago. i am grateful for the love zoe and i share. i am grateful for my friendships, few as they are. I am grateful for the grading I got done yesterday. I am grateful for the nap I will take after everyone leaves. I am grateful for the grocery list I am putting together

January 5, 2022

Today I am grateful for the rest I got last night. I am grateful for the living room and kitchen being painted. I am grateful for the orders which are coming in for the fundraiser. i am grateful for the grading I have gotten done. I am grateful for the grading I will get done today. I am grateful for the whipped cream I will be making later once I find my whipped cream maker. I am grateful for the leftovers we have so I do not have to cook today.

January 4, 2022

Today I am grateful to still be alive. I am grateful for my alarm which reminds me i have meetings. I am grateful for the drug store which delivers. I am grateful for the love zoe and i have for each other. I am grateful for the helpful person at the pharmacy and at home depot yesterday

January 3, 2022

today i am grateful to be alive and amongst the living. i am grateful for the coffee and cocoa and other warm drinks which fill me and keep me warm. i am grateful for the coats which protect me when I a have to go outside. i am grateful for my cat Mr Mittens who brings so much love to our home. i am grateful for the carrots which will be makingto smoked salmon later. i am grateful for my talk with cory today

January 1, 2022

today i am grateful to be in a new year I am grateful for finding a new snack zoe likes. i am grateful for the chance to try the new vegan pork rinds, although mine are better. I am grateful for the chance to sleep in. I am grateful for the raspberries which taste amazing. I am grteful for the cranberry teaa whichi have been making

December 31, 2021

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more time and made it through one more year. i am grateful for my friendship with Eileen. iam grateful for the 20 plus yearss i have been with Zoe. i ham grateful for staying calm in the storms. i am grateful for Sandy who genuinely cares about me. i am grateful for my students who ask for help

December 30, 2021

Today I am grateful for the relationship I have with LaShawn I am grateful for being able to love from a distance. i am grateful for the papers I am have gotten graded. i am grateful for the technology which keeps me connected. I am grateful for the food we have to eat. i am grateful for the love, light and positive energy in my life. I am gratefulf for the gum we have to chew. I am grateful for the medication that keeps me healthy

December 29, 2021

Today I am grateful that Eileen knows what is going on and that the biopsy was benign. I am grateful that Panera delivers to her. I am grateful to have some extra funds to do things for friends when i can. I am grateful for the rst I get when i need it. I am grateful for having enough detergent to wash dishes.

December 28, 2021

today i am grateful for my wife who loves me unconditionally .I am grateful for my friends Eileen who is my sister in life and I could not imagine my life without her. I am grateful for my friend Marla who is there for me in good times and bad. i am grateful for my colleagues at work Bek and Milo who make me want to keep teaching. I am grateful for my neighbors who help us and love us unconditionally

December 27, 2021

today I am grateful to have woken up one more time. i am grateful for who I am not. I am grateful for the honest people in my life. I am grateful for thetime to grade and get organized. I am grateful for the things which make me happy. I am grateful I am working through my list of things to do

December 24, 2021

today i am grateful i am at the end of my piles of grading and will make it one more time. i am grateful for zoe’s patience with me. I am grateful for the ordering of groceries. i am grteful for a clen ramp. I am grateful for zoe shoveling I am grateful everyone is taking care of themselves

December 23, 2021

today i am grateful to only have 22 papers left to grade and that i may be done early. i am grateful for the rum which will help me make tiramisu for Amanda. I am grateful for the non dairy whipped topping i am learning to make. i am grateful for the lox I will be making tomorrow. i am grateful for the rest I got last night. I am grateful for the repair people who share their gifts and talents. I am grateful for the love Zoe and I share and that seems to be standing time - 20 years tomorrow

December 22, 2021

Today I am grateful for the vegetables which I am eating more of and trying more of. I am grateful for the variety of plants and flowers that bring beauty into the world. I am grateful for the variety of talents I get to watch on talent shows. I am grateful for the veins in my body which my phlebotemists says are easy to find. I am grateful for the village I live in and the town it is a part of.

December 21, 2021

today I am grteful for the umbrellas which keep me dry in the rain. i am grateful for ugli fruit which tastes amazing. I am grateful for understanding things which I have not always understood. i am grateful for the unique gifts we each bring to the table. i am grateful for the underwear whcih is now fitting when before it was too small.

December 20, 2021

today i am grateful for the sleep I got last night. I am grateful for the success I am having in m7y life. I am grateful for the support Zope gave me yesterday and every day. I am grateful for the strategies which are helping me make it through this month. I am grateful for the sesame seed tofu whcih helped me make healthier choices yesterday. I am grateful for the skirts which make it easy for me to dress in the morning.

December 19, 2021

Today I am grateful for the silent moments in my life where I can hear the symphony from the Ultimate. I am grateful for the seasonings which flavor my food. I am grateful for sleep which rejuvenates my body. I am grateful for the silliness which makes me laugh. i am grateful for the sunshine which warms and melts the snow. I am grateful for the suppers I am making

December 18, 2021

today i am grateful to be moving through the piles of grading. i am grateful foro the positive energy in my life. I am grateful for the sleep I got last night. i am grateful for the refreshing shower I am grateful for the hot tea and coffee and hot chocolate. I am grateful to be alive. I am grateful to be grateful

December 17, 2021

Today i am grateful to have questions whcih help me grow. i am grateful for the quest i am on. I am grateful for the queeries I get from others. I am grateful for the ability to queer my thinking and challenge others to queer theirs. I am grateful for the qutoes which inspire me

December 16, 2021

Today I am grateful for the people in my life who radiate love, light and positive energy my way. i am grateful for the poems and prose I read which inspire me. i am grateful for the places I have to go to bring me peace. I am grateful for the people on my team who are working their business. I am grateful for the pasta in my pantry which i will be using to make another casserole and the parsnips which will be going into a pot of soup

December 15, 2021

Today i am grateful for the love in my life. I am grateful for the openness I share with zoe and my friends. I am grateful for the onions which bring so much to my cooking. I am grateful for the owls and the ir mystery and sounds. i am grateful for the olives which i so enjoy and come in so many flavors and textures and bring me such joy. I am grateful for oreo cookies and that they are vegan.