February 15, 2022

today i am grateful to be personally green by 15 even if nobody else is. i am grateful for the friendship I have with Eileen. I am grateful for the good time Marla had with her sister. iam grateful for Patricia being a fighter. I am grateful for the new energy coming to my tem I am grateful for my working hard to stay current.

February 14, 2022

today i am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful to have gotten some rest yesterday. I am grateful for the global pasta idea. I am grateful for keeping up with my schoolwork. I am grateful for those who love me. i am grateful for having kids who will take care of me

February 13, 2022

Today I am grateful that my hard work is paying off. i am so grateful for the support of friends this morning. i am grateful for the choices I am making each day. i am grateful for the parties i am booking. i am grateful for the reminder that consistency compounds

February 12, 2022

Today I am grateful for the love and friendship Zoe and i share. I am grateful to have been able to sleep in I am grateful for all the grading i got done. I am grateful for the writing I got done yesterday. i am grateful for the parties i am booking

February 11, 2022

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more time. i am grateful for the love and support of family and friends. I am grateful for not beating myself up for mistakes. i am grateful for zoe being my best friend. i am grateful for the healthy snacks we have in the house. I am grateful for students who are pushing their boundaries

February 10, 2022

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more day. I am grateful for the joyful moments in my life. I am grateful for the healthy junk food which keeps me happy. I am grateful for the parties I am booking for this month. i am grateful for the positive energy on my team.

February 9, 2022

today i am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for having taken the time to work on booking parties yesterday. I am grateful for the love and support Zoe gives me. i am grateful for the grading I got done i am grateful for the choice not to put another thing on my plate

February 8, 2022

today i am grateful that i woke up this morning. i am grateful for the tea which feels warm in my hands. i am grateful for the noodles and sauce i have become addicted to. I am grateful for the healthier choices I am making in my life. I am grateful for the orders i got the other day and the bookings i am getting. I am grateful for

February 7, 2022

today i am grateful mr mittens is better. I am grateful zoe made it to the repair shop. I am grateful for time to cook, grade and post yesterday. I am grateful for the changes i am making in my life. i am grateful for the love and support i have. i am grateful for the parties i will be booking this week

February 6, 2022

today I am grateful for the support of my department chair during challenging times. I am grateful for the love and support of zoe. I am grateful mr mittens ifeeling better. I am grateful for the containers to store food in. I am grateful for the work I got graded. i am grateful for the writing I am gifted with

February 5, 2022

Today i am grateful to have woken up one more time. i am grateful for the shirt of mine Zoe found. I am grateful for the groceries being delivered. I am grateful for zoe doing the driveway. I am grateful for someone who loves me unconditionally. Iam grateful for the work I am getting done.

February 4, 2022

Today I am grateful to hve woken up one more time. i am grateful for my convo with Milo. I am grateful for the love zoe and i share and our time talking in bed last night. i am grateful for her friendship and the friendship of others. I am grateful for the crazy way my brain works

February 3, 2022

Today I am grateful to be feeling pain free, although I am sending healing energy to Zoe. I am grateful for slowly getting caught up on grading and reading. I am grateful for the possible parties I am booking. I am grateful for having a time with zoe. I am grateful for slowly getting organized. I am grateful for taking planning time to get on top of my game

February 2, 2022

today i am grateful to have gotten some sleep last night. I am grateful for the ability to nap later. I am gratefulf ro the ability to make zoe some coffee and create a creamer. i am grateful for those who share their recipes. I am grateful for the questions from my students. I am grateful for being organized to some respect for this semester

February 1, 2022

today i am grateful to have gotten any sleep at all last night. i am grateful for the love zoe and i share. I am grateful for those who managed to be active this month. I am grateful for one more chance to qualify and rebuild my business. i am grateful for the things I am doing to improve my life

January 31, 2022

Today i am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the rest I got this weekend. i am grateful for the savings I had when I needed it. i am grateful I get paid again on Wednesday. I am grateful for the parties i will book for February I am grateful for slowly getting organized. I am grateful for

January 30, 2022

today i am grateful to have had a day to sleep in. I am grateful for the chance to laugh with zoe. I am grateful that i am ok today. I am grateful for the chance to help students. I am grateful for the leftovers so I did not need to cook

January 29, 2022

Today I am grateful for the love zoe and i share. I am grateful for the little rest i got last night. I am grateful for my oncologist. I am grateful for the food we have in the house. i am grateful for the options provided me.

january 28, 2022

I am grateful to have woken up one more time. i am grateful for the orange and strawberry bourbon and the rum which will help me through the challenging times. i am grateful for the gift certificate which fed zoe and i last night. i am grateful for students who care. i am grateful for chances to help others

January 27, 2022

today i am grateful to have woken up one more time. i am grateful to be in less pain today. i am grateful for the healing in my body. i am grateful for friends like Marla and Eileen. I am grateful for the pockets of joy in my life. i am grateful for the clothes and food and shelter we have