April 19, 2022

today i am grateful for the silence which allows me to hear spirit. I am grateful for the sriracha which spices up my nuggets. I am grateful for the sleep I got last night. i am grateful for the sales which my team is going to get. I am grateful for the shower which makes me feel so much better

April 18, 2022

Today I am grateful for the reasons I have to live and keep going even on the challenging days. i am grateful for the roses I am lookingat getting for our table. I am grateful for the restaurants which deliver. I am grateful for the raspberries which make me so happy. I am grateful for the radishes and the pepperiness they bring to salads

April 17, 2022

today I am grateful to have woken up one more time. i am grateful for my friendship with Eileen. I am grateful for zoe who loves me unconditionally. I am grateful for the ideas which come to me and flow through me. I am grateful for the fluids which keep me hydrated. i am grateful just to be grateful

April 16, 2022

Today I am grateful for the prose and poetry of others. i am grateful for the sweetness of peas. i am grateful for my parents who taught me so much . I am grateful for comfort foods like pasta and pizza. I am grateful for the patterns which inspire me.

April 15, 2022

Today I am grateful for the open lines of communication zoe and I share. i am grateful for the olives which are my new treat. I am grateful for theoranges which brighten my dishes I am grateful for online education whcih gives me employment. I am grateful for opportunities for personal and professional growth

April 14, 2022

today i am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the support of my friends and family. I am grateful for the weight i am losing. i am grateful for the grading i am getting done. I am grateful for my team members who are going to help us repromote this month.

April 13, 2022

Today I am grateful for the moon which lights up the evening sky. I am grateful for the memories of people gone by that I miss. I am gratful for the meetings I had with students. I am grateful for the fresh taste of mint. I am grateful for the mail which came bearing gifts yesterday

aPRIL 12, 2022

I am grateful for the chance to wake up one more time. i am grateful for having an attitude of gratitude. I am grateful for the feedback on my poetry. I am grateful for the newbies that are trying. I am grateful for the team culture I am developing. I am grateful for the weight I am losing

aPRIL 11, 2022

Today I am grateful to have found my voice and spoken my truth . I am grateful for those who I have inspired and those who have inspired me. i am grateful for those who say thank you and to those I give thanks. I am grateful for the beverages which keep me hydrated and those that keep me warm. I am grateful for learning what it is like to have friends who love you unconditionally

April 10, 2022

today i am grateful to have slept in and gotten some sleep i am grateful for the taxes being done. i am grateful for having the money to pay what I owe. I am grateful for not taking things personally and the chances to pracice doing so. I am grateful for the meds which are helping me stay healthy. I am grateful for my patience and the ability to practice forgiveness

April 9, 2022

today i am grateful for the cupcakes that Eileen gave me yesterday and they were vegan. I am grateful for the 15 minute party starting tomorrow. I am grateful for the birthday party starting today. I am grateful that zoe is ok. I am grateful for my friends who love and support me

April 8, 2022

Today I am grateful for the honesty i have with my friends . I am grateful for the “hamburgers” we got to try last night. I am grateful for the help others have given me and that I am giving to others. I am grateful for zoe and hannah being friends. I am grateful for the humanity i am seeing and try to show in life

April 7, , 2022

Today I am grateful to just be grateful as I know not everyone has an attitude of gratitude. i am grateful for the goodness and kindness others show me and that I am able to show others. I am grateful for the gum I get to chew during the day whcih keeps me better on my health plan. I am grateful for the garbage whcih is leaving my life and our home. I am grateful for the greens we are eating more of to help us get healthier

April 6, 2022

Today I am grateful for the fresh air that i got to breathe for a few minutes yesterday. I am grateful for friends like eileen who are more than friends. I am grateful for the fun I infuse into my life. I am grateful for the love which surrounds me. I am grateful for the feelings I have and the ability to feel

April 5, 2022

Today I am grateful for the elephants that are my spirit guide and usher me into safety. I am grateful for the endings which lead to new beginnings. I am grateful for edamame and the protein it gives me. i am grateful for elderberrry and the health it allows me to protect. i am grateful for escarole and the nutrition it brings me and how i enjoy eating it with beans

April 4, 2022

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for seeing Crystal again yesterday. i am grateful for the orders which keep coming in. I am grateful for the effort on my folks part to rejuvenate their businesses I am grateful for the love zoe and i share. I am grateful she is trying to do more things.

April 3, 2022

today I am grateful for the chance to wake up again. i am grateful for the cream which sweetens my coffee. i am grateful for the caffeine in my coffee which gives me some energy . I am grateful for the curtains which give us privacy. I am grateful for the chocolate which satisfies my sweet tooth

April 2, 2022

Today I am grateful for the bees which pollinate my garden and help plant for me. I am grateful for the beets and the sweetness they bring to salads I am grateful for basil and the way it stimulates my taste buds I am grateful for being bold and standing up for myself. I am grateful for the beverages I had to hydrate my system

April 1, 2022

today i am grateful to have made it through march. I am grateful to have woken up this morning. I am grateful for the new and energized team we have. I am grateful for the negative energy leaving my life. I am grateful for the friends who love and support me

March 31, 2022

today i am grateful for the memories fo the people from my past. i am grateful for the memories of places I have been. I am grateful for the memories of foods I have tasted. i am grateful for the memories of what I have overcome I am grateful for the 20 plus years zoe and i have been together