May 28, 2022

today i am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the june calendar filling up, at least for me. i am grateful for the support in my life. I am grateful for the food cooked in the frig I am grateful for not having to entertain this weekend.

may 27, 2022

today i am grateful for the love in my life. i am grateful for my abilty to release things and let them go . I am grateful for the food to eat off of the next few weeks. I am grateful for the chance to rest. I am grateful for the clearn frig

May 26, 2022

today I am grateful to have woken up rested. I am grateful for being nominated for the ptea again. i am grateful for the chance to chat with zoe. i am grateful for the convo iwth raocheter eye and laswer center. i am grateful for eileen coming home safely. i am gratfeul for the work on my syllabus

May 25, 2022

Today I am grateful for taking the time to rest and get the sleep I needed. i am grateful for the decision to get a new eye doctor and for the help given to me this morning. I am grateful for the cleaning I am getting done and decluttering of my desk. i am grateful for the increased registration in my one sumer course. I am grateful for the choices to not given in to my cravings. I am grateful for eileen coming home safely

May 24, 2022

today i am grateful to have woken up one more time. i am grateful to be done with one course prep. i am grateful to be able to have time to read and work on my 2nd course prep this week. i am grateful for the time with tay. i am grateul to help raise funds for amanda. I am grateful to listen to zoe vent

May 23, 2022

today i am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the lasagna i made yesterday that zoe loved. I am grateful for te decluttering zoe has me doing. I am grateful for getting caughtup on work for brockport. I am grateful for the love in my life. I am grateful for my coffee this morning

May 22, 2022

today i am grateful to have drank so much water yesterday. I am grateful for the work I am getting done. I am grateful for the times zoe makes me laugh. I am grateful eileen is getting to see her kids. I am grateful that i am not taking things personally. I am grateful for the report I will get done today

May 21, 2022

today i am grateful for being caught up on everything for inspiritual and catching up on brockport and pampered chef. I am grateful for making it through an interesting day. I am grateful for the progress Ia ma making. I am grateful for the water bottles which are encouraging us both to drink more water. I am grateful for the time I am taking to relax and unwind. I am grateful for nap time

May 20, 2022

Today i am grateful for the rest I got yesterday. I am grateful Eileen made it to Texas safely. i am grateful for the writing I got done yesterday and the positive feedback on my poems. I am grateful for the parties I am booking I am grateful for the lessons i am learning at these trainings. I am grateful for the excitement they are creating in me

May 19, 2022

today I am grateful for getting all my grading done on time. I am grateful for the quiet time yesterday and today and the time to ret. I am grateful for getting through 5 of the 7 trainings. I am grateful for the chores I am getting done. I am grateful for those who are working their business or at least telling me they are I am grateful for those who are at least talking to me

may 18, 2022

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more time. i am grateful for the grading I got done last night. I am grateful for getting so much done and getting to a completeable level. i am grateful for the water whcih is keeping me hydrated. i am grateful for the training i am completing and the things i am learning

May 17, 2022

today i8 am grateful to be so close to finishing grading. i am grateful for the little sleep I got last night. I am gratfeul for the chance to take a nap today. i am grateful for the work and decluttering zoe has been doing. i am gratful for the meds being delivered yesterday. i am grateful for the water i have been drinking

May 16, 2022

Today I am grateful to be alive and having energy to get through this grading frenzy. I am grateful for the sales which I have and the products Ia m earning. ia mg rateful for the chance to help Patricia. i am grateful for the parties Iam creating for myself even if nobody else is. I am grateful for the power of my own positive thinking. I am grateful for the love zoe and i share. i am grateful for the decluttering I am doing.

May 15, 2022

Today i am grateful for the plants Karen gave us for the garden. I am grateful for the labor of Sara and Rory who bought the plants and planted them. I am grateful to Zoe for sharing new parts of her life with me. I am grateful for the grading I got done. I am grateful for being able to vent when i need to.

May 14, 2022

today i am grateful to have woken up one more time. i am grateful for the beautiful weather. I am grateful for the support from my studnets who do so much for me. I am grateful for the help from rory and holly. I am grateful for the generosity from Karen and plants.

May 13, 2022

Today I am grateful for the love in my life and the positive energy in my team. i am grateful for the garden I have to pray in. i am grateful for the new routine I am starting and the habits ia mstacking. i am gratful for the support from my department chair yesterday. i am grateful for the brain that I have. i am grateful for the students that are sticking with me. I am grateful for the support of my wife.

May 12, 2022

today i am grateful for the support I have from a few friends and zoe. i am grateful to be done with one course. i am grateful for the chance to sleep in today. I am grateful for the books informing my life. I am grateful for the messages i am getting.

May 11, 2022

Today I am grateful to be done with one particular student and that I most likely will never have to deal with her again. I am grateful for the sleep I got last night. I am grateful I will be done with one classes grading today. i am grateful for dave coming over tomorrow. I am grateful for rory starting to wrok his business. I am grateful for those on my team who are interested in working their businesses.

May 10, 2022

Today I am grateful to have a new ob/gyn oncologist. I am grateful for the love which flows through my life. i am grateful for the ideas I have for new beginnings. I am grateful for my tenacity and my drive. i am grateful for all that I am getting done. I am grateful for the creative energy I have.