July 8, 2022

Today I am grateful for the love and support in my life. i am grateful for the reminder to lose excuses. i am grateful for the reminde to say focused on my why. I am grateful for waking up one more time. I am grateful for claiming time for myself today

July 7, 2022

Today i am grateful for being able to be grateful. I am grateful for not hav ing to grade anything today. i am grateful for the green grass we have. I am grateful for Greg at Raymour who was so helpful with Zoe. I am grateful for the grass being mowed today. I am gratful for the grace God and others show me

July 6, 2022

today i am grateful to have woken up one more time. i am grateful for the gift of being patient with myself. i am grateful for figuring out that I had not taken enugh allopurinol. I am grateful for the things I am ticking off my to do list. I am grateful I have gotten just about everyone on my calendar. I am grateful for the ways zoe and i are splitting up duties. I am grateful for the water I am drinking

jULY 5, 2022

today I am grateful for the ride I unexpectedly got on rts. i am grateful for the time i will hae with zoe today. I am grateful for the students who are reaching out to me. I am grateful for the things I am checking off my calendar. I am grateful for the water i have been drinking. I am grateful for the pc support system i have

July 4, 2022

today i am grateful to have been able to sleep in today. i am grateful for zoe finding a link for the video for my students. i am grateful for amanda making it back and forth safely. I am grateful for summer 1 being open and slowly catching up with my pc and summer 2 work I am grateful for the treats zoe and i had

July 3, 2022

today i am grateful for my licorice which i enjoy and it is cheaper then gum and vegan. I am grateful for the ability to go to the bathroom without incident today and the ability to go at all. i am grateful for the meatlof which tasted good even if it were not meatloafy. I am grateful for the love zoe and i share and the friendship we are rebuilding. I am grateful for the grading I got done and to be done with that course. I am grateful for the message I am giving myself. I am grateful to be grateful

July 2, 2022

Today I am grateful to be alive. I am grateful for my technical abilities. I am grateful for the semester being over. I am grateful for the day to just focus on my work. I am grateful for the sleep i got last night. I am grateful for the little work I have to grade and be done. i am grateful for the food I have to cook and feed us still

July 1, 2022

Today i am grateful for the love zoe and i share. I am grateful for the time she is spending at work today. i am grateful for the lack of grading I have to do today. I am grateful for the time to focus on posting. I am grateful for the need to buy new underwear I am grateful for the drs i have caring for me.

June 30, 2022

Today I am grateful for my time with dr lindahl and his honesty even if it was hard to hear. I am grateful for the chance to sleep and process. I am grateful for my faith or I would not be as straong as I am. I am grateful for my friends who love and support me. I am grateful for the orders whcih have been coming an and will give me some additional funds to get through july

July 29, 2022

Today I am grateful for the friendship and love zoe and i share. I am grateful for the grading I got done yesterday. i am grateful for the time I had to get ahead of schedule in somethings and caught up on others. i am grateful for the leftovers I had last night. I am grateful for the inhaler which keeps my nose cler. I am grteful for the luck I am having in finding contractors who are good

June 28, 2022

Today I am grateful that i am losing weight - slowely but surely. I am grateful for the quiet time i will have today. I am grateful for the course being done. I am grateful for having met greta yesterday. Ia mgrateful for the orders which are coming in and the little bit of money I have. I am grateful for the rest I got and the things I am doing to keep myself healthy

June 27, 2022

today i am grateful for the relationship we have. I am grateful for the two concrete folk who came out today and especially the one who treated us like we have a brain. I am grateful for the work I got done today on 382 and the students who are already logging in. I am grateful for the cookoies which made me feel better. i am grateful for the water I drank today.

June 26, 2022

today i am grateful for zoe and i eating in th ekitchen and having no computer time. I am grateful for our date time today. I am grateful God protected us from a contractor yesterday. I am grateful zoe liked the penne dish, it was yummy. I am grateful for the little thing i was able to do today. I am grateful I was able to get mojitos in the cart for amanda

June 25, 2022

today i am grateful for the love zoe and i share. I am grateful to be patient. I am grateful for my tooth finally coming out. I am grateful for the break from water. I am grateful for the support of eileen. I am grateful for the faith in the system and God’s presence.

June 24, 2022

Today I am grateful for the love Zoe and I share. I am grateful for the few friends I have. I am grateful for the gifts I have been given. I am grateful for this first class almost being over. I am grateful for the rest I got and praying for my sleep later

June 23, 2022

today i am grateful to have gotten my remaining spring director kit products. I am grateful for the creativity I have. i am grateful for the love I share with those in my life. I am grateful for the tough skin I am developing. i am grateful for the goodness in my life. I am grateful for the friends i have.

June 22, 2022

today i am grateful to be alive. i am grateful I am starying pretty much on track for $100 per day in orders. I am gratefulf ro the love zoe and i share and our new habit of eating at the table. I am grateful for the hosts who are working with me and the hosts who are disappearing who are not. I am grateful for the students who are trying and those who are not. I am grateful for eileen checking on paver for me

June 21, 2022

Today I am grateful to just be alive. i am grateful to have a new garbage disposal. I am grateful that my students, well some of them engaged at all. i am grateful for the chance to leave the house. i am grateful to hve soem alone time today

June 20, 2022

I am grateful for the love zoe and i share. I am grateful for some downtime to do what i want. Iam gratefulf or the love in my life from eilen and marla and cory. i am grateful for not staying in negative mode. I am grateful for the time to go shop with zoe I am grteful for my mac salad which tastes so good

June 19, 2022

today i am grateful to have nothing to grade today but not for the reason why. I am grateful george and eileen are having a good time even if george jr is not there. i am grateul for the cooking i got done yesterday and that zoe liked the salads. I am grateful to be pretty much caught up with everything and to have time today to crochet and read I am grateful for the meds which keep me healthy