August 18, 2022

today i am grateful to have woken up one more time. i am grateful eileen got to see dr. I am grateful for our friendship. I am grateful for being able to help others I am grateful for zoe’s love and support

August 17, 2022

today i am grateful for zoe helping me to know how committed she is to me and to us. I am grateful for eileen and her friendship. She is the best friend I have ever had next to Zoe. I am grateful for Shari who helped me learn the few things I had no yet figured out in Brightspace. I am grateful for being able to wake up fairly early despite being up until 2 I am grateful for being able to stay positive in the midst of it all

August 16, 2022

today i am grateful for the partner i have who loves me unconditionally. i am grateful for the people who support me in becoming a director again. i am grateful for my professional support team at brockport. I am grateful for the places i have been and the people i have met. I am grateful for the ideas whcih have been planted within me

August 15, 2022

today i am grateful to be figuring out brightspace on my own I am grateful fr the love and support of my friends and zoe. I am grateful for the little things that make my life easier. Iam grateful for the things which make zoe happy. I am grateful for the healing i am choosing to do in my own life

August 14, 2022

today i am grateful to have woken up one more tme. i am grateful for my technological skills. I am grateful for my ability to figure things out on my own. I am grateful for the love zoe and I share. I am grateful for the chance to do things over when i make a mistake

August 13, 2022

today i am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for my shower and the energy it gave me. i am grateful for my bagel and my wter. i am grateful for my pills which keep me healthy. I am grateful for my attitude and my enthusiasm

August 12, 2022

Today I am grateful for the 33 years George and eileen have been together and the love they still share and hold for each othe. I am grateful for the chance to sleep in today. I am grateful for the recipes others share which inspires me. I am grateful for the videos which will help me get my brightscape cleaned up and ready to open by the 22nd. I am grateful for the parties which are doing well and even for those which are not.

August 11, 2022

today i am grateful for how my prayers are heard and answered. i am grateful for Barb being supportive for a change. I am grateful for being able to help Marla. I am grateful for the friendship I have with eileen. I am grateful for the time zoe had off.

August 10, 2022

today i am grateful for the joy in m7y life. I am grateful for the new department of justice which appears to be pursuing justice for all I am grateful for the jokes which make me laugh. I am grateful for the love zoe and i share. I am grateful for the painting place i found

August 9, 2022

Today I am grateful for ice cream and knowing how to make it even if we do not have any. I am grateful for the ice cream maker i am going to get myself this month or at least i am thinking about getting again. I am grateful for students who make grading easy because they do not submit wrok I am grateful for the love zoe and i have even when i do not always like her or her me. I am grateful for the rest I got yesteray even if i am feeling tired again today I am gratful for the coffee and tea i have to drink along iwth my water and drink

August 8, 2022

today i am grateful to have heat in the winter and not in the summer. i am grateful for the help I get from my firends and the chance to help others. I am graateful for the shower I had this morning. I am grateful for the way my mind reminds me about things I forgot. I am grateful for the chance to walk away from folks who wont do anything

August 7, 2022

today i am grateful for the goodness in my life. I am grateful for the good friends I have I am grateful for the recipes others have shared to help me make better meals for zoe and i. I have. I am grateful for the health we have and the things we are doing to be healthier. I am grateful for those who have the courage to speak truth when it is not popular

August 6, 2022

i am grateful for the love and attempts to bring some romance back into our life. i am grateful for the friendship i have with eileen. i am grateful for the few friends i have. I am grateful for the flowers in our yard. i am grateful for the organization in my calendar

August 5, 2022

Today I am grateful for the edamame beans which give me protein. i am grateful for the indoor electricity which enables me to wrok and use my cpap and charge my wheelchair and so much more. I am grateful for the everything bagel seasoning which transforms my creamcheese and butter and gives extra flavor to my bagels. I am grateful for each chance I have to spend time with eileen. I am grateful for the few teeth i have that allow me to eat foods that are not pureed.

August 4, 2022

Today i am grateful for the 2nd semester almost being over and for all I am getting done. I am grateful for my being able to stay dalm in the midst of storms. i am grateful for Beth trying e I am grateful for my mediacation whcih keeps me healthy. I am grateful for the love in my life

August 3, 2022

today i am grateful for the calm in my life. I am grateful for the candor I have with those I love and how we speak truth to each other in love. I am grateful for the ability to celebrate all accoimplishments no matter how large or small. I am grateful for the comfort zoe and i give each other I am grateful for the colors zoe has been playing with

August 2, 2022

today I am grateful for the berries that are in season again. I am grateful for the bed we have to sleep in. I am grateful for the bottle I have to drink my water from. i am grateful for thebookings I am getting. I am grateful for Beth trying

August 1, 2022

today I am grateful to have made it through another month. I am grateful for zoe wanting to do some work around the house. I am grateful for the 2nd course being on brightscape. I am grateful that queer theory is almost over. I am grateful for leftovers this morning.

July 31, 2022

today i am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for zoe doing so much cleaning. I am grateful for the love we share I am grateful for all that I am getting done. I am grateful for the shopper I have at instacart

July 30, 2022

today i am grateful for the love which flows through my life. i am grateful for the time others give me to help me in my business. I am grateful for the patience God has given me to make it through. I am grateful for the rest I got last night. I am grateful for my new3 smaller size fitting me