March 14, 2023

today i am grateful to have been able to sleep in. I am grateful for getting all my grading done. I am grateful for zoe’s love and support. I am grateful eileen made it home safely. I am grateful for my sparkling water

March 12, 2023

today i am grateful for the love zoe and i share for each other. i am grateful for the lucky chef party we are having fun at. I am grateful for learning that i do not want someone on my team. I am grateful for the lessons I have learned in life. I am grateful for my life itself

March 11, 2023

today i am grateful for the kindness of others. I am grateful for the taste of kiwi and how good they taste with berries. i am grateful for not having to tie knots on my shoes. I am grateful for Kristen Boss who motivates me and inspires me. I am grateful for kaleidoscopes and the lessons they teach me about beauty and perspective

March 10, 2023

today i am grateful to have woken up one more time. i am grateful our team is over the 3k mark way before the 15th and more orders are coming in. I am grateful for the love zoe and i share. I am grateful I am able to help Mittens. I am grateful for the energy and momentum my team is building

March 9, 2023

today i am grateful for the people in my life who love and support me. i am grateful for the rest I am getting and the energy to get thruogh each day. I am grateful for the food we have to nourish and nurture us. I am grateful for the work ai am getting done and the ability to work through my piles. I am grateful for the ice melting

March 8, 2023

Today I am grateful for the house we live in and the home we have created. I am grateful for the honesty we have with each other. I am grateful for the healing happening in my business and in my life. I am grateful for the hoagie’s we had last night. I am grateful for the healthy habits i am developing

March 7, 2023

today i am grateful for the ability to be grateful. I am grteful for the gum i chew which keeps me satisfied during the day. I am grateful for the games I play which make me and others happy. I am grateful for the grading I get done each day. I am grateful for the grapes which always taste so good

March 6, 2023

today i am grateful for the flowers which will come back and bloom in my garden again. I am grateful for the fruits I enjoy eating. I am grateful for the fathers who co parent and do more than babysit. I am grateful for the farts whcih remind me my intestines are working. I am grateful for the future and what it will bring

March 5, 2023

today i am grateful for electricity which keeps my wheelchair charged and my cpap running and my computer and other equipment which keeps me alive and independent. I am grateful for the elephans I have and those friends send me as they remind me of my animal spiritu guide and the strength and grace of them. i am grateful for the food I eat which nourishes my body. I am grateful for the escarole and endive and the nutrition they bring to my diet. I am grateful for the evolution in my life

March 4, 2023

Today I am grateful for the dirt in which my plants grow. I am grateful for my Uncle David who encouraged me during my doctoral studies. i am grateful for Diane Samdahl who was the best doctoral advisor ever. I am grateful for delivery services which make my life so much easier. I am grateful for documentaries and their makers which record hisory and insights

MARCH 3, 2023

Today I am grateful for the caffeine which helps me through long days and gives me extra energy. i am grateful for the discussion of color personalities zoe and i had to the wee hours of the morning, which is partly why i need caffeine. I am grateful for customers who support me and my business. i am grateful for the courtesy of others. i am grateful for the club soda and the memories of my father which it carries. I do miss him

March 2, 2023

today I am grateful for the bed we have to sleep in. I am grateful for the bread i can make cinnamon toast with. I am grateful for the books which give me wisdom and entertain me. I am grateful for Benita who has given me so many amazing memories. I am grateful for the bookings which keep my PC business growing and thriving

March 1, 2023

Today I am grateful for the advice and wisdom I have gotten from others. I am grateful for apples and all I am able to make with them like applesauce and apple crisp. I am grateful for the ability to achieve that which I set my mind on. I am grateful for being able to achieve my goals in February. I am grateful for the artichokes which i love adding to my salads

February 28, 2023

today i am grateful to just be alive. i am grateful for the orders coming in from no where. i am grateful for those who are committed to helping us be green. I am grateful for mittens pooping today. I am grateful for restaurants who deliver

February 27, 2023

today i am grateful for the vegan products i am finding on social media. i am grateful for the love zoe and i share. I am grateful for the sleep i got last night. I am grateful for not taking other people;’s crap personally. I am grateful for the delivery services which make my life so much easier. i am grateful for sandy and rebecca and anyone else who wants to help our team grow

February 26, 2023

Today I am grateful for the work I got done last night. I am grateful for the rest I got. I am grateful for the food in our refrigerator. I am grateful for the host coaching I have gotten done. I am grateful for the little things in life that bring me joy. I am grateful for the ability to pee each morning and for mr mittens pooping

February 26, 2023

today i am grateful for the yeast which makes my bread rise. i am grateful for the yearn I get to crochet with. I am grateful for the yams i get to stuff with chili. I am grateful for the color yellow which brings me such joy. I am grateful for Yoena and the wisdom she brings into my course discussions

February 24, 2023

today i am grateful for being alive this morning, given i had no power last night and so could not safely sleep. I am grateful for the $500 in sales we got yesterday and the sales I hope will come in the next five days. I am grateful for the honesty zoe and i have with each other. I am grateful for how we take care of each other. I am grateful for my friendship with Sandy and Eileen.

February 23, 2023

i am grateful for the water I have to drink . i am grateful for the waste removal system we have. i am grateful for the wonder i experience at times in my life. I am grateful for the things I am no longer worrying about. I am grateful for the welcome I experience at my drs offices and how loved I always feel

February 22, 2023

today i am grateful for the questions my students ask me as it reminds me they are learning. I am grateful for the quest I am on and the lessons I am learning on the journey. I am grateful for the lessons I learned when teaching queer theory. I am grateful for the quiet which brings me peace. I am grateful for the quotations I find to use for my thought for the day