June 12, 2023

today i am grateful for the quiet in our house. I am grateful for zoes sense of humor. i am grateful for having time off from the port. I am grateful for my revaluing myself. I am grateful for those who are saying yes to me.

June 11, 2023

today i am grateful for the sleep I have been getting. I am grareful for the parties i am booking. I am grateful for the salsa I got made. i am grateful for the doors being fixed. I am grateful for having met dave

June 10, 2023

today i am grateful to be feeling better. I am grateful for the parties I will book this month. I am grateful for the love zoe and i hsare. I am grateful for my friendship with eileen and marla. I am grateful for the work i am getting done

June 9, 2023

today i am grateful for the orzo which i love eating. i am grateful for the rest I am getting. i am grateful for the reservation i got for monday. I am grateful for the salsa which zoe loves me making. I am grateful for the love in my life.

June 8, 2023

today i am grateful to be able to rest in. I am grateful for the time to cook. I am grateful for the new vet. I am grateful dr ryan and i talked. I am grateful for the love zoe and i share. I am grateful for the energy on my team

June 7, 2023

today i am grateful for the love zoe and i share. I am gratful for the chance to see and heal with dr ryan. i am grateful for my rides showing up on time. i am grateful for the love my team is showing for me and the team. I am grateful for the rest I am getting

June 6, 2023

today i am grateful for the outing zoe and i had. I am grateful for the rest i got yesterday. I am grateful for the time with kyleigh. i am grateful for those on my team who are working. i am grateful for the time to rest and recover.

June 5, 2023

today i am grateful for waking up feeling rested. I am grateful my eye is not hurting right now. I am grateful for folks wanting to learn and grow. I am grateful for the positive energy of my team members. I am grateful to be able to get out today

June 4, 2023

today i am grateful to have gotten a good nights sleep. I am grateful for dave fixing the door. I am grateful for zoe talking about her feelings. I am grateful for patience. I am grateful for the ride to the mall tomorrow

June 3, 2023

today i am grateful to have been able to sleep in this morning. i am grateful for kyleigh’s energy and excitement. i am grateful for those who are trying. I am grateful to be getting rid of some of the deadwood. I am grateful for the opportunity to be of service

June 2, 2023

today i am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the love zoe and i share. I am grateful to be of service to my friends. I am grateful for the rest I got today. I am grateful for the transportation services I have.

June 1, 2023

today i am grateful for the ride to see dr cabral tomorrow. I am grateful for the posting I got done yesterday and the work i will get done today. I am grateful for the good nights sleep i got, even if zoe didnt. I am grateful for the great meeting last night. I am grateful for the time to myself today - even if brief

May 31, 2023

today i am grateful for the reservations to dr mysore and back. I am grateful for the beautiful weather. I am grateful for the love zoe and i share. I am grateful for my friendship with marla and eileen. I am grateful for my team members who are working their business.

May 30, 2023

today i am grateful to be back on my omputer again and to be recoering from my surgery. i am grateful for the surgeon My Mysore who worked for 4 hours to reconstruct my eye when the muscles were too weak to hold the lens in place naturally. I am grateful for the eye healing so well. I am grateful for being able to help others. I am grateful for the relationship I am building with Karan

May 20, 2023

today i am grateful to have woken up one more time. i am grateful to be able to sleep in. I am grateful for the time away from Brockport. I am grateful for the ways God is still using me. I am grateful for the food I got to cook yesterday

May 18, 2023

today i am grateful to be done with brockport for an entire month. I am grateful to not have to deal with barb lesavoy for a month. I am grateful for the love zoe and i share. I am grateful for the chance to grow each day. I am grateful for the social workers at the hospital

May 17, 2023

today i am grateful for the love zoe and i share. I am gratful to be done with all my grading. I am grateful for the leftovers for breakfast. I am grateful for kyleigh’s energy. I am grateful for Marla's support

May 16, 2023

today i am grateful to be alive. i am grateful for my positive attitude the majority of the time. I am grateful for the sleep I got last night even if I did have to get out of bed twice. i am grateful for the love zoe an i share and our discussion of her book/ I am grateful for the call to dr ryan’s office

May 15, 2023

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the liftline rides on thursday to get zoe a monitor. I am grateful for her days at work so she can be on a computer. I am grateful for the papers I have gotten done. i am grateful this semester is almost over

May 14, 2023

today i am grateful to be getting so much grading done. Hard to believe I am under 100 already and got my reports done. i am grateful for my mushrooms and the flavor they give my noodles. I am grateful fo have money to put on nick’s card so he can call Lu today. I am grateful to be able to help others. I am grateful to be able to help Zoe out