August 2, 2023

today i am grateful for the beautiful colors i get to see through my window. I am grateful for the beans I will be having for dinner. i am grateful for the beet chips i am making today. I am grateful for my bed which gives me a safe place to sleep. I am grateful for my bear Cubbins

August 1, 2023

today i am grateful for my ability to feel and cry and release my stress. I am grateful for being able to get to the bathroom this morning. I am grateful for eileen reaching out. I am grateful for Rebecca reaching out. I am grateful for slowly getting the desire to cook back

July 31, 2023

today i am grateful for my job, even on the days i am not thrilled with the politics. I am grateful for zoe’s workplace, even when it pisses her off. I am grateful for new hope veterinarians and the awesome work they do. I am grateful for instacart and the awesome people i have met I am grateful for the post office and the good workers we have had across the years

July 30, 2023

today i am grateful for the new cat brush that is easy to clean and my mittens seems to like better. I am grateful for my air fryer which gets used daily. I grateful for my pampered chef small appliances which make my life so easy. I am grateful for zoe having the car she always wanted. I am grateful for idea to buy ice and put it in my freezer

July 30, 2023

today i am grateful for zoe’s love and support. I am grateful for the friendship i have with eileen and sandy and marla. I am grateful for the moments that mittens is quiet. I am grateful for my bed which allows me to sleep. I am grateful for work i am getting done

July 28, 2023

today i am grateful for the diet dr pepper i am treating myself too and the ability to make slushies with it. I am grateful for the summer semester almost being over. I am grateful for the time with eileen last night. I am grateful for the goodness in my life. i am grateful for the time to grieve those who are moving forward

July 27, 2023

today i am grateful for the love and support zoe and i are fiving each other. I am grateful for the memories we share. I am grateful for the support from the jail. I am grateful for the life i am building and the reminder to build my life and make it a priority. I am grateful for the memories I have of lu

July 26, 2023

today i am grateful for the love zoe and i have. i am grateful for the friends who are showing me love and support right now. I am grateful for sheila calling me. I am grateful for my fighting to stay focused. I am grateful for the sweetness of the peach

July 25, 2023

today i am grateful for the water which keeps me hydrated I am grateful for the yarn that will keep me crocheting. i am grateful for the song yellow which reminds me to be careful for the color and all things yellow means to me. I am grateful for yawning as it reminds me I am tired and need to re-energize. I am grateul for yeast and how it helps bread rise.

July 23, 2023

today i am grateful for the water which keeps my body hydrated. I am grateful for waking up one more time. I am gtrateful for the weather which enables me to go out and experience the sun. I am grateful for the warmth i feel outside. i am grateful for the writing which inspires me

July 22, 2023

today i am grateful for the veins and arteries in my body. i am grateful for the vinegars in my pantry. I am grateful for the ability to visualize my future. I am grateful for the values I hold. I am grateful for the vitamins I take each day.

July 21, 2023

today i am grateful for the umbrella’s we have even if we rarely use them. I am grateful for the universe and the blessings it brings us. I am grateful for my uncle dave who is the only one from my father’s side who still reaches out every once in a while. I am grateful for my underwear, as they are the first ones to show me when i am losing more weight. I am grateful for ultrasounds which can take images of my body not visible to the eye

July 20, 2023

today i am grateful for the time with zoe. I am grateful for the swetness of the tomatoes. I am grateful for the talent and energy of our vet who is open to all kinds of healing. I am grateful for the time with mittens. I am grateful for the text whcih i am using

July 19, 2023

today i am grateful for the sparkling water which keeps me hydrated. I am grateful for the sealing our driveway got today and those who know how to do this. I am grateful for the sleep I got last night. I am grateful for the sun which brightens my office. I am grateful for the soup which keeps me warm on a winter day

July 18, 2023

today i am grateful for the rain which my garden and grass needs. I am grateful for the radishes which add a crunch and taste to my salad. I am grateful for my mother Roslyn who gave me a home when nobody else would. I am grateful for the range of motion I have in my arms even if it is not what i once was. i am grateful for the rose of sharon bushes in my yard as they remind me of my parents

July 17, 2023

today i am grateful for the ride to the dr today. I am grateful for being able to vent to zoe. I am grateful for a good nights sleep. I am grateful for the love we share. I am grateful for my friendship with Eileen. I am grateful for the treats we had yesterday

July 16, 2023

today i am grateful for a good night sleep. I am grateful for the work I am getting done. I am grateful for mittens doing better today. I am grateful for a meal zoe enjoyed. i am grateful for my instincts and inspiration

July 15, 2023

today i am grateful to have woken up with energy. i am grateful for the quiet time. I am grateful for the cantaloupe i can snack on. I am grateful for the peaceful shower this morning. I am grateful for the ideas I am having for my life and living.

July 14, 2023

today i am grateful i got my stitch out. I am grateful to have ministered to Trinity. i am grateful for my health care team. I am grateful for the weight I am losing. I am grateful for slowly catching up on life and work to do

July 12, 2023

today i am grateful for my pain which keeps me humble and grateful for all i have. I am grateful for being of service to others. I am grateful for zoe going back to work. I am grateful for making good out of bad. I am grateful for having gotten more sleep last night