February 4, 2024

today i am grateful for the work I got done yesterday. I am grateful for the meds which keep me healthy. I am grateful for the information eileen shared with me. I am grateful for the students who are talking to me and working with me. I am grateful for the food we have to ear

February 3, 2024

today i am grateful to have woken up one more time. i am grateful for the new dress I have. I am grateful for the love zoe and i share. I am grateful for the parties i am booking and rebuilding my business. I am grateful for the bloodwork which gave me the headsup on my anemia being back.

February 2, 2024

today i am grateful for the power to stay calm in the storm. I am grateful for the peaceful and loving ways we settle differences. I am grateful for being able to advocate for myself. I am grateful Nick got moved. I am grateful for the drinks and snacks we have

February 1, 2024

today i am grateful to have gotten a ride for my blood work. i am grateful for the notification that my ada is being expired. i am grateful for the support of my allies and friends. I am grateful for not taking things personally. I am grateful for the chance to sleep in today after a rough night

January 31, 2024

today i am grateful for the love and support of so many. I am grateful for the new dress and that it fits. I am grateful for the students who are asking for help. I am grateful zoe is taking care of herself. I am grateful for the meds which keep me healthy

January 30, 2024

today i am grateful for a good nights sleep. I am grateful for the inhaler which keeps me breathing. I am grateful for the test strips I found unexpectedly today. I am grateful for the water which keeps hydrated. I am grateful for the humor zoe brings into my life

January 29, 2024

today i am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for nobody else dying this week. I am grateful for my hosts who are working their parties. I am grateful for the chicken wings I was stocked up on. I am grateful for the work I am getting done even when I am tired and do not feel well.

January 28, 2024

today i am grateful for the chance to sleep in today. i am grateful for the cauliflower rice which filled me up. I am grateful Nick had such a good pass. I am grateful for the water i have to drink. I am grateful for my blood sugar being so low.

January 27, 2024

today I am grateful for the love zoe and i share. I am grateful for the cooking i got done. I am grateful for the delivery services. I am grateful for the sale Sandy got. I am grateful for the water flavor I have which is making me drink far more water.

January 26, 2024

today i am grateful to have woken up one more time. i am grateful for setting boundaries with Marla. I am grateful for the love and support of my former students. I am grateful for the progress I am making with my life and health. I am grateful for the clean bill of health for David.

January 25, 2024

today i am grateful to just be alive. i am grateful for the love and support of my friends and loved ones. i am grateful for the time to look for a new job. I am grateful for the health care circle that I have who keep me healthy. I am grateful for the coffee and tea that came yesterday and the other gifts for zoe

January 24, 2024

today i am grateful that the new Jeans fit. I am grateful for the orders coming in and to be doing parties again. I am grateful for the love we share. I am grateful for the work I am getting done. I am grateful for the new sinus spray

January 23, 2024

today i am grateful for the new nasal spray. i am grateful for not feeling nauseous this morning. I am grateful for having an appetite again. I am grateful for the love zoe and i share. I am grateful for the book we are reading.

January 22, 2024

today i am grateful for that which is clearing my sinuses. I am grateful for being able to make what i crave. I am grateful for the winter session being over and the spring beginning. I am grateful for the love zoe and i share. i am grateful the ramp is clear

January 21, 2024

today i am grateful for the love zoe and i share. I am gratful I seem to be done throwing up. I am grateful for the tea and benedryl and other meds whcih are keeping me healthy. I am grateful for the relationship nick and zoe are building. I am grateful for the protection from the elements

January 20, 2024

Today I am grateful for the love and support in my life. I am grateful for the things I am doing to stay healthy. I am grateful for the tea and water which are keeping me hydrated. I am grateful for my health care team I am grateful for my time with zoe

January 19, 2024

today i am grateful for the love we share. I am grateful for my meeting today with shari. I am grateful for the shrimp which fed my craving. I am grateful to learn how to make keto cocktail sauce. I am grateful for the clean sheets we will have tonight.

January 18, 2024

today i am grateful to have one class ready to rock and roll. I am grateful for food in the house I enjoy eating. I am grateful for the flexible schedule i have. I am grateful for answers to prayers. I am grateful for how far along I am with class 2

January 17, 2024

today i am grateful to have woken up one more time. i am grateful for the reminder to not drink soda. I am grateful for the power of sleep and water to heal. I am grateful the winter semester is almost over I am grateful for the progress I am making in prepping for the spring

January 16, 2024

today i am grateful to be feeling better and to have an appetite again. I am grateful for the medication whcih controls my appetite. I am grateful for the freedom to treat myself now and then. i am grateful for eileen wanting to have dinner wtih me soon. I am grateful for the love zoe and i share. I am grateful for her support as i work at getting healthy