October 21, 2022

yesterday i had to fight through the tears to find joy./ had joy in sleeping when i did so i could just be with god. I had joy in sherry finding what jail nick is in for me. I had joy in the order that came in. I had joy in just being alive. i had joy in beign able to feel I had joy in knowing zoe loves me.

October 19, 2022

yesterday i had to look for the moments of joy. I had joy in releasing my pain I had joy in just being alive. I had joy in not being jealous. I had joy in taking time to write. I had joy in getting some posts read and beginning to get caught up. I ahd joy in my time with zoe. I had joy in hearing the gargage being ground

October 16, 2022

yesterday i had joy in cooking for a change. I had joy in talking to zoe. I had joy in sleeping in a little bit. I had joy in eating my eggplant. I had joy in drinking my soda. I had joy in eating my swedish fish. I had joy in helping others

October 14, 2022

yesterday i had joy in learning things do not taste as good as i rememb er. There was joy in letting go of my fantasies and embracing my present. I had joy in helping Tanya get started. I had joy in giving beth support. I had joy in nick being safe. I had joy in asking for what i need.

October 13, 2022

yesterday i had joy in talking to chelsea. I had joy in eating my beans I had joy in getting some rest. I had joy in drinking my coffee. I had joy in just being alive. I had joy in talking with zoe. I had joy in eating my crumb cake

October 12, 2022

yesterday i had joy in talking with zoe. I had joy in hearing a bout the book she is reading. I had joy in eating my orzo. I had joy in being of service I had joy in drinking my water. I had joy in being alive.

October 9, 2022

yesterday i had joy in my time with mittens. i had joy in talking with zoe. I had joy in sleeping in. I had joy in getting my grading done. i had joy in eating my rice and I had joy in making potato salad.

October 7, 2022

yersterday i had joy in eating my beans and my dark chocolate bar and my swedish fish. I had joy in talking with zoe and eileen. I had joy in helping others. I had joy in talking to my students I had joy in just being me. I had joy in taking my meds knowing they are making me healthy

October 2, 2022

Yesterday I had joy in having groceries again. I had joy in making healthy decisions for me. I had joy for buying more beans I had joy for making my guacamole. I had joy in making it through the day and getting caught up with inspiritual

October 1, 202

Yesterday i had joy in working with my dr eyes. I had joy in the vision of being able to see well again. I had joy in getting soem rest. I had joy in helping zoe calm down. I had joy incuddling with mittens