June 15, 2024

yesterday i had joy in eating my ice cream and hot dogs I had joy in time outside with zoe. I had joy in clearing the air with shaun. I had joy in helping others. i had joy in celebrating with sandy.

June 8, 2024

yesterday i had joy in leaving the house. I had joy in making it home safely. I had joy in having time with zoe. I had joy in just being alive. I had joy in seeing the green which is blooming

June 7, 2024

yesterday i had joy in sleeping on clean sheets. I had joy in showering. I had joy in making zoe’s chicken. I had joy in getting my hot dogs and kraut. I had joy in my time with zoe.

June 5, 2024

yesterday i had joy in getting a big order and even more joy in cancelling it today. I had joy in cooking for zoe and I. I had joy in sleeping in. I had joy in wearing my overall dress. I had joy in talking with zoe

June 4, 2024

yesterday i had joy in being able to sleep in. I had joy in listening to and talking with zoe. I had joy in helping others. I had joy in being nominated by a student for an excellence in teaching award. I had joy in playing my games

June 3, 2024

yesterday I had joy in finishing the book and talking about it with zoe. i had joy in listening to her talk to barb. I had joy in eating my salad and the lasagna. I had joy in talking with vendors. I had joy in writing and beginning to think about new assignments

June 1, 2024

yesterday i had joy in reading and writing. I had joy in getting 2 orders. I had joy in making the choice to not order from myself last night. I had joy in napping when i needed to. I had joy in eating a few french fries.

May 31, 2024

yesterday i had joy in hearing that the justice system had been done. I had joy in eating my hot dogs. i had joy in taking a nap. I had joy in listening to my intuition. I had joy in talking to my friends

May 30, 2024

yesterday i had joy in talking with milo. I had joy in speaking my truth in love. i had joy in hearing from nick. I had joy in getting everything to milo. i had joy in my time with zoe

May 29, 2024

yesterday i had joy in eating my hot dogs. I had joy in nurturing myself. I had joy in seeking clarification. I had joy in remembering to not take things personally. I had joy in watching the yard improve

May 28, 2024

yesterday i had joy in sleeping in. I had joy in reading my memoir with zoe. I had joy in watching movie with zoe. I had joy in eating my salad. I had joy in writing and getting feedback

may 27, 2024

yesterday i had joy in sleeping in. I had joy in eating my frosty even if it was quite late. I had joy in my lox and cream cheese wrap. I had joy in chatting with zoe. I had joy in margie being understanding and supportive