April 6, 2013

Today, I am grateful for the beautiful surprise my wife gave me last night -- a new professional knife set and butcher block. Now I can work on my knife set. I am grateful to be getting my voice back. I am grateful to be feeling so much better. I am grateful for the power I have to set the direction of my life. I am grateful for my boys, Mr Mittens and Wally, who kept me company while I was resting last night.​

April 5, 2013

​I am grateful I am feeling a little better today and was able to sleep pretty much through the night. I am grateful for my wife who, now that she is feeling better then me, is making sure I have all that I need. I am grateful for our cats who remind me to take time to rest and play along with everything else. I am grateful for all the things I am not going through in my life, such as custody battles, battles for one's life, homelessness, etc. I am grateful for the tea and soup which always make me feel better.

April 4, 2014

I am grateful to be getting healthier and healthier each day. I am grateful to have found a gluten free orange cake recipe so I can make this for a friend for her birthday on Saturday. I am grateful my voice is slowly coming back. I am grateful for the love and support of friends and family in my journey. I am grateful for the weather which appears to be warming. I am grateful for the cleansing power of a morning shower. ​

April 3, 2013

I am grateful the congestion is finally clearing up and I slept without interruption last night. I am grateful I am putting my health above all things and sleeping until I wake up. I am grateful for the humidifier on my cpap machine which seems to be making a world of difference right now. I am grateful for my body's ability to heal. I am grateful for my son's health care team who is there to take care of him now that he is coming down with a cold.​

April 2, 2013

Being sick for more then a week now has given me so much to be grateful for. I am grateful for our friend Liesl who went grocery shopping yesterday, so that I could stay out of the cold and snow. I am grateful for my wife Zoe who, especially now, that she is better, has been pampering me and make sure I take care of my sometimes stubborn self. I am grateful for my students who have been emailing me to ask how I am feeling. I am grateful for my son who told me he was not going to call me as much this week so I could rest. I am grateful for all the love that flows through my life, it is just so humbling.​

April 1, 2013

I know this is April Fool's Day, but this is really what I am grateful for. I am grateful to have been able to get comfortable and sleep through the night.  I am grateful for how long the little food we had in our house lasted. I am grateful for my son who has started giving me phone hugs to help me feel better. I am grateful for my friends around the world who have been praying for our recovery. I am grateful for the patience Zoe and I have had with each other as we have both been sick at the same time.​

March 31, 2013

This morning I am grateful Zoe is feeling better and was able to complete her Reiki 1 training yesterday. I am grateful for the healing which is occurring in my body. I am grateful for the opportunities I had to be of service yesterday, even when my voice and I are not back to full capacity ​ I am grateful for all that I was able to accomplish yesterday. I am grateful for the signs of spring and the birds singing outside our office window.

March 30, 2013

This morning I am grateful for having woken up with minimal congestion and soreness in my throat. I am grateful for the healing energies and prayers of friends.  I am grateful for friends who do not listen to me, but listen to their spirits. I am grateful that Zoe is feeling better and almost has her singing voice back. I am grateful for the love and understanding of my students.​

March 29, 2013

I am grateful to have made it through another day. I am grateful for the decisions I am making to take care of myself and allow my body to rest and heal. I am grateful for what I am able to accomplish while I am moving through this virus. I am grateful for the love, prayers and healing energies of friends. I am grateful for all those who understand that my best this week is not the same as my best when I am healthy.​

March 28, 2013

Today, I am grateful Zoe felt well enough yesterday that she could do some chores around the house and told me to stay in bed and sleep. I am grateful for the prayers, advice, and healing energies from those who love and care about us. I am grateful my niece Becca got accepted to graduate school. I am grateful for the jobs which were offered to a few people we know who have been unemployed. I am grateful for my students who have been understanding about my not having my normal paper turnaround this week. ​

March 27, 2013

I am grateful for our friends who bought over care packages yesterday as our throats have been enjoying them tremendously. I am grateful for the good nights sleep and the tissues, toilet paper, and paper towels which I have been able to blow my nose on. I am grateful for my son understanding why we cannot talk to him right now, but that I can still listen. I am grateful for friends who feel safe enough to make themselves vulnerable with me. I am grateful for the way the Infinite answers my prayers for a time of silence in my life by allowing me to have laryngitis ​

March 26, 2013

This morning I am grateful to be able to breathe and sit in the stillness since talking is so hard for both of us right now. i am grateful for all those who have been holding us in prayer as we move through this battle with viral laryngitis. I am grateful for those who have offered to bring us things from the store and make us soup. I am grateful for the power of healing prayers and energies which i know are helping us to heal. I am grateful for our boys (Mr Mittens and Dr Wally) who have laid in bed with us and done kitty reiki on us :)​

March 25, 2013

I am grateful Zoe was able to get an appointment to see the Dr this morning. I am grateful she made the decision to walk away from a dysfunctional work situation. I am grateful for all the friends who have offered to help us while we are healing. I am grateful for the collaborative efforts which are emerging. I am grateful to friends like Vicki and Maryanna who have offered to help us with our yardwork. ​

March 24, 2013

I am grateful for the sushi delivery from my friend Nina yesterday afternoon. I am grateful to have updated software on my laptop so i can have accurate colors on my monitor. I am grateful for a restful nights sleep. I am grateful Zoe is letting me take care of her while her body rests and heals.I am grateful for the songs of the birds outside our window.​

March 23, 2013

I am always grateful for the people who come to our groups because of the loving and supportive energy that is in the space and what they bring to the table. I am grateful for how Ganesha has been removing obstacles in my life and ministry and creating new beginnings and showed up again last night to remind me that God works even when we sleep. I am grateful for my wife and her courage to do what is best for her and to pick up her mat and walk out of situations that are not healthy for her and walk towards situations that are. I am grateful for me son who is using his words to advocate for himself and ensure his own safety. I am grateful for my mission statement which makes decision making about my life so much easier. 

March 22, 2013

I am grateful for all the opportunities and energy that is flowing to the Westside of Rochester to our ministry. I am grateful for friends, new and old, whose love and support inspire and motivate me. I am grateful for random acts of kindness like gifts of coffee and daffodils. I am grateful for the inspiration that comes to me when I am still. I am grateful for the ability to stay calm when others are stressed and help them return to calm. ​

March 21, 2013

I am grateful for my ability to stay calm in the midst of chaos. I am grateful people feel comfortable sharing their struggles with me. I am grateful for all I have accomplished this week and all that I have yet to accomplish. I am grateful for the beautiful daffodils that are blooming on my table. I am grateful for the healthy choices I made yesterday.​

March 20, 2013

This morning I am so grateful for the healing in my life and the lives of my friends who have battling physical, emotional, mental, financial, and spiritual wounds and illness. I am grateful for giving myself permission to take yesterday to celebrate the life of my mother who transitioned in 2001 and who I had the blessing of funeralizing. I am grateful for a circle of people who i know and those who i have never met who continue to inspire me and support me in my own journey. I am grateful for the increasing invitations from others to walk in my pastoral role as wedding officiant,  baptizer, etc. I am grateful for the beautiful daffodils that continue to bloom on my kitchen table and remind me of the power and beauty of life.

March 19, 2013

I am grateful for the beautiful time I got to spend with a dear friend yesterday and the reminder of her love and energy when I woke up this morning to blooming daffodils. I am grateful for the opportunity to share an act of kindness with my neighbors who always do so much for us, especially when it is snowing like this. I am grateful for my relationship with Joshua Fegley at SUNY Brockport and the conversation we had yesterday afternoon. I am grateful for the myriad of sounds our cats make as they communicate with each other as it reminds me of how much we as humans do not understand. I am grateful for having made it through day 11 of being complaint free.​

March 18, 2013

Today, I am grateful that I am almost done with my midterm grading. I am grateful I had a day filled with rest, relaxation and laughter yesterday. I am grateful for a chance to talk to my neice and nephew and wish them a happy birthday. I am grateful for the opportunities to be of service and promote healing. I am grateful for 10 days of being complaint free.