April 26, 2013

Today, I am grateful for the new microwave Zoe got yesterday. I am grateful for my friend and colleague Maryanna who always holds us in prayer and offers guidance and her blessings. I am grateful for our friends Kim and Heather who surprised us and brought us lunch, always nice to have others feed you. I am grateful for our neighbor Larry who took our gate off so we can get our new mower into the back yard. I am grateful that Nick seems to have found a group home to consider living in. ​

April 25, 2013

I am grateful for the chance to teach Zoe how to make waffles yesterday at her request. I am grateful the judge assigned an attorney to represent a friend of mine in a custody battle. I am grateful for the suggestions of colleagues as I branch out and do our first fair the end of May. I am grateful for colleagues who share information with us about how we can share information about our ministry. I am grateful for my friends at the academy of awareness who assist me in my own journey.

April 24, 2013

I am grateful for the way Spirit speaks to me as I sleep, giving me words for my writing, just like it did when I was praying about my sermons. I am grateful for the power of sleep to transform perspective. I am grateful for the courage I am finding within myself to press through fears and to work with the Creatrix as I move into the future. I am grateful for neighbors like Phil, Larry, Eileen and Sue who offer their talents so unconditionally. I am grateful for my prayer partners around the globe with whom I can gather, pray, support, love, and celebrate.​

April 23, 2013

I am not quite sure where the Ducky type energy from Land Before Time has come from, but I am grateful for the yup yup yup attitude that seems to be ever present in me these days. I am grateful for our neighbors Phil and Larry who have adopted us in their own way and keep offering to help us with yard/outdoor type things, like today Larry is going with Zoe to get a new lawn mower. I am grateful for the new friendships which are flowing into our lives and the light and love they are bringing with them. I am grateful for the new clients who are helping me grow and develop and further enhance my skills. I am grateful for the willingness to be uncomfortable in my life and know when it is a healthy discomfort and an unhealthy one.​

April 22, 2013

I am grateful for the love and vulnerability that was shared at our gathering yesterday afternoon and the courage of all I am journeying with in this season. I am grateful for the good nights sleep and the renewed energy I have this morning. I am grateful for how the Infinite hears and answers my prayers. I am grateful for the offerings of food which allowed me to not have to cook last night and take some time to receive the gifts of others. I am grateful for the power to heal, to assist others with their healing and to have others assist me with mine. ​

April 21,2013

This morning I am grateful for the extremely limited snow we got yesterday so I was able to go and support a friend at the grand opening of her store. I am grateful for how the ​universe always seems to give me time to do all I need to do when it is about promoting love in this world. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a space of healing for people. I am grateful for the ability to see the little winks of the Infinite in my life. I am grateful I was able to walk a little bit yesterday and am relearning how to spend time in public.

April 20, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the choice to sleep in and get some much needed rest. I am grateful for my wife who loves and supports me unconditionally. I am grateful for the opportunity to support a friend today as she opens her store. I am grateful for my new knives which will allow me to enhance my knife skills in the kitchen. I am grateful for the play time I had with Mr Mittens yesterday.​

April 19, 2013

I am grateful for the way Spirit speaks to me so I can be of service to others. I am grateful for the changes I am already noticing in my body as I increase my water intake. I am grateful my eye has healed one more time. I am grateful for the sound of silence and the words that come to me in the quiet. I am grateful for those things which keep my sinuses clear and allow me to smell the freshness of a spring day. I am grateful for the birds chirping outside my window.​

April 18, 2013

This morning I am grateful for my friend Nina who picked up a few things for me while she was at the grocery store, saving Zoe and I trip. I am grateful for little things like a clean desk in the morning. I am grateful for the work Zoe is doing on our brochures and library. I am grateful for the encouragement of friends who are encouraging me in connecting ​more fully with my lower chakras and my water drinking. I am grateful for the opportunity I had yesterday to bless others.

April 17, 2013

There is not a morning I wake up that I do not have something to be grateful for. I am grateful that even thought I overslept this morning, my first appointment is running late so I have time to do what I did not think I would be able to do. I am grateful for the opportunity to make a new relationship with my body. I am grateful for those who are blessing me with their talents to help me become stronger and able to soar higher. I am grateful for the chance my son has for a new group home living situation. I am grateful for the opportunity to have woken up one more time.

April 16, 2013

I spend so much of my time and energy helping others on their journeys, so I am always grateful for those who touch me and assist me in mine. I am grateful for the new friends Zoe and I are making and the new energy flowing into our lives. I am grateful for our friend Laura who moved beyond her comfort zone and allowed Zoe to do a Reiki treatment on her. I am grateful for the toxins I am removing from my life each and every day. I am grateful for all my "children" who always know I am here for them whenever they need me. 

April 15, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the healing hearts in my life. I am grateful for the relationships I have with those I am journeying with. I am grateful for the powerful film group yesterday. I am grateful for the insights I am gaining about my own journey and what I need to work on next in my life. I am grateful for the look in my wife's eyes when she looks at me and the tender way she holds me. ​

April 14, 2013

I am grateful I never run out of things to be grateful for in my life. I am grateful for the depth of connection I have with my wife and soul mate. I am grateful for my friend Sharon Hinkson Forsythe for reasons only the Infinite understands. I am grateful for Rob Wright for the same reason. I am grateful for friends who respond to a request for assistance at 2 am and say of course. I am grateful I have so much to be grateful for in my life. Yes, I know I already said that, but I am just so blessed.​

April 13, 2013

I am grateful for the energy with which I awoke this morning after 4 hours sleep. I am grateful for my wife and her commitment to our ministries/businesses. I am grateful for patience when I am tired. I am grateful for the positive and loving support of friends and colleagues. I am grateful for the gifts of laughter and sleep.​

April 12, 2013

This morning, my heart is once again overflowing as I take time to think about how blessed I truly am. I am grateful for our friend Nina who surprised us with a gift of love (apple crisp) and a gift of humor (a bottle of wine called Sweet Bitch). I am grateful for my wife and partner Zoe who is not only supportive of my ministries in life, but has agreed to be my partner in life and ministry. I am grateful for the courage within myself to ask for assistance in my physical rehabilitation and to have found a personal trainer who is willing to meet me where I am (physically and literally). I am grateful for friends who call to check in on me when I appear in their prayer times and meditations. I am grateful for my Liftline rides yesterday as they gave me an opportunity to reconnect with people I have not seen in years.

April 11, 2013

Today I am grateful that my cornea was not torn again, just infected and have antibiotics to treat it. I am grateful I was able to get Liftline reservation to go to school and teach today. I am grateful for my wife reminding me when I am making assumptions based on the past. I am grateful for all the people who have been holding Zoe and I in prayer as we have moved through this virus. I am grateful for giving myself permission yesterday to take a nap.​

April 10, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the new energy and people who keep coming into our lives. I am grateful for the opportunities I am provided to assist and be of service to others. I am grateful for the ability see the presence of the Infinite working in and through my life. i am grateful for the random acts of kindness received from others. I am grateful for the medical treatments and supports for those who are experiencing anxiety and depression.​

April 9, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the opportunities I am blessed with to be of service. I am grateful Zoe was able to fix Nina's computer. I am grateful for my students being so understanding and supportive and throwing my advice back at me -- "just do your best Dr J". I am grateful for Dr Ryan and his making sure I receive treatment for my eye this week. I am grateful for the cleansing power of salt on my throat and sinuses. 

April 8, 2013

I never cease to be amazed at how much I have to be grateful for in my life. I am grateful for all the loving and positive energy the universe is sending into my life. I am grateful for the new understandings of scriptures that are being revealed to me each day. I am grateful for the power of healing energy in my body, mind, and soul. I am grateful for the power of salt to heal and cleanse. I am grateful to journey with such loving and giving people who open their hearts, lives, and souls with me and allow me to walk with them in their journey to a closer relationship with themselves and the Infinite.​

April 7, 2013

This morning I am grateful to have been able to talk more last night then I have been able to do for weeks. I am grateful for the new women we met at last night's potluck. I am grateful for my wife who finds ways to leave me a "gift" to unwrap each day to remind me of her love for me. I am grateful for online recipes that helped me make an uber-moist gluten free orange cake for a friend's birthday last night. I am grateful for the reminders of how far I have come in my own journey.​