May 16, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the lessons I learned yesterday about releasing attachments to things and the peace that comes with healing. I am grateful for friends who I can be honest with about my journey and do not judge me. I am grateful for the healing power of prayer to transform all things in my life. i am grateful for the love and support of my friends at the Academy of Awareness who have been so loving and supporting. I am grateful for my wife who has been such a blessing in my life picking up the slack around the house for me so I can stay focused on grading and meeting other deadlines.​

May 15, 2013

I am grateful for the email I got from a cyber friend of mine letting me know i was missed from an online group I was a part of; it made me feel appreciated. it is so humbling to know that my presence is missed. I am grateful for the opportunities to be of service as it keeps me positive and focused during challenging times in my own life. I am grateful for the unconditional love and support of my wife in all situations. I am grateful for my enthusiasm and zest for life and my faith that the best is yet to come. I am grateful for the freedom to live my life authentically.

May 14, 2013

I am grateful to be feeling better today as my stomach seemed upset yesterday. I am grateful for the way Spirit works in me and through me. I am grateful for my wife who reminds me to take care of myself so that I can continue to take care of others. I am grateful to have been able to reconnect with a colleague of mine. I am grateful for the power of forgiveness. ​

May 13, 2013

This morning I am so grateful for the mother's day gift I got from my son and a soft, warm shawl I got from a friend. I am grateful for the time of sharing we had with our movie time group yesterday. I am grateful for the messages of love which have come my way the last 48 hours. I am grateful for the decision to take time for me this weekend. I am grateful for a restful night's sleep and another opportunity to be of service to the Infinite in this lifetime.​

May 12, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the gift of patience and perseverance. I am grateful ​for the awesome morning we had yesterday with our metaphysical networking group. I am grateful for a good night's sleep and the energy I woke up with this morning. I am grateful for the love and support of friends and colleagues in developing my ministry. I am grateful for the ability to use my words to speak my needs to others and to the universe.

May 11, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the rain which is watering our lawn. I am grateful for the smell of fresh air. I am grateful for the cleansing feeling of a morning shower. I am grateful for the sounds of life which surround me. I am grateful  I am grateful for the ability to see birds flying and rabbits scurrying across our yard again. I am grateful for the protective energy around my son which prevented him from moving to a group home which would not be appropriate for him.​

May 10, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the time I gave myself to sleep in late. I am grateful for the liftline reservation I was able to get yesterday to go to the grocery store. I ​am grateful for my new bluetooth and the ATT rep's ability to lower my cell phone bill by 25% each month. I am grateful our friend Bernie was able to make it here safely before his truck broke down. I am grateful for services like AAA that were able to tow his car to the shop for him.

May 9, 2013

I am grateful it is raining this week as it allowed me to get a liftline reservation to go to the store today. I am grateful for the good nights sleep. I am grateful for all I was able to complete yesterday. I am grateful for the symphony of sounds the rain makes when it hits various parts of our home. I am grateful for the testimonies of others about the work we are doing here.

May 8, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the conversations I had with the Infinite throughout the night and the insights gained about my life and my journey. ​ I am grateful for the powerful conversation I had with Zoe last night. I am grateful for the faith community which I have been blessed to be a part of and the unconditional love we have for each other. I am grateful for my deepening understanding of what it means to be a warrior. I am grateful for the choices being given to my son at this time in his life.

May 7, 2013

This morning I am grateful to feel a physical lightness which I have not felt in a long time. I am grateful for the gift I was blessed with last night of a Reiki/Massage table, which was completely unexpected. I am grateful for the gift of time, talent, and resources from my friend Maryanna who has such a loving spirit. I am grateful for the call from a new friend Nicole encouraging me to expand my horizons. I am grateful our friends who have been struggling with so many issues are finally experiencing some relief.

May 6, 2013

I am grateful to be able to wake up every morning and have so much to be grateful for in my life. I am grateful for all I have been through and the clarity it has given me so that I can be used to assist others in their journey. I am grateful for the water which quenches my thirst and the thirst which reminds me of the importance of cleansing my system. I am grateful for the new batteries which are coming today to enable me to go for a roll around the block in this beautiful weather. I am grateful for the gift of coffee a friend and client left me yesterday.

May 5, 2013

Today, I am grateful for the laughter that filled our house last night. I am grateful for the growing circle of loving and positive friends we are developing. I am grateful for a good nights sleep last night and to wake up rested and refreshed. I am grateful for the person who donated money to pay for my new wheelchair batteries. I am grateful for the beautiful pink flowers on the tree outside my window.​

May 4, 2013

​This morning I am grateful that my wheelchair seems to have had enough power that I could do one load of laundry and that felt so amazingly good. I can't wait until Monday when I back in full form. I am grateful for all those who have been sending healing energies this week as they have certainly helped me press through my challenges and connected with the warrior within me on a very different level. I am grateful for Zoe who has taken the lead on so many things this week while I have been moving through this challenge. I am grateful for the lessons I am learning by watching the videos at the Academy of Awareness. I am grateful for the increase in thirst and decrease in appetite.

May 3, 2013

This morning I am grateful I have made my last trip to Brockport for this semester. I am grateful for my students who have taught me so much this semester. I am grateful for my body which is teaching me valuable lessons this week about pain and perseverance. I am grateful for my wife who has demonstrated her unconditional love for me in so many ways this week. I am grateful for the symphony of birds outside my window.​

May 2, 2013

This morning, I am grateful for the pictures my Uncle Dave sent me; one of my father and grandfather and the other of me when they brought me home from the adoption center 56 years ago. I am grateful for my wife who made me breakfast this morning so I could take my pain killer. I am grateful I have made it through 7 days of walking with my walker and pressing through the pain. I am grateful for the opportunities to be of service which we were blessed with yesterday. I am grateful for a good night's sleep and to have woke up to see another day.​

May 1, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the conversation I had with Zoe last night to help her get organized and to talk about what I am still needing help with physically. I am grateful for the sore muscles that are being rebuilt and the pain killers that are helping to control the back and knee pain. I am grateful for our new friend Bernie who has chosen our yard to bless with some yard care (rolling, sweeping, etc). I am grateful the courts responded to my friend's request that her ex-husband be awarded custody of their son. I am grateful for every step I am able to make and my courage to keep stepping through the pain and discomfort.

April 30, 2013

This morning, my heart continues to overflow. I am grateful for the anonymous donor who has heard and answered my prayers regarding my wheelchair. I am grateful for how the universe continues to bless me and assist me in the rebuilding of my body. I am grateful for the songs the birds are singing for me this morning. I am grateful for the beautiful pink buds on the tree outside my window. I am grateful for Bill, the wheelchair repairman  who blesses me and so many others with offerings from his goodwill box.​

April 29, 2013

This morning, I am grateful for each step I have been able to take the last three days. I am grateful for the pain in my back and knees as it is reconnecting me with my body and that I am still alive. I am grateful for the ability to still walk and the walker and foot brace which keep me stable. I am grateful for the green of the grass and the smell of fresh air. I am grateful for the opportunities to be of service and that the Infinite has not stopped using me yet.​

April 28, 2013

This morning, after asking for prayer requests for me and my power chair which appears to be on its last leg, I awoke to a plethora of people lifting me up in prayer and offering to help me raise funds if needed to purchase a new one. For this outpouring of love and support, I am so grateful. I am grateful for my friend Sharon who so gently helped me heal yesterday on so many levels. I am grateful for my wife who has been so amazing the last few days and done so much to support me and let me know the depth of her love for me. I am grateful for my friend Lu who seems to have found the house of her dreams. I am grateful for the numerous ways the Infinite hears and answers my prayers in ways that I can never begin to express my gratitude for.​

April 27, 2013

I am grateful for the love and support of my friends and family as I take the rebuilding of my body and the healing of every cell of being to a higher level. I am grateful for the sunlight coming into our window and the birds singing. I am grateful my wheelchair is not working properly as it is forcing me to use my walker more and be intentional about doing the physical care I have been saying I wanted to do. I am grateful for the new clients the universe has been sending me in answer to my prayers. I am grateful that I too continue to be used to assist others in their healing.​