June 5, 2013

I am grateful for waking up one more day. I am grateful for the love and support of friends and colleagues. I am grateful for the inspiration which fills my day and the ways the universe hears and answers my prayers. I am grateful for the courage to press through my fears. I am grateful for the ability to create my own life and walk in my truth. 

June 4, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the powerful healing harbor gathering we had last night and the healing brought about in people's lives. I am grateful for my friends who love and support me and offer me insights into how to build this ministry.​ I am grateful for my wife who supports me in all things and loves me unconditionally. I am grateful for the trickling in of funds which are enabling me to make it through this month financially. I am grateful for the healing harbor staff and there commitment to building this part of our ministry.

June 3, 2013

I am grateful for the love and support of friends. I am grateful for the water which is keeping my body hydrated. I am grateful for Zoe and I working together to rebuild her stamina and help keep her focused. I am grateful for the new pictures I got from my brother of my niece and nephews and his girlfriend. I am grateful for the lessons I am learning each day and always stepping out in faith.

June 2, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the laughter and love which filled our home last night at our women's potluck. I am grateful for the safe shelter from the storm and for my friend Maryanna who took a moment to call and let us know about it coming. I am grateful for the little things in life like unexpected and always needed love offerings. I am grateful for remembering to listen to my own advice and not doing things or making decisions when I am tired. I am grateful for the open communication I have with Zoe and our ability to talk about all things. ​

June 1, 2013

This morning, I am grateful to finally be catching up on some old projects and able to make room for some new ones and more time for me. I am grateful to have had enough money to pay my bills one more month. I am grateful for the love and support of friends. I am grateful for the birds singing outside my window. I am grateful for the quiet which fills my house at the moment and the time to appreciate life and spend time with the Infinite.​

May 31, 2013

This morning, I am grateful for a good night's sleep. I am grateful for the awesome workshop last night at Epiphanies and the opportunity to share what I do with others. I am grateful for the amazing growth I am seeing in a few of my spiritual partners. I am grateful for the newly organized garage thanks to Kimi and Zoe. I am grateful for the opportunity to minister to a former congregant last night who is grieving the loss of a dear friend who was murdered recently.

May 30, 2013

I am grateful for the email I got my friend in Australia, Jane who is always so supportive and willing to celebrate my accomplishments. I am grateful for the love and inspiration that was shared over a plate of grilled hot dogs and leftovers last night. I am grateful for the energy that is building as several metaphysical and spiritual leaders talk about ways of networking,  cross promoting, and increasing our visibility in the city.  I am grateful for my wife Zoe who is learning how to help me move through my stuff and become my spiritual partner. I am grateful for the clarity I have been given about the workshop I am doing this evening at Epiphanies.

May 29, 2013

I am grateful to have made it through another day. I am grateful for friends who help me live the five agreements when external forces try to pull me into a state of fear. I am grateful for the way Spirit removes negative forces from my life and replaces it with positive. I am grateful for the decision to sleep in this morning and allow myself to rest. I am grateful for all I have and the challenges which are helping me to grow.​

May 28, 2013

I am grateful for the amazing time we had yesterday and for all those who came over to spend the day with us. I am grateful for my evolving relationship with Heidi, Vicki, and Nicole, what a blessing. I am grateful for Zoe overcoming her fear of our new riding mower, you go gurl. I am grateful for knowing how amazing I am and not having my sense of self connected to others. I am grateful for being the just do it gurl and the I can do all things through the Infinite who empowers me gurl.​

May 27, 2013

This morning I am grateful to wake up one more time. i am grateful I had the chance to reconnect with an old friend last night. I am grateful for the healing power of phone hugs. I am grateful for the smell of fresh cut grass. I am grateful for the ways Zoe and I encourage each other. I am grateful I got my summer syllabus mounted, now I can begin on the 2nd one.​

May 26, 2013

I am grateful for 13 hours of sleep as I was just exhausted once we got home yesterday. I am grateful for all the new people we had a chance to meet yesterday and how interested people seemed to be in learning about our services. I am grateful for all the friends who came out to support us and especially to LIesl who sat at the table all day with us. I am grateful for the emails and texts we woke up to yesterday wishing us well, one of them coming from a friend in Australia. I am grateful for the opportunities my life is providing me and the doors that are being opened so that I can expand my life and my  ministry.​

May 25, 2013

I am grateful for the awesome 5 agreements group we had last night and the new person who joined us. I am grateful for colleagues who offer to help publicize our events and the opportunity to do the same for them. I am grateful for all I have gotten done this week and all the love and support along the way. I am grateful for the birds which wake me up every morning this time of year and the cat kisses which woke me up this morning. I am grateful to wake up with an attitude of gratitude.

May 24, 2013

I am grateful for a good nights sleep, which was much needed. I am grateful I only have four more papers to grade today and then I can move on to the next deadline and accomplishment. I am grateful for Zoe and friends who have been so loving and supportive as I move through one more grading week. I am grateful for a clean house, clothes, and sheets as that always makes me feel better. I am grateful for the knowledge that this too will pass and the best is yet to come.​

May 23, 2013

I am grateful for my integrity and my choices to make decisions that I can live with for the rest of my life. I am grateful for colleagues who took time to help me in my discernment process. I am grateful for my wife who helped me think through my feelings. I am grateful for the receipt of my brochures for this weekends fair. I am grateful for Zoe's offer to go to the grocery store for me.​

May 22, 2013

This morning I am grateful for a good nights sleep. I am grateful for all the traumatic and stressful events I do not have to and not had to endure in my life. I am grateful for friendships that transcend cyber boundaries. I am grateful for the birds chirping outside my window this morning. I am grateful for our cats whose meditational stare at those same birds reminds me to take time to just be still and meditate and be. ​

May 21, 2013

Today, I am so grateful for the loving circle of women who have committed to offer their gifts of time, talent, and resources to offer healing services to this little corner of western NY. I am grateful for the love and support of all those in my life. I am grateful for the surprise I found in my freezer this morning (a bag of shrimp gyoza) that a friend left for me the other night. I am grateful for the ability to set boundaries with people. I am grateful for the smell and feel of clean sheets. I am grateful for the coffee which was given to me by a friend and the smell that fills the house when it is brewed.​

May 20, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the love and support of the Iocal Inspiritual community who gave of their time, talent, and resources yesterday to help create our "light" bulbs for the fair on Saturday. I am grateful for friends who brought me bagels and smoked salmon spread, one of my stress comfort foods :). I am grateful for the way the Universe has been heaing and answering my prayers. I am grateful for the rays of sun beaming through my window. I am grateful I had the opportunity to bless a friend with a resume review as she prepares to face the job market again. ​

May 19, 2013

This morning I am grateful to have accomplished so much grading yesterday and only have 3 papers left in one class which I will accomplish today. I am grateful for my wife who gives me the space to get done what I need to get done in a short amount of time. I am grateful for the time shared with this amazing group of women last night. I am grateful for the new "congregation" I have been blessed with in my journey. I am grateful my niece Becca graduated yesterday.​

May 18, 2013

I am grateful for the arrival of our reiki/massage table which was donated to us anonymously; it is always a blessing to remove something from our wish list of how people can help us grow. I am grateful for Liesl who has figured out how to make our "light" bulbs work for the fair and all those who are offering their time, talent, and resources to help us make them. I am grateful for the opportunities given to Zoe yesterday to practice her Reiki. I am grateful for the powerful spiritual journaling group last night. I am grateful for taking the time yesterday to choose to be loving.​

May 17, 2013

I am grateful that my wife is being so loving and patient with me while I am not being as pleasant and cheerful as normal, a consequence of grading frenzy and putting a few too many things on my plate. I am grateful for friends who are helping me with an art project. I am grateful that I received a package a few days early so that I could brainstorm with a friend about how we can do something differently. I am grateful that my friend's custody battle went better then it could have gone. ​I am grateful to Zoe for buying me breakfast this morning so I did not have to cook breakfast.