August 4, 2013

This morning I am grateful to have woke up one more time. I am grateful for the coffee which is brewing and the aroma which is filling our home. I am grateful for the new women we met last night and the joy which always fills our home. I am grateful for the movement forward in my life and the chance to be of service to others. I am grateful for the images and words which came to me from my friend Jane in Australia this morning. Oh just so much to be grateful for today. 

August 3, 2013

I am grateful for yet one more day of waking up and to have a chance to be of service. I am grateful for my friend Jane who sent me a copy of her postcard to herself this morning. I am grateful for my friend Claude who is helping me to birth our new Sunday morning Skype love and inspiration gathering. I am grateful for the love and support of Zoe who always believes in and encourages me. I am grateful for my friend Paul Lombardo Fox for giving me some time to process and release yesterday. 

August 2, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the opportunity to be of service yesterday. I am grateful for the support of Gary Snyder of one of our events. I am grateful for the opportunity to witness Zoe ministering to a friend who is going through some challenging times. I am grateful for a morning shower and having woken up one more time. I am grateful for all those who are working to help bring me and this ministry into the community. I am grateful for the ability to speak my truth in love and to not internalize others emotional poison. 

August 1, 2013

I have so much to be grateful for today beginning with all those who came out to enjoy the night with us and help us celebrate our anniversary including Maryann, Cookie, Woody, Laura, Nina S, Nina P, Michael, Avalon, Heather and Jessica. I am so grateful for the love and support of my wife who always supports me in my journey. I am grateful for the support of my friends as I work to rebuild my body. I am grateful for the love I am expressing for myself in being more impeccable about what I put in my body. I am grateful for the confidence Zoe had after her job interview yesterday.

July 31, 2013

This morning I am grateful to have gotten an amazing nights sleep. I am grateful to learn that more people are coming tonight to our 3 year anniversary party then I had planned. I am grateful for the love and support of so many people as I continue to give of my time, talent, and resources to help make this world a better place. I am grateful for the job interview Zoe has today and all those who have been praying for her as well. I am grateful for life and the lessons I am learning in the journey. 

July 30, 2013

This morning I am grateful for a good nights sleep and time with the Infinite. I am grateful for the healthier choices I made most of the day yesterday. I am grateful for the job interview Zoe was offered on Wednesday and the prayers of those who are sending her positive energy. I am grateful for those who have offered to bring snacks to our 3 year anniversary celebration on Wednesday and for all those who have helped to make these 3 years possible. I am grateful to the Infinite for guiding and ordering my life and always moving me forward and loving me unconditionally. And I have to do a sixth one today, I am so grateful to my friend Jane in Australia who is a constant source of inspiration

July 29, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the sounds of life in our home, snoring, meowing, cats running up and down the hallway, clocks ticking, birds singing and the coffee pot saying come have some :). I am grateful for the restful nights sleep I had last night and the rejuvenated feeling in my mind and body this morning. I am grateful for all I accomplished yesterday and the chance to reconnect with my brother. I am grateful my brother and Trisha are taking another step forward in building a life together. I am grateful not just for all we have in our lives, but all we have been spared, and all that is yet to come. 

July 28, 2013

This morning I am so grateful for the blessings which have come into my life this past year via people, energy, opportunities. I am grateful for the ideas from our followers for new programs and ideas and ways to minister to people. I am grateful we were able to help our friend Nina see her daughter yesterday. I am grateful for the amazing conversation I had with my friend Claude yesterday. I am grateful for the sound of the rain beating on my window. 

July 27, 2013

This morning I am grateful to wake up one more time. I am grateful my friend Cookie's cat Nala returned home safely. I am grateful for the new people the universe is sending to our ministry. I am grateful for a friend of mine actively choosing to move forward in her journey and to begin releasing the past. I am grateful for the quiet time I will have today to focus on my work and to have some private time for me. 

July 26, 2013

This morning I am grateful to remember the things I forgot. I am grateful for the chance I had yesterday to support my friend Maryanna. I am grateful for all I accomplished yesterday and my ability to say I can not do anymore. I am grateful for the love and support of my wife who kept me company while I worked later then I normally do. I am grateful for the power of meditation and relaxation. I am grateful for the beautiful notes I get each morning from my friend Nina. 

July 25, 2013

This morning I am grateful for Schrader's garage and their ability to fix Zoe's car at a reasonable price. I am grateful for our friends Liesl and Woody who brought to and from the garage. I am grateful for the opportunity to have spent time with my friend Will and caught up with what is going on in his life. I am grateful for Zoe's renewed interest in writing. I am grateful for each day that I wake up and the opportunities it provides me to be of service.

July 24, 2013

This morning I am grateful for all I accomplished yesterday and the opportunities that lay before me today. I am grateful for our friend Liesl who picked Zoe up today and is bringing her home fro  the mechanics. I am grateful for Nina who helped us find a place that has honest and reputable mechanics. I am grateful for being self-motivated and willing to do what I need to do to get things done. I am grateful for the ability to ask for help when I need it.

July 23, 2013

This morning I am so grateful for my friends Nina Ploetz and Nicole Stewart. What a blessing to have spent the night last night laughing, talking, sharing, and just being over good food; what an awesome evening. I am so grateful to my wife Zoe Davis who continues to grow and blossom as a spiritual and human being; what a blessing to witness this. I am grateful for the judge who heard and answered the prayers of a friend's son to be placed somewhere other then home. I am grateful for the commitment to healing our friend Vicki Snyder has. It is always a blessing to meet people for whom healing is what is most important. I am grateful for my time with Daniel yesterday afternoon as he always confirms I am on the path I am supposed to be on in my own life. 

July 22. 2013

I am so grateful for the answers Zoe got to her questions from her session with Vicki Snyder. I am grateful for the sleep I got last night as my body is fighting off yet another sinus infection. I am grateful for the quiet time this morning to just reflect and give thanks for all I have and all I have been spared in my life. I am grateful for the power of music to lift my spirits and calm my soul. I am grateful for the cuddle time I had with Zoe.

July 21, 2013

I am so grateful for the laughter which filled our home last night and the ability to be a space for people to gather and express their feelings. I am grateful for all I managed to accomplish yesterday and still take some time to just sit and be. I am grateful for all the things I have been spared in my life; that list is way too long to even list here. I am grateful for the power of prayer to change and heal all things. I am grateful for the chance to talk with an old friend yesterday and to be given a new perspective on some of what i am trying to do in my life.

July 20, 2013

I am so grateful for the willingness of my friend Rev Maryanna Mueller to have shared her gifts with us last night and introduced us to Hypno-Art. I am grateful for the opportunity to have met Susan last night and experienced her art. I am grateful that my friends son's suicide attempt was not successful. I am grateful for the willingness of friends to pray for their adversaries. I am grateful for the breakthroughs people are having in their spiritual journeys.

July 19, 2013

This morning i am grateful that my friend's prayers were answered and their son is finally receiving the assistance he so needs and they can begin to heal their family. I am grateful for a good night's sleep for Zoe and I. I am grateful for the relationship I have with Zoe and the open lines of communication and support.  I am grateful for having an extra computer to work on when the other is being scanned or running slow. I am grateful for the love and support of friends and family. I am grateful for the medications and treatments which keep me healthy.

July 18, 2013

I am grateful for the power of a nap to refresh one on a hot summer day. I am grateful for restaurants that deliver on nights when I am too tired to cook. I am grateful to live in a town that is proactive about taking care of its streets and culverts. I am grateful for central air conditioning on these hot summer days. I am grateful for cooling and cleansing showers. 

July 17, 2013

This morning I am grateful for my friend Cookie Stringfellow and the way she has learned to know some things about me that not everyone picks up on. I am grateful for having completed an overdue project yesterday. I am grateful we do not have to leave the house this afternoon as our road will be closed for repaving. I am grateful for the food for thought my friend Heather Feinman Fox gave me last night. I am grateful for the opportunity to have spent time getting to know one of my students Drea Moore on a deeper and more personal level yesterday.

July 16, 2013

This morning I am so grateful for the healing which happened in people's lives last night at Healing Harbor. I am grateful for those who volunteer their time, talents, and resources to make Healing Harbor possible: Nina Ploetz, Sharon Forsythe Hinkson, Nicole Stewart, Zoe, Davis, Michael Fox, and Heather Feinman Fox. I am grateful for the open communication between my soulmate/wife Zoe and I. I am grateful for the opportunities to be of service in this world.