August 24, 2013

This morning I am grateful to feel as if I am back to my normal energy level. I am grateful for clean sheets on the bed last night. I am grateful for the opportunity to officiate my friend Woody and Laura's wedding today. I am grateful that most of their children will be there to support them. I am grateful for my friend Maryanna who always has cosmic ideas for Zoe and I. 

August 23, 2013

Today, I am grateful to feel rested. I am grateful for the time to just be, to sleep, to heal, to spend time with the Infinite. I am grateful to be done with my grading for the summer and  the ability to start the fall with a clean slate. I am grateful for the signs of life around me (grass growing, birds singing, etc). I am grateful for the healing and cleansing power of a shower. 

August 22, 2013

I am grateful to be feeling rested and to have been able to sleep in this morning. I am grateful for our friend Sam who helped with weeding yesterday. I am grateful for Zoe encouraging me to get some rest. I am grateful for my student Michele who has pushed herself academically. I am grateful that I have nothing that I HAVE to do today. 

August 21, 2013

I am grateful to be almost done with my grading from the summer semester and maybe have a day or two where I can do nothing before the fall semester gets going. I am grateful for the little things like a new understanding of why i love sunflowers and black eyed susans. I am grateful for being able to spend some time cuddling with Zoe before I took a much needed nap yesterday. I am grateful that my niece Becca had such a good first few days in grad school. I am grateful for my friend Sam who is coming to help with weeding.

August 20, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the love and support of friends who have been sending me positive energy as I move through this last week of hectic schedule at school. I am grateful for Nina P bringing dinner last night, it was so good. I am grateful for my wife who always knows the right thing to say and the right way to say it. I am grateful for the healing power of Reiki in my friends lives. I am grateful for each day I am able to wake up and be of service to the universe.

August 19, 2013

This morning I am grateful to have woken up one more time and for the way God works in my life, even while I sleep. I am grateful for all I accomplished yesterday. I am grateful to have the time this morning to give thanks and the ability to see how God has worked and is working in my life. I am grateful for the gift of a table and folding chairs. I am grateful for the abundance of food so I can focus on grading and editing this week and catching up on overdue projects. 

August 18, 2013

This morning I am grateful to my sales rep LouAnn Boersch at Worth Publishers for creating a solution to my situation before she left for vacation. I am grateful for the technology that allows people to gather together from various parts of the country. I am grateful for the sanctuary I get to enter whenever I need to spend a few quiet moments with the Creator. I am grateful for the new insights about biblical teachings which arose this morning. I am grateful for all the people who have been my jackass and for those who have allowed me to be theirs. 

August 17, 2013

I am grateful to have woken up one more day and for the restful nights sleep. I am grateful for each moment when I remember to not take things personally. I am grateful for each moment I remember to always seek clarification. I am grateful for each opportunity I have to be of service to others. I am grateful for my friend Nina who offered to help in the kitchen yesterday so I could spend more time working on class preparations and grading final projects.  

August 16, 2013

Today, I am grateful for my wife's loving and generous spirit. She picked a friend up at the airport at midnight last night and then got back up at 5:45 am to bring her to Syracuse.  I am grateful for the extra week to grade papers as it took so much stress off my plate for the next few days. I am grateful for Key Bank's last act of horrible treatment which has inspired me to take my business elsewhere and for the numerous recommendations to join ESL. I am grateful for Zoe's car being fixed and back on the road again. I am grateful for what I was able to accomplish on my fall syllabi yesterday. 

August 15, 2013

Today I am grateful to have another way to connect with my brother, as he finally joined Facebook (whoo hoo!). I am grateful to have completed everything on my things to do list yesterday and even had quality time with Zoe. I am grateful for the choices I have been making this week to move my body as much as possible every day. I am grateful for our friend Bernie who came to his street (Bernie Lane) so that Zoe could get her car. I am grateful for my friend Jane who somehow knows when I am thinking about her and reminds me of my own teachings. 

August 14, 2013

Today, I am grateful for the assistance Zoe gave me yesterday in posting events on FB, a major time saver for me. I am grateful for the awesome pre-wedding meeting I had with my friends Woody and Laura. I am grateful for the support of my friend Maryanna who is so encouraging and loving. I am grateful for my conversation with my friend Bernie yesterday morning about my role in his life. I am grateful for my friend Martha C who shared pics of her the other day. It is always so nice to put a face with a name as we have only talked and written to each other. 

August 13, 2013

This morning I am grateful to have woken up one more time and the first thing I heard was good morning sunshine and the first words I read were the same and they came from two different people. I am grateful for honest mechanics and our friend Nina who sent us there. I am grateful my spiritual partnership clients who bless me with the opportunity to be of service and to be a vessel through which the Infinite works. I am grateful for all the things my body does for me without being asked to; it just does it. I am grateful for the willingness of others to share from their hearts and bless me and to enable me to do the same in return. 

August 12, 2013

I am grateful to have woken up so I can assist a friend in getting to the airport this morning, but I am also grateful to be able to go back to sleep. I am grateful for the random act of kindness from a student yesterday who thanked me for helping her out by bringing me lunch. I am grateful for the opportunity to play nurse to a friend yesterday and learn how to splint a finger. I am grateful for the powerful and liberating discussion we had at love and inspiration yesterday.  I am grateful for little things like indoor plumbing and water at my disposal and all those who gave that this might be present in my life.  

August 11, 2013

I am grateful for the affirmation of my call as a writer and the ability for my words to minister to people's souls. I am grateful for my gift as a teacher to help people reach new levels of understanding and questioning. I am grateful for the confirmation of spirit when people respond to random notes and say i really needed that right now. I am grateful for a restful nights sleep and to have woken up one more day. I am grateful for the love and prayers of others. 

August 10, 2013

This morning I am grateful to have woken up when my body was ready and not the alarm.  I am grateful for the shrimp dinner my wife gave me last night and which I got to finish for breakfast. I am grateful for my early morning conversation with Gary Snyder. I am grateful for my friend Maryanna who is always trying to spread the word about what we are doing here. I am grateful for my friend Martha C who reopened a door for me. 

August 9, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the reminder of how to empty my emotions and stay undisturbed. I am grateful for my friend Martha C who let me know the Academy of Awareness is now free and open to the public. I am grateful for the sharing which happened here last night and the healing which is occurring in our lives. I am grateful for the 37 principles of Bodhisattva and what they are teaching me about life. I am grateful for the practice I am getting in not taking things personally.

August 8, 2013

I am grateful my stomach cramps are gone and that I gave myself a day to rest and take care of myself. I am grateful for Zoe bringing me home some club soda and for offering to get anything I needed from the store. I am grateful for the reminder to drink more water and eat more fiber then I did the other day. I am grateful for time to just be and meditate and reflect on life. I am grateful for the reminder that what I think is not what is true.

August 7, 2013

This morning I am grateful for getting out of bed without falling. I am grateful I am not in the hospital fighting for my life as my friend Paul's friend Heather is. I am grateful I got to help someone heal yesterday by sharing part of my own story and journey. I am grateful that I was able to help Zoe move through something. I am grateful Zoe got called in for a 2nd interview on Friday. I am grateful that this last summer class will be over in just a few days. 

August 6, 2013

I am so grateful for the healing which happened here last night, not in the way we had planned, but through having time to talk, laugh, move through fears, and lovingly support each other. I am grateful for my friend Angel Sullivan who took time to help me move through a time of discernment. I am grateful for Zoe feeling better and recovering from her stomach being upset. I am grateful my friend Bernie is coming to talk with us this morning as we has been quite nervous and upset about his upcoming surgery.  I am grateful my friend Jane is going to begin drawing again. Oh so much to be grateful for this and every day.

August 5, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the time to relax and unwind a little bit yesterday. I am grateful for my friend Jane and the "gift" she sent me this morning. I am grateful for the amazing conversation had during our first web based love and inspiration and to my friend Claude for being a part of bringing it to life. I am grateful for listening to spirit and creating virtual spaces via Skype for people to gather from around the country and be fed. I am grateful for each breath I take and for the myriad of ways my body works to keep me alive even without my asking.