September 13, 2013

This morning I am grateful I am not superstitious about it being Friday the 13th - lol. I am grateful for the ability to take care of myself yesterday and take some pressure off of myself. I am grateful that friends of mine have found an agency to help them rebuild their lives. I am grateful for the full house we will have on Sunday for our first Raindrop Technique class. I am grateful for the opportunity I had to help my niece out yesterday and contribute to her healing. 

September 12, 2013

I am grateful for the opportunity I had yesterday to expand my territory on Big Meach's blog talk radio show. I am grateful for all the people who have emailed me to let me know what they learned as a result of the show. I am grateful for all I have and am accomplishing. I am grateful for the tissues which take care of me when my sinuses feel like a dripping faucet.  I am grateful for all the things my body does for me without my asking it do it for me.

September 11, 2013

This morning I am grateful to be able to celebrate my brother Mark's birthday one more year. I am grateful for the time I had with Zoe last night to just curl up and watch a movie. I am grateful I am caught up with my grading in one class and have only 33 more papers to grade today for the other class. I am grateful for the invitation from my friend Meach to be on his talk radio show this afternoon.  I am grateful for the ability to not take things personally. 

September 10, 2013

I am grateful I am catching up on my grading :). I am grateful for the opportunity to share a meal with our friend Nina P. I am grateful to have the chance to call my friend Bernie and wish him a happy 75th birthday. I am grateful for one more day on this earth and chance to be of service. I am grateful for the water which is quenching my thirst.  

September 9, 2013

I am grateful for the powerful conversation we had at movie time yesterday. I am grateful for my friends Woody and Sam who helped me to see a space where I need to work on my own healing. I am grateful for my wife who loves me unconditionally and always does things to make me feel her love. I am grateful for each day I wake up and can move forward in my journey and be of service to others. I am grateful friends of mine who have been struggling economically have been blessed with money for food.

September 8, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the rain which is nurturing our yard and playing a symphony for my ears. I am grateful for the sounds of snoring which are coming in stereo from the bedroom and our cat Dr Wally. I am grateful for the pipes which bring water to our house for my morning shower, cleansing, and drinking. I am grateful for my neighbors Phil and Eileen who have helped to feed so many of our friends with their gift of pears and apples. I am grateful for the love in our Saturday night women's group and how we all support each other. 

September 7, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the powerful conversation I had with a dear friend last night. I am grateful for a good nights sleep. I am grateful for the full house we will be having for movie time tomorrow. I am grateful my friend Sophia is surrounded by prayer while she grieves the loss of her dog Sergei. I am grateful for the life and legacy of a friend who passed away recently Wilma Harris who was a source of support to us when Zoe was diagnosed with cancer. 

September 6, 2013

This morning I am, as always, grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the awesome eye exam with Dr Ryan (the best eye dr in the world). I am grateful for friends who check in to see how you are doing; it is always nice to know people are thinking about you. I am grateful for the money that came in so my friend Nina can afford to see her daughter next weekend. I am grateful for the courage to push my body a little further then normal yesterday.

September 5, 2013

This morning I am grateful for one more day on this earth. I am grateful for Dr Ryan and the chance to see him again and the money for the copay. I am grateful for the new person who visited us last night and blessed us beyond measure. I am grateful for the love and inspirational words of my friend Nina P. I am grateful for time to sleep in a little bit this morning. 

September 4, 2013

Today I am grateful that I gave myself permission to sleep in and get some much needed rest. I am grateful I had my days confused and that I have one more day to get some additional work done today.  I am grateful that we were able to help a friend in need out yesterday (i love my wife's generous spirit). I am grateful for the new clients who are coming to love and inspiration this evening. I am grateful for my students who ask for help and take advantage of my willingness to be accessible.

September 3, 2013

I am grateful to have gotten a good nights sleep and woken up one more time. I am grateful for the gift of eggplant lasagna my friend Heather bought me yesterday. I am grateful for the 16 people who gathered here yesterday for our labor day potluck barbecue. I am grateful for having someone to put their cold feet on me when they come to bed late at night (lol). I am grateful for the ability to be grateful and stay positive in most situations, the ability to forgive myself when I fall down and the strength to get back up and keep going. 

September 2, 2013

This morning I am grateful for a good nights sleep. I am grateful my friend Nina is fine after having had a seizure last night. I am grateful for my circle of friends who also believe in the power of prayer. I am grateful for the new clients being sent to our ministry.  I am grateful for the chance Barb and Zoe are having to spend time together this weekend.

September 1, 2013

Today I am grateful for the safe journey of Zoe's friend Barb from Rome to here for a weekend visit. I am grateful for Nina and D who went to the farm stand down the road for me yesterday and swept my floors while they did their laundry and I worked. I am grateful for my wife who always works so hard on the newsletter. I am grateful for the positive feedback from students who even though online learning is not for them, felt good about their interactions with me in the short time they were in the class. I am grateful for the new people the Infinite is sending into our lives and ministry.  

August 31, 2013

Oh so many things to be grateful for today. I am grateful we were able to get a liftline reservation to go to the fair last night, made life a bit more comfortable and easy for me. I am grateful for all the new people I met and the affirmations I received about Inspiritual and the work we are doing. I am grateful for the love and support of my wife whose love is never ending and unconditional. I am grateful to our friend Michael who bought us cold drinks last night even though he had been up since 3 am. I am grateful my friends Michael and Heather got to sleep last night. Oh, I could just go on and on today, but I will keep to my 5 thing rule -- lol

August 30, 2013

I am grateful for the words continue from my friend Nina and persistence and perseverance from my colleague Chaun. I am grateful for my wife who loves my unconditionally in all situations. I am grateful for my relationship with the Infinite who is the source of my strength when I am feeling weak. I am grateful my friend Lu was a perfect match for her brother and can be a cell donor. I am grateful for almost being done with the marketing plan for a client of mine.

August 29, 2013

Today, I am grateful for my stomach to be calmer as I keep eating something which is not agreeing with my stomach (hmm, must be the increase in vegetables and fiber). I am grateful to be caught up with grading for now. I am grateful for the healthier choices I am making in my life and the support from my friends and family in doing so. I am grateful for friends and loved ones who are taking baby steps forward in their journeys. I am grateful for the inability to stay angry and to not let it control my life or my thoughts. 

August 28, 2013

Today, I am grateful for my ability to go with the flow yesterday during the fire drill, but also my ability to speak up for myself afterwards. I am grateful for Zoe who continues to caladryl my bug bites and knowing how tired I was last night bought me dinner. I am grateful for a good nights sleep so I could wake up refreshed and energized today. i am grateful for the love and support of friends in my journey. I am grateful for my boys Dr Wally and Mr Mittens who never cease to provide free entertainment, train me in massage therapy, and love me unconditionally. 

August 27, 2013

Today, I am so grateful for all I have accomplished in my life and the opportunities which keep unveiling themselves to me. I am grateful for the liftline reservation today (a rarity). I am grateful for the opportunities to be of service in this world. I am grateful for a freshly shaved head. I am grateful for the calming power of caladryl on all my bug bites. 

August 26, 2013

I am grateful for the liftline reservation I got for tomorrow. I am grateful for a fairly restful night's sleep. I am grateful for the benedryl which will keep these bug bites from itching. I am grateful for a fairly quiet day today and time to just be. I am grateful for the powerful conversation we had yesterday at love and inspiration. 

August 25, 2014

I am grateful that Woody and Laura's wedding went so well and that the weather was amazing. I am grateful for the help of Chris, Sam, Nina, D, and Zoe in getting the house and yard ready. I am grateful for the conversation we had this morning at love and inspiration.  I am grateful for a good nights sleep. I am grateful for some quiet time for myself this afternoon.