October 3, 2013

I am grateful my friend Sam was offered a job yesterday, after months of looking for work he got a job offer right down the street. I am grateful for the powerful conversation we had at love and inspiration last night about asking for support during challenging times. I am grateful for the various was our houseguests and Zoe helped out around the house yesterday making life a little bit easier and less stressful as we are learning how to live, love, and support each other. I am grateful for all that I learned yesterday from my friend Maryanna yesterday about pendulums, crystals, dowsing rods, etc I am grateful to have a wife I can talk to about everything and not have to censor my feelings. 

October 2, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the sounds of new life which fill our home with birds tweeting, friends visiting, cats meowing, people snoring, coffee brewing. conversations starting and microwave beeping.  I am grateful that I got all my reiki homework done, with the exception of cutting and taping which i will do this morning. I am grateful for the power of naps which enabled me to get up and come back to finish my work. I am grateful for job opportunities unfolding for a friend and for the encouragment of a friend who told me to begin a gofundme page. I am grateful for listening to my intuition and following my spirit in the creation of something unique and different for me.

October 1, 2013

I am grateful to have made it through 3/4 of this year, one day at a time, what a blessing. I am grateful for the ongoing flow of opportunities to be of service to others and to the Ultimate Consciousness who guides and directs my life. I am grateful for the commitment and hard work of my wife Zoe who takes all the information that I send to her and creates a great newsletter for us each month. I am grateful for all those who give of their time, talent, and resources to support us. I am grateful for my accountant who managed to get my taxes done for me this year, despite my procrastination. 

September 30, 2013

This morning I am grateful to have woken up one more day, energized, rejuvenated, and filled with life. I am grateful for the amazing conversation I had with Samantha Martin yesterday and the journey I am embarking on with her. I am grateful for the ability to laugh and enjoy life. I am grateful for my friends who love me unconditionally. I am grateful for the power of ibuprofen to take away Zoe's headaches.

September 29, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the reminder of how blessed I am and how much pain and suffering I have not experienced in my life. i am grateful for the ways the Ultimate Consciousness is hearing and answering my prayers. I am grateful for each day that I wake up and have the opportunity to be of service to others. I am grateful for the healthier choices we have been making this week with out diets. I am grateful we were chosen as the focus of a year long project for a senior photojournalism major at RIT.

September 28, 2013

This morning I am grateful for a restful nights sleep and the blessing of having woken up one more time. I am grateful that my first batch of english muffins came out so well (whoo hoo). I am grateful for all I accomplished yesterday and the chance to play with Zoe. I am grateful for the life I have where I get to live my passions each day. I am grateful for the sounds of life in our home (snoring, chirping, meowing, etc)  I am grateful for the lingering smell of essential oils which fill our home days after we do something. 

September 27, 2013

This morning I am grateful for all I am not going through in my life. I am grateful for all the technology which makes my life easier (refrigerator, washer, dryer, etc). I am grateful for the farmer down the street and the vegetables he grows each year. I am grateful for the wisdom I learn from my cookbooks which enable me to learn how to make things that I no longer need to buy processed. I am grateful for the power of prayer and my faith in the Ultimate Consciousness.

September 26, 2013

I am grateful for all I learned yesterday about myself and about Reiki. I am grateful for my wife who loves me unconditionally, even when I am snappy at 2 AM (long past my bedtime). I am grateful for my students who are pushing themselves academically. I am grateful for how even something which seems funny like poo pourri can become a learning lesson about how essential oils can be used to help eradicate odors. I am grateful for the courage a dear friend has last night to talk openly with me about all that is happening in her life and not feel as if she had to hold it in. 

September 25, 2013

I am grateful for another day on this planet to be of service and to continue in my own journey. I am grateful for the time I had to learn more about my colleague Dali and her partner last night. I am grateful for the progress I see people making in their lives and in their journeys as they continue to step forward in faith. I am grateful for the smell of citrus and the way it energizes me in the morning. I am grateful for the healthier choices Zoe and I are making about our lives and our bodies.  

September 24, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the new client Zoe and I met with yesterday and for the gift of fruit and vegetables she brought us. I am grateful for the clarity and confirmation of purpose and passion in my life. I am grateful for the ability to claim the new and improved wheelchair I will acquire by the end of the year. I am grateful for each day I wake up healthy and able to be of service to others. I am grateful for the clothes that are keeping me warm on this brisk fall day.

September 23, 2013

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more time and have one more opportunity to be of service. I am grateful for all I accomplished yesterday. I am grateful I took time for me last night and got to spend some time relaxing. I am grateful for the ongoing conversations with our Love and Inspiration group. I am grateful for Zoe's willingness to try new vegetables (tonight it will be chayote).  

September 22, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the surprise visit from friends last night. I am grateful for the job possibility for a friend who has been unemployed for years.  I am grateful for a good nights sleep. I am grateful for the work i accomplished yesterday. I am grateful for the opportunity a friend had to go out of town. 

September 21, 2013

Today i am grateful to have finally gotten everything together for our tax preparer from 2012 and now we can work on gathering the stuff for her to amend 2011.   I am grateful for the chores I got done I have been procrastinating about. I am grateful for the power of prayer and its transformative effect on people's lives. I am grateful for the courage friends of mine are showing to move through their fears and get help when feeling suicidal. I am grateful for the healthier choices we are making in our lives individually and as a couple.

September 20, 2013

Today I am grateful for the brainstorming session we had yesterday. I am grateful we found a leafy green vegetable that Zoe likes (rappi). I am grateful for listening to my GPS (God Protection System) yesterday. I am grateful for all I am not going through and have not had to endure in my life. I am grateful for each day that I awake and the opportunity to be of service one more time. 

September 19, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the chance I had last night to get to know a few people a little better and to meet some new people and be out in public one more time. I am grateful for my friends who came out to support and encourage me. I am grateful for all I have been given in my life and the opportunities to study with people. I am grateful for Diana in the EOP office and the chance to work with her in helping a student who is in need. I am grateful for the changing seasons as they remind me that I too am ever changing. 

September 18, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the power of sleep which always allows my body to heal, rejuvenate and reinvigorate. I am grateful for my wife who drove me to class and back when I could not get a Liftline reservation. I am grateful for the gift of waking up one more time with another opportunity to be of service. I am grateful for the love and support of friends who prayed for a student's heart to be touched and it was. 

September 17, 2013

I am grateful for my wife who took care of me last night when my left food was having muscle cramps and spasms. I am grateful for those who came to healing harbor last night who helped me release amazing amounts of stress through laughter. I am grateful for a colleague I met for the first time yesterday by phone who supported me in trying to help an academically challenged student.  I am grateful for the morning shower which left me feeling and smelling invigorated. I am grateful for one more day to be of service and spread love and light in this world.

September 16, 2013

This morning I am grateful to have heard from my friend Jane again, but I knew I would as I had dreamed about her LOL. I am grateful for the amazing raindrop technique class we had yesterday and the confirmation that I am emotionally and spiritually healthy. I am grateful for the powerful conversation Zoe and I had last night. I am grateful for the gift of laughter and the healing power of love which is flowing on to the lives of so many I know. I am grateful my friend Sharon's sister is doing so well and that she is home and pain free.  

September 15, 2013

This morning I am grateful for all the love in my life which comes from family, friends, clients, and students. I am grateful for a good nights rest and another day to be of service. I am grateful for my friend Heather and her willingness to share her knowledge with others today and the gift of books from yesterday. I am grateful for the brisk cold air which woke me and reenergized me yesterday. I am grateful for all the Infinite protecs me from. 

September 14, 2013

I am grateful to have woken up one more day. I am grateful for the support team at Squarespace that helped me solve a technical problem one more time. I am grateful for my wife who "delivered" me dinner last night. I am grateful for being caught up with my grading (for now). I am grateful for my evolving relationship with my niece and the conversations we have been having lately.