October 23, 2013

This morning I am grateful for a solid nights sleep and to have woken up one more time. i am grateful for each day that I own the power I have over my life. I am grateful for the love and friendship which surrounds me and the chance to see my friend Heather again. I am grateful for my slowly growing ministry and the new energy which is flowing in and the people who are healing because they are opening themselves up to the healing power of the Infinite. I am grateful for the amazing visit I will have at the doctors this afternoon.  

October 22, 2013

I am grateful for the laughter which filled our table and home last night. I am grateful for the gift of blueberry coffee and fresh apple cider. I am grateful for the conversations with friends yesterday and all the work I managed to accomplish yesterday.  I am grateful that my visit to the blood lab went so well. I am grateful for the oils that healed my body and are keeping me healthier.

October 21, 2013

I am grateful to have woken up to the news of my brother's engagement to his girlfriend Patricia. I am grateful that I was able to have my blood drawn this morning with no pain, no passing out and no getting sick (this is significant). I am grateful for the love and support of my family (Sam and Zoe). I am grateful for the new vegetable we tried last night and liked --- chayote.  I am grateful for my friend Heather who gave me advice on how to get rid of my gas last night so I could sleep. 

October 20, 2013

I am grateful for the opportunity to have met a new family last night. I am grateful that my friend Sam had a boys night with our friends son and got to play cars with him. I am grateful for the brisk and fresh air which reminds me of the changing seasons in my life. I am grateful for all the colors of the leaves and the quilt they create on our lawn. I am grateful for the chance to make apple crisp with Sam and Zoe -- what a family creation.

October 19, 2013

This morning I am grateful to be feeling more energized and warmer. I am grateful for the love and support of those I live with who do not expect me to be more then I am at any moment in time. I am grateful for each day I have on this earth and the opportunity to be of service to others. I am grateful for the things in life I so often forget to give thanks for like the blood and oxygen which flows through my body, the way my body works without assistance in most areas, and how i still have all of my senses. I am grateful for the smell of fresh baked bread which filled the air hear last night and the chance to share a loaf of it with our amazing neighbors Phil and Eileen. 

October 18, 2013

Today, I am grateful to be feeling better as I looked ghostly pale yesterday and felt like an ice cube most of the day. I am grateful for the oregano oil and thieves which restored my energy and color. I am grateful for the beautiful flowers from Heather, Michael and Avalon. I am grateful for our new ladder which enabled Zoe and Sam to clean the gutters. I am grateful for the loving energy which surrounds me and fills my life. 

October 17, 2013

Today, I am grateful to have not only learned to do a level 1 reiki attunement, but to have been attuned. I am grateful for my wife's unconditional love and support as she encourages me to always take care of myself and listen to the needs of my body. I am grateful for my friend Sam who always helps me to see qualities about myself that I do not see in my self. I am grateful for the healing which happened in our home yesterday. I am grateful for all I have and all I do not, as I was not meant to have them at this time in my journey. 

October 16, 2013

Today, I take time to celebrate and give thanks to Avram and Roslyn Jacobson who legally adopted me into their family and loved me unconditionally til the day they died and still surround me with love and guidance from above. I am grateful for all the memories I have of them and the wisdom they left me to pass on to future generations. I am grateful that later today I will receive my reiki 1 attunement and so will have two special memories for this day. I am grateful for random acts of kindess like how Sam just bought me a cup of coffee or how Zoe encouraged me to get some sleep last night. I am grateful to have just woken up one more time to attend the university of life and continue to learn and to be of service. 

October 15, 2013

I am grateful for the awesome time we had at dinner last night with Nina P and Sam and the laughter and love that flowed. I am grateful for the way the Ultimate Consciounsness flows through me and asks the questions people most need to grapple with. I am grateful for the blessing of having a wife, partner, and friend with whom I can laugh, cry, move through my fears, make myself vulnerable, and know that no matter where I turn I am met by love. I am grateful for the beautiful comments people left on my FB wall yesterday about what they will remember me when I am gone (no I am not planning on dying today). I am grateful for every opportunity I have to be of service to those I like and those I do not. 

October 14, 2013

I am grateful to have gotten to talk with my son yesterday and heard how well he is doing while the slow moving transition process continues. I am grateful for the time to relax and unwind and enjoy life away from the house for a little bit yesterday. I am grateful acquaintances of ours were not home when their house was burglarized again and that we do not live in a high burglary zone. I am grateful for all we have been given in our lives, that which I am aware of and that which I am not. I am grateful for all my body does for me to keep me going and staying healthy. 

October 13, 2013

I am grateful for the quiet I had yesterday to complete my grading and get midterm grades in. I am grateful for the laughter which fills our home and how well our friend Sam fits into our family and the blessings he brings to our home and our lives. I am grateful that our friend Nicole and her three children were not at home when they were place was burglarized again. I am grateful for the power of prayer which somehow brings us through the most challenging of times. I am grateful for each day that I wake up and the lessons it reveals to me along the way. 

October 12, 2013

This morning I am grateful to have accomplished getting midterm grades in for one of my courses with time to spare, now on to the other one.  I am grateful for the quiet time I had this morning to get lots of work done. I am grateful for the abundance of food which is still in our home and the very few things i will need to get at the grocery store for next week. I am grateful for messages of inspiration from a friend who understands how stressful a time this is for me work wise. I am gateful for my friend Woody who, after reading my blog yesterday, found a piece of rose quartz that she had in her collection whicih she wants to give me. I am just so grateful for all I have, all that is coming, and all that has been removed from my life.

October 11, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the peace and quiet in a house that is full of people. i am grateful for the time to meditate yesterday and be with the Ultimate Consciousness. I am grateful for Sam's thoughtfulness yesterday in wanting to get me a treat. I am grateful to have Zoe to process with as we both had our moments where we needed to just feel each other's unconditional love and support. I am grateful for the smells and sounds which break the silence, cats meowing, coffee brewing, toast toasting, life awakening.

October 10, 2013

This morning I am grateful for my body awareness and learning to listen to what it is telling me (like  last night -- sleep). I am grateful for the ability to recognize and release feelings and then celebrate them being gone. I am grateful for the way spirit is guiding my life and what I learned about myself, Reiki, crystals, and stones yesterday. I am grateful for the amazing birthday lunch we were able to throw together for my friend Maryanna yesterday (healthy soul food -- collard greens, "mac" and cheese (made with cauliflower) and "fried" chicken which was uber crispy and baked in the oven). I am grateful for how Barb, Sam, Zoe and I function as a family and how we all help each other out. If our house was bigger, we could all have our own space and I could see this working, but I am going to give thanks for the larger home which would become an intentional community

October 9, 2013

I am grateful to have woken up to the news that my friend Jane's sinus condition is healed. I am grateful that D was offered a job and begins work on Thursday. I am grateful for my Reiki teacher Maryanna who is an amazing and gifted teacher. I am grateful for the new clients the Universe keeps sending my way. I am grateful for the 11 hours of sleep I got last night which woke me up re-energized. 

October 8, 2013

I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked with Nina last night at Healing Harbor. I am grateful that Barb finished all her homework assignments and got them turned in on time last night. I am grateful for the opportunity to have made a friend's favorite dinner last night. I am grateful for the opportunities which keep presenting themselves to me to be of service. I am grateful for Zoe's loving and giving spirit. 

October 7, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the gift of groceries from my friend Sam last night. I am grateful for the new client who appeared at our door unexpectedly yesterday. I am grateful for the rain which is watering our yard and the universe.  I am grateful for clean clothes and a clean home. I am grateful for the way my body reminds me that something is wrong in my life and I need to fix it. 

October 6, 2013

I am grateful for the open conversation I had with my friend Sam yesterday. I am grateful for the new clients the Universe is sending my way and the job possibility which revealed itself to me yesterday as a result. I am grateful for the choices I am able to make every day of my life to take me to a higher places in my evolution. I am grateful for the sound of the train and it's reminder of what a G sounds like and my friend Hutch who died almost 20 years ago. I am grateful for the love and laughter which fills our home and the friendships that are developing and deepening. 

October 5, 2013

I am grateful for one more day to be of service. i am grateful for the laughter which fills our house and awesome conversations with house guests. I am grateful for the memories that flowed through me as I enjoyed my morning breakfast of cream of wheat cereal. I am grateful for time with friends tonight. I am grateful for the beautiful weather and the meditational music which is playing while I write.

October 4, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the free plants from my friend Andrea and for Sam who will be planting them in our front yard. I am grateful for the chance to help Barb learn how to write a paper and get it turned in on time. I am grateful for giving myself permission to sleep in this morning. I am grateful for the love and laughter filling my home. I am grateful for the trials and challenges I have been spared in my life.