November 12, 2013

I am grateful that we made it to Maryanna's party safe and sound and had an awesome time. I am grateful for the old friends and new acquaintances I met at her party yesterday.. I am grateful for the gifts we received yesterday and the amazing conversation with Sam (our guest blogger, not our housemate). I am grateful for what I accomplished yesterday and the toxins that are being released from my own psyche. I am grateful for a wife who after 12 1/2 years still loves me unconditionally. 

November 11, 2013

I am grateful for the staff at Mt Morris Rehab who are providing care for my friend Bernie. I am grateful for the circle of healers of whom I am a part. I am grateful for those who have served our country and their families, all of whom have made sacrifices. I am grateful for the power of prayer and healing energies to restore health in people's lives. I am grateful for the chance to wake up one more day and support a friend in celebrating her birthday today. 

November 10, 2013

This morning I am grateful to have woken up one more time, especially after a restful nights sleep. I am grateful for the laughter which fills our home each day and the love that flows through it. I am grateful for the chance to have spent time again with my friend Gary  as we always have amazing conversations. I am grateful for the picture of a flamingo which sits on my desk and reminds me to radiate brilliance and balance. I am grateful for the smell of fresh brewed coffee which is calling me down the hallway.

November 9, 2013

Today, I am grateful to have accomplished so much yesterday (two pots of soup, my first attempt at venison, a tray of lasagna, a batch of chili powder, cleaned house, did some grading, took time for sharon, time with zoe). I am grateful to have the family and circle of support that I have which has supported me in the rough times. I am grateful for the opportunity to be of service to others in need. I am grateful for the love which radiates in and through our home. I am grateful for the continued healing of my friend Bernie. 

November 8, 2013

I am so grateful for a good nights sleep and an awesome wife to fall asleep with and wake up with in my life.  I am grateful for the surprise breakfast I got this morning. I am grateful to be able to wake up to a clean desk this morning because I cleared away the avalanche which had formed. I am grateful for the reminder I was going to have quiet time today and Sam's offer to help clean tonight. I am grateful to have heard from my friend Jane in Australia as she has been in my thoughts and prayers.

November 7, 2013

I am grateful to have been able to see Bernie and see how much better he is doing. I am grateful Sharon went home last night to get some sleep. I am grateful for Nina who brought me to see Bernie. I am grateful for Sam's willingness to do love and inspiration for me while I went to see Bernie. I am grateful to have woken up one more time. 

November 6, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the hundreds of people who sent distance reiki, healing energies, and prayers to Bernie Hinkson and his wife Sharon and their son Zach.  I am grateful for the healing which Sharon and our mutual friend Nina got to witness. I am grateful for the power of food to revitalize and reenergize when one is really hungry. I am grateful for the healing that is going on in my own life as I release some stuff from my past which has recently become unearthed. I am grateful for the Liftline reservation they ARE going to give me for tomorrow when I call back at 4 pm today. 

November 5, 2013

I am grateful for an amazing nights sleep which woke me up feeling re-energized and invigorated. I am grateful for the powerful conversation and healing which happened last night at Healing Harbor. I am grateful for all I am learning about essential oils. I am grateful for the unfolding lotus blossoms I am witnessing in my life. I am grateful for the gift of rose quartz that I got from my friend Nina last night.

November 4, 2013

I am grateful that I have been consistent about keeping my gratitude journal here daily for as long as I have as it reminds me of all I have to be grateful for in my life. I am grateful for the opportunity to have prayed with Bernie and Sharon yesterday and the knowledge that his surgery is going to go so well. I am grateful for the time at Mandalas with Heather, Sam and Nina and the messages that came through. I am grateful for the conversation with Claude and Meach yesterday morning and the lessons that come forward as we reflect. I am grateful for giving myself permission to sleep in today and let my body rest. 

November 3, 2013

This morning I am so grateful for a restful nights sleep. I am grateful for what appears to be a change in the weather :). I am grateful for the healing power of oils and reiki. I am grateful for the power of prayer and faith. I am grateful for the opportunities to be of service and to provide a safe space for people to just be. 

November 2, 2013

I am grateful for the powerful conversation I had with Sam this morning. I am grateful for the ability to forgive myself for being human. I am grateful for the ability to own all of who I am. I am grateful for the wiser choices I am making in my life. I am grateful for the sweaters which keep me warm on these brisk fall/winter days

November 1, 2013

I am so grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the pain and stiffness in my back as it reminds me i am still alive and to give thanks for all the days and moments  am pain free. I am grateful for the friendship which is developing between Zoe and Sam and how they love and support each other. I am grateful for the opportunities I had yesterday to be of service. I am grateful for a student who is trying to work on her reading comprehension skills. 

October 31, 2013

Today, I am so grateful for Bill the wheelchair guy who loaned me a new controller while he attempts to fix mine. I am grateful for having a working chair again for when I am cooking and or want to be able to go for a roll around the block. I am grateful for the love and support of my friends who helped me celebrate the answer to prayers yesterday. I am grateful for the good nights sleep and the cleansing the Ningxia Red is doing on my system. I am grateful for the sounds and smells  of life which fill our home

October 30, 2013

Today, I am grateful to have had such a powerful process group last night and to watch the two men I am journeying with make themselves vulnerable with each other. I am grateful for those who have been holding me in prayer while I am learning to live without my wheelchair. I am grateful for the pain management techniques I have been using and learning in my life to assist me as my body rebuilds. I am grateful for my wife who loves and supports me unconditionally. I am grateful for the opportunities I am blessed with each day to be of service.

October 29, 2013

I am grateful for the time Sam and Zoe and I had to laugh and be silly last night because it lightened all our spirits. I am grateful that I have made it through 3 days without my wheelchair. I am grateful for the ability to stay positive in all situations as I sadly watch some people I love dearly sink in their own swamp of despair. I am grateful for a wife who loves and supports me unconditionally as I look out and see people who have no support or whose partners degrade and humiliate them. I am grateful for all I have come through in my life to bring me to this point, because I know my mind could have led me down another path. 

October 28, 2013

This morning I am grateful just to be alive and to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the pain in my muscles and joints as it reminds me that they are being used again and rebuilding. I am grateful for friends who allowed me to be emotionally naked with them and  supported me in the process. I am grateful that I still have some capacity to walk and have the walker to assist with that. I am grateful that we had bought the reiki stool to help me when I am trying to cook in the kitchen. 

October 27, 2013

I am grateful for my love and inspiration group this morning who supported me in being emotionally vulnerable with them and in exchange were emotionally vulnerable with me. I am grateful that my friend Sam is so skinny and was able to squeeze around my wheelchair this morning and manually move it to the living room so that I could go to the bathroom. I am grateful for the love and support of my wife who reminded me to take time to cry and cleanse and then get to the business of doing and transforming. I am grateful that I called my wheelchair tech on Friday and made an appointment for Monday, as my chair would not start at all this Sunday morning. I am grateful to remember to focus on acknowledging my feelings and their existence, but not to allow them to control me.

October 26, 2013

This morning I am grateful to have woken up one more time and remember I have someone who loves me enough to want to cuddle me out of the bed :). I am grateful for waking up to a clean sink and empty dishwasher. I am grateful for those who love and support me in all times. I am grateful for the sounds of life which fill our home (birds, music,, meowing, clapping, singing, laughing). I am grateful for the emotions I am feeling as it reminds me that healing is happening in my life. 

October 25, 2013

This morning I am grateful for my ability to bounce back from news that at one point would have devastated me. I am grateful for the circle of support in my life. I am grateful for the funds to pay some on each of my bills. I am grateful for the smell of coffee brewing and the feeling of a morning shower. I am grateful for a surprise im from a long distance friend.  

October 24, 2013

Today I am grateful for my physician who listens to me and is open to alternative approaches to healing.  I am grateful for the care manager who offered me solutions to some of the more stressful things in my life. I am grateful for the power of prayer to heal, support, and transform lives. I am grateful for my wife who took time to cuddle with me last night and lull me to sleep. I am grateful for the warm clothes and shelter on a cold day.