December 2, 2013

This morning I am grateful I got to take a nap after having woken at 4 am with inspiration for a friend. I am grateful for the clean house and freshly showered bodies we all have. I am grateful to be caught up in my grading for one class and to have time today to work on getting caught up in class 2. I am grateful this is the last module of the semester.  I am grateful for the chance to help someone release an emotional burden this morning.

December 1, 2013

I am grateful to have made it through another month and to have woken up to another day. I am grateful that Sam's back is feeling better. I am grateful for the email from my friend Jane this morning. I am grateful to be finally catching up on some projects, one at a time. I am grateful for the love and support of friends and family. I am grateful for the growth my son Nick has made and how patient he is being with the system.

November 30, 2013

This morning, I am grateful for another chance to wake up and be of service. I am grateful I was able to get everything done for the newsletter and to Zoe. I am grateful for my friend Martha who sent me this beautiful tree of life and  for Sam who is going to make it into a necklace for me. I am grateful for my wife who cuddles up to me each evening and keeps me warm. I am grateful for the smell of coffee brewing in the morning and Sam giving me a hard time about being like a big sister.

November 29, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the love which flowed through our home yesterday as we opened our home again for Thanksgiving. I am grateful for our friend Heather who helped Sam out last night when he had pinched a nerve in his back. I am grateful for friends like Sharon and Bernie who turned me on to a show that is stupid and inspirational - Duck Dynasty. I am grateful for Woody and Laura getting Nina out of the house yesterday. I am grateful for new memories that my son Nick shared with me from his past.

November 28, 2013

i am grateful to have woken up one more day. I am grateful for the continued healing of all those in need whether recuperating from surgery, emotional, mental, physical, financial or spiritual wounds. I am grateful for the diversity of ways in which we as a human family come together at moments in the year to give thanks and focus on being grateful. I am grateful for shelter from the winter weather and the clothes and blankets which keep me warm. I am grateful for all those who support Inspiritual's efforts to make this world a better place one person at a time.

November 27, 2013

This morning I am grateful we could provide a welcoming space for Sam and his sister to come home to after a long day at the hospital. I am grateful that Terry made it through his surgery just fine. I am grateful for all those around the world who joined us in prayer for his healing and the medical staff providing his care. I am grateful for a roof over my head and clothes on our back and shelter from this winter weather. I am grateful for all that we have and all that we have been spared in our life.

November 26, 2013

I am grateful we were able to provide a safe space for Sam's sister to spend the night last night so she did not need to stay in a hotel room. I am grateful the medical staff at Strong was able to remove the fluid from around his heart so they could perform the surgery this morning to install the LVAD which will keep him alive and make this a very special thanksgiving for this family. I am grateful that the Forsythe Hinkson family is on the mend and that they too can have a very special thanksgiving. I am grateful for my friends Woody and Laura who have made sacrifices in their own life this year to help a friend who is struggling emotionally this year. I am grateful that I make choices in my life each day which enable me to live with integrity and not violate the law or my own value system.

November 25, 2013

This morning I am grateful that I woke up one more time and have one more opportunity to be of service. I am grateful for the chance to go grocery shopping while it was not snowing. I am grateful for the technology which allowed people from four different states to gather in love and inspiration yesterday morning. I am grateful for the transformative power of prayer. I am grateful for the letter from my friend Jane.

November 24, 2013

This morning I am grateful to be feeling better and for the peppermint oil which helped my digestive system yesterday. I am grateful for the love and support of my family who picked up the slack yesterday when I was not feeling well. I am grateful that a bed was secured for Sam's brother Terry in the hospital. I am grateful for the comforting warmth of a hot bowl of cereal on a cold morning. I am grateful that Bernie is healing so well and still thinking about his trip to Maine or the Southwest.

November 23, 2013

I am grateful for the chance to talk to Bernie this morning and to know that he is healing so well. I am grateful for friends like Woody who are always willing to help others. I am grateful for the roof over my head and heat in our home. I am grateful for the answers that come when I silence myself and listen to the words of the Ultimate. I am grateful for my wife who cares for me when I do not feel well.

November 22, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the new bird feeders hanging outside our office window and the life they attract. I am grateful for listening to my heart yesterday and inviting the author of the book we had read to join us on skype, what a blessing. I am grateful for the love and support of my friends and family who inspire me to continue to soar each and every day. I am grateful for the healing going on in people's lives and the power of prayer and healing energies for those who are currently in need of prayer. I am grateful for all I am accomplishing in my life and all that I will be accomplishing.

November 21, 2013

Today, I am grateful to be feeling better then I did earlier this morning. I am grateful for the peace and quiet in my home while everyone is sleeping. I am grateful for the conversation we had last night at love and inspiration and the support of those who came out. I am grateful for all i accomplished and all that is before me today. I am grateful for the ability to touch people's lives and to provide them with the opportunity to feel blessed. I am grateful for the chance to reconnect with folks I have not seen before.

November 20, 2013

Today, I am grateful for all my transgender friends and the gifts they have taught me about life and faith. I am grateful for the peace which came after I worked my way through a challenging ethical decision. I am grateful for the ability to always listen to my spirit and walk in faith, with an attitude of love, light, and gratitude. I am grateful to always be thinking about how what I say and do affects the least of thee so that I can minimize the negative impact on others. I am grateful for the morning pot of coffee which is always waiting for me.

November 19, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the opportunity I had to teach at healing harbor last night. I am grateful for the courage to process through a difficult ethical situation in my life. I am grateful for the ability to see the blessings in all situations. I am grateful for my wife who loves me unconditionally. I am grateful for the healing power of honey and cinnamon and lemon.

November 18, 2013

I am grateful for the conversation I had with Sam this morning. I am grateful for the wire wrapping class we had yesterday and Gregg's help in wrapping my heart. I am grateful for the gift of waking up each morning and knowing that the day presents more opportunities for me to learn and to be of service. I am grateful for the blue agate lace stone which reminds me to speak truth in love and not allow myself to be silenced. I am grateful for the conversations we have each Sunday at love and inspiration.

November 17, 2013

This morning I am grateful for my wife who reminded me that you cannot build a house on sinking sand. I am grateful for my friend Sam who fixed my beloved wheelchair and has restored it to where I will be able to rock, pray, and meditate in it for the first time in 8 years soon. I am grateful for my friend Kitty who I have developed a trusting and spiritual relationship with over the years. I am grateful for students who take what they are learning and do something with it and the gift of knowing I was a part of that. I am grateful for the new skill I am going to learn this afternoon and the willingness of Gregg to share his gifts with us.

November 16, 2013

This morning I am grateful for a good nights sleep. I am grateful for the love and support of Sam and Zoe who love me unconditionally. I am grateful for Bernie being able to come home from the nursing home and not being in so much pain. I am grateful for the Ultimate Consciousness who removes people from my life who are no longer healthy for me to associate with. I am grateful for the fresh smell of coffee and the way I smell after a morning shower. I am grateful that Sam is fixing my rocking chair this morning.

November 15, 2013

Today, I am grateful for the ability to laugh and enjoy moments with those I love. I am grateful that my back and hip are feeling better and for the reiki treatment Zoe gave me yesterday. I am grateful my friend Nina is out of the hospital and I pray she continues to grow stronger each and every day. I am grateful for the loving support of my students while I was recovering. I am grateful for friends like Woody and Laura who give from their heart.

November 14, 2013

I am grateful for the pain medication which helped me yesterday and I am grateful that I was able to sleep off the side effects. I am grateful to have a partner who loves and supports me unconditionally. I am grateful for students who have been so understanding while I try to catch up with grading. I am grateful for the technology which allows me to stay connected with friends around the world. I am grateful for the blessing of being able to work from home.

November 13, 2013

I am grateful for having completed one major part of a project (yes I finally managed to eat the entire frog). I am grateful for having the courage to ask for what I need from my chair. I am grateful for the love and support of friends who encouraged me to keep pressing on when I was tired and wanted to give up. I am grateful that Bernie is finally doing better and moving on his own. I am grateful for Zoe getting up early and taking Sam to work on these snowy days.