December 22, 2013

Today I am grateful for the love and laughter which filled our home last night. I am grateful that Stephanie had such an awesome birthday. I am grateful that Nina seemed to be more like her old self last night. I am grateful that Woody is taking her to get her daughter so they can spend Christmas together. I am grateful my friend Jane continues to send me pictures of her artwork; it makes me feel as if I am with her.

December 21, 2013

This morning I am so grateful to have accomplished so much on my son's memory book. I am grateful for all the help that Sam and Zoe gave in its creation and all the love poured into the book. I am grateful for taking the time to do this because it meant i was taking time away from working and time to have fun and time with family. I am grateful for the groceries in our home and the love I will be able to express this holiday week with friends, family, and all the new people who will pass through our doors. I am grateful for a restful nights sleep and the ability to wake up to a freshly brewed pot of coffee.

December 20, 2013

This morning I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful that I am no longer feeling the need to apologize or explain who I am or what I feel. I am grateful for the healing in my friend Lu's life and in the life of her brother. I am grateful that Sam starts his new job on Monday. I am grateful for the time laughing and talking with my friend Paul.

December 19, 2013

I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the chance to see my friend Paul and have lunch with him today. I am grateful to be done with the grading for this semester ahead of schedule. I am grateful for the good nights sleep I got last night. I am grateful for the stiffness and pain in my joints as they remind me I am alive.

December 18, 2013

Today I am grateful for one more opportunity to be of service. I am grateful I am almost done with all my grading and can move on to the next project. I am grateful for the changes I am seeing in my friends and family as they grow and evolve. I am grateful for all I am learning about essential oils and how I can make better use of them in my home. I am grateful for the gift of laughter in my life and those who bring me joy. 

December 17, 2013

I am grateful for the love and laughter which filled our home last night. I am grateful I got to hear my friend Sharon laugh last night. I am grateful that Sam got positive feedback on his designs and artwork. I am grateful for shelter from the cold and snow. I am grateful for the traveling mercies which saw everyone home safely last night.

December 16, 2013

This morning I am grateful to be able to laugh about life's moments like ice cold feet which wake you up out of a deep sleep. I am grateful for leftovers for breakfast. I am grateful that I gave myself some me time last night and watched my shows. I am grateful for each breath that I take and for the way lives are being transformed before my eyes. I am grateful for my Sunday morning love and inspiration group who have become so trusting and sharing of each other.

December 15, 2013

This morning I am so grateful to have woken up one more time as I was reminded this morning about how others did not even make it to their beds last night or did not wake up this morning. I am grateful for another day and another opportunity to be of service. I am grateful for friends like Gary Snyder who are so loving and supportive. I am grateful for those who have shared their information on technology so that I may continue to grow and evolve in my understanding. I am grateful for the way the Universe hears and answers my prayers.

December 14, 2013

This morning I am grateful for a good nights sleep in a warm bed with clean sheets and my wife and cats to cuddle with as I did. I am grateful that I woke up one more time and have yet another opportunity to be of service in this world. I am grateful I am done baking cookies for the holidays and got the tray done to be picked up for the homeless shelter. I am grateful friends and family are feeling better  I am grateful my future sister in law Patricia was born 53 years ago today and for the love she has brought into my brother's life.

December 13, 2013

I am grateful for the shelter from the snow. I am grateful for clean sheets, clothes, and bedding. I am grateful for the ability to work at home, especially in weather like this. I am grateful for the ability to talk with Zoe about anything. I am grateful my friend Martha got a job, so happy for her. I am grateful my friend Jane has a creativity partner in Australia. I am grateful for being able to be on day 5 of drinking 180 ounces of water a day.

December 12, 2013

This morning I am grateful we could be there to support Sam last night when Allie transitioned. I am grateful for Zoe and Sam being able to run all their errands yesterday. I am grateful for the love and support of friends who have been so understanding. I am grateful for the healing power of time. I am grateful for all I have accomplished and all I am accomplishing in my life.

December 11, 2013

I am grateful for the chance to wake up one more day and be of service in ways that sometimes I do not even understand or am aware of. I am grateful for my developing relationship with Max who remembers me from decades ago as a good person and has welcomed me back into his life. I am grateful for the vet at Stoney Point Animal Hospital who is helping Mr Mittens feel better. I am grateful that our friend Sam was offered a job yesterday. I am grateful for all those who love and support me and my family unconditionally.

December 10, 2013

I am grateful for a solid nights sleep without interruption of Mr Mittens vomiting. I am grateful for Sam's job interview this morning. I am grateful for the choice to make dinner then eat fast food last night. I am grateful for the amazing response to the necklace that Sam made for me with the stone that Martha sent me. I am grateful for the meeting that was cancelled yesterday as it allowed me to get a little more work done.

December 9, 2013

This morning I am grateful that I was protected during the power outage this morning and was able to wake up and go back to sleep when it was over. I am grateful to have woken up one more time and be blessed with an opportunity to be of service. I am grateful for all the friends who called yesterday to check in on Mr Mittens and see how we are doing. I am  grateful for the opportunity to rest a little yesterday and for the decrease in Mr Mittens vomiting. I am grateful for the reminder that the Ultimate is present in everything we sense (see, hear, feel, taste,, and smell). 

December 8, 2013

This morning I am grateful to be awake and to have gotten some sleep. I am grateful for 24 hour animal emergency care . I am grateful for my friends who prayed with us and for Sam who drove Zoe to and from the hospital so she could focus on Mr Mittens. I am grateful for the cleansing power of all the water I am drinking and that I achieved my goal of 180 ounces yesterday. I am grateful for the end of the semester and the opportunity to work on other things the next two months. 

December 7, 2013

Today, I am grateful for my morning coffee conversation with Sam. I am grateful that Zoe's back is feeling better. I am grateful for all that I accomplished yesterday. I am grateful for the shelter from the cold. I am grateful for warm clothes, food, friends, family, and all that I have been blessed with. 

December 6, 2013

This morning I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful I do not have to go back to campus again until the end of January. I am grateful for the smell of lavendar while taking my shower this morning and the cinnamon oil in my tea. I am grateful for the love and support of friends who have given me inspiration for The Zenful Kitchen blog. I am grateful for my friend Mindy who offered to partner with me in us both becoming healthier.

December 5, 2013

This morning I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful that Zoe is able to bring me to work today since I did not get a liftline reservation. I am grateful for french fries and all that i have learned about them in my life. I am grateful for the lessons each day brings me. I am grateful for the new people the universe is sending into our lives.

December 4, 2013

I am grateful to almost be caught up with my grading and prayfully will be completely caught up by tonight. I am grateful for the conversation I had with Jon Dewhirst last night and the new ministry which may be birthed as a result of it. I am grateful for a good night's sleep with no interruptions. I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the reminder that we are not always aware of the difference we make in the world.

December 3, 2013

This morning I am grateful for my wife who got up early morning to put panaway on my ankle to stop the firecrackers that were going off. I am grateful for another day above ground. I am grateful for the love which flows in and through my life. I am grateful for the power to feel, release, and celebrate. I am grateful for the "fireplace" in our living room which relaxed all of us last night.