January 11, 2014

I am grateful for the lively conversation we had at the book club last night. I am grateful to have finally had the chance to meet Meddy and Jeff. I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the cancellation this morning and the block of free time. I am grateful for the little things that I am slowly taking off my plate and lightening my workload.

January 10, 2014

This morning I am grateful to have woken up one more day. I am grateful for the tea and honey which is soothing my throat this morning. I am grateful for warm clothing and shelter. I am grateful for the sounds of silence in our home this morning as all are sleeping or being quiet. I am grateful for the reminder that every breath I take is a blessing. I am grateful for the love which fills our home.

January 9, 2014

I am grateful to be back home and to have slept in my own bed. I am grateful for the time to sleep in this morning as I truly needed it. I am grateful for the love I experienced the last few days from Zoe's family who welcomed and accepted me with open arms. I am grateful for my wife who did so many things to mak me feel loved the last few days (too numerous to even list). I am grateful for Sam taking care of our babies.

January 8, 2014

Today, I am grateful we were able to stay warm despite the subzero weather. I am grateful for the preacher keeping the committal service amazingly short. I am grateful to have met so many wonderful people at the luncheon afterwards. I am grateful for the "dances" I had with Tim.  I am grateful for the surprise of a hotel bill that was paid for by someone. 

January 7, 2014

This morning I am grateful we made it to Garden City safely and that Zoe stayed calm through the majority of the driving. I am grateful for Bruce wearing pajamas to bed. I am grateful for the late night party in our room, even thought they had to wake me up to meet everyone. I am grateful for Sam taking care of our babies. I am grateful for Sharon and Nina who made Healing Harbor possible, even though we had a whiteout. 

January 6, 2014

This morning I am grateful that Zoe was able to get a car with larger trunk space. I am grateful that Nina brought us dinner last night. I am grateful for all the love and support from friends and family which continue to flow our way. I am grateful for a good nights rest. I am grateful for Sam living here and that the cats love him so much. 

January 5, 2014

This morning I am grateful that Arwyn seems to be doing so much better since her realignment and recovery nap. I am grateful that Heather and Michael are feeling happier, albeit sleep deprived. I am grateful for the open conversation I had with friends last night. I am grateful for the opportunity to bless someone this morning. I am grateful for time with friends, new and old, and the love they bring into my life.

January 4, 2014

This morning I am grateful to have food back in our house again. I am grateful for a good nights rest and to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the loving and open relationship I have with Zoe. I am grateful for the chance to reconnect with my nephew after 8 years. I am grateful for the ability to press on despite the pain my body feels during this weather.

January 3, 2014

 I am so grateful I did not have to leave the house yesterday and navigate through 2 feet of snow. I am grateful that Sam offered to go to the grocery store after work today. I am grateful that the worst will be over and the roads cleared before we have to leave on Monday. I am grateful for the love and support of my healing harbor volunteers who are keeping things going on Monday while we are gone. I am grateful for Zoe's family who have made sure I had accessible accommodations for the funeral.

January 2, 2014

This morning I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the service assistance at squarespace who helped me fix something this morning so that I could do my gratitude, intention, and inspiration this morning. I am grateful for Sam making coffee for me and allowing me to just be and release some of my stress. I am grateful that even though the link to my facebook page was damaged, the link to my facebook group was not. I am grateful for our healing harbor volunteers, Nina and Sharon, who are taking over and ensuring the doors are open while Zoe and I are at the funeral. 

p.s. I am grateful that FB fixed the link to my FB page which I mentioned in my original gratitudes.

January 1, 2014

I am grateful to have woken up one more day and to begin another year in my life. I am grateful to have my rocking chair next to my bed. I am grateful for the quiet time by myself  yesterday and the work I accomplished. I am grateful that Heather and Michael got to celebrate the birth of their 2nd daughter Arwyn at 5:08 pm. I am grateful for the love and support of so many who took the time to show Zoe some love. 

December 31, 2013

I am grateful that I have the house to myself today as both Sam and Zoe are gone for the day, I rarely get these times alone with myself. I am grateful for the upstairs laundry center so I can do laundry independently and ensure we have clean sheets to sleep on tonight (especially my favorite ones). I am grateful for the sun shining in my window and the way it glistens on the snow. I am grateful for having enough money to pay my bills even with the emergency vet bill this month. I am grateful to have lived through yet another year.

December 30, 2013

This morning i am grateful that the snow flurries will be gone by 10 am so I can go to the grocery store for a few minutes. I am grateful for the powerful conversation we had yesterday on love and inspiration. I am grateful for the relaxing time I had with Zoe yesterday and that I took the time to relax and crochet and of course watch the food network. I am grateful for my friend Daniel who gave me inspiration for two future blogs on meatballs and tamales :)  I am grateful for the healthier choice Zoe made yesterday in her own life and how she is beginning to work more actively on herself.

December 29, 2013

Today, I am grateful that I had a chance to connect with my friend Martha yesterday and hear about how she is celebrating Kwanzaa. I am grateful for the progress that I made on this editing project I am working on at present. I am grateful for the great conversation we had yesterday at the Living the Five Agreements group on Skype. I am grateful for the laughter and silliness Zoe and I shared with each other yesterday. I am grateful for the ways we love and support each other each and every day.

December 28, 2013

This morning I am grateful for a restful nights sleep. I am grateful Sam had such a good day at work. I am grateful for the conversation I had with Zoe. I am grateful for what I am learning about chronic fatigue syndrome and how i can help those in my inner circle who have it. I am grateful for the progress I made on a project I have been avoiding.

December 27, 2013

This morning I am grateful for a full nights sleep. I am grateful that Sam had a good day at work. I am grateful for the pain in my back because it is manageable and that I have good pain management. I am grateful for the love and support of friends and family. I am grateful for the sounds of life which float through our home. 

December 26, 2013

So grateful for the awesome time we had yesterday with friends and family. I am grateful for a good nights sleep and quiet time with Spirit this morning. I am grateful for time today to work on a project, read, reflect, and rest. I am grateful for the cards, calls, texts, emails, and other medium through which I am able to communicate with and with which others are able to communicate with me. I am grateful for the ability to have given Kerry a few hours of being pain free yesterday.

December 25, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the quality time with Zoe and for the good night sleep that I had. I did not realize how tired I was, although the glass of wine certainly helped. I am grateful for having my quiet time with God this morning. I am grateful for the love and support of friends and family. I am grateful for the new editing gig starting in February. I am grateful for my bagels, lox and cream cheese (my anniversary present from Zoe (well the salmon was and time salt, sugar, and dill created the lox). 

December 24, 2013

This morning I am grateful for the early morning inspiration about writing with my soul, something i strive to do each day. I am grateful for the laughter which always seems to fill our home. I am grateful Sam likes his new job. I am grateful for the way Spirit has been working in and through me. I am grateful for the passion in our relationship even after twelve years of being together. I

December 23, 2013

Today, I am grateful for the conversation Zoe and I had last night and this morning. I am grateful for the new friendships we are developing and the old ones as well. I am grateful for time to do something fun with Zoe last night. I am grateful for time to relax and do something for me last night. I am grateful our kittie boys are both in the Holiday spirit and having fun and being playful.