August 19, 2014

This morning i am grateful for the miraculous landing of a great blue heron who sat in our backyard for 5 minutes and just looked at us and then ascended into the sky disappearing. I am grateful for my chair's openness to talk about moving back to online classes only. I am grateful for the smell of freshly mowed grass. I am grateful for the smell of a freshly washed body. I am grateful for the sound of silence. 

August 18, 2014

This morning I am grateful to be alive one more day and have one more chance to be of service. i am grateful for all I accomplished yesterday and all I will accomplish today. I am grateful i was able to be there to support someone who is going through a stressful time. I am grateful for Zoe going to the stand for me yesterday and getting some fresh zucchini. I am grateful for the clean smell of the body wash we created and how it leaves my body feeling.

August 17, 2014

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more day with a smile in my heart. I am grateful to have seen friends I have not seen in months due to illness on their part. i am grateful for the chance to have gotten to know Stephanie better last night. i am grateful for Zoe coming to bed earlier last night and cuddling with me. i am grateful for all I accomplished yesterday and all I will accomplish today. 

August 16, 2014

This morning i have so much to be grateful for in my life. I am grateful for the awesome turnout we had at the Festive Friday Fair last night and all the new people we met. i am grateful for being introduced to Sparkle and her interest in having me on her blog talk radio show. I am grateful for the love and support of my family who assists me in getting to these events and getting set up. I am grateful to my friend Kerry for helping staff our table. I am grateful that I have managed to get everything done thus far that I needed to get done and with minimal stress or wear and tear on my family. lol.

August 15,2014

This morning I am so grateful for my wife and "brother" Sam who did so much to show their love and support yesterday. I am also grateful for the continuing positive feedback we have gotten on our sugar scrub as it affirms that we are on the right track, at least for people with dry to normal skin and inspires me to create a salt or coffee scrub for those with oily skin. I am grateful to zoe for raising the critical business question she did last night. I am grateful to have found Hannah who is willing to be a local shea butter wholesale source for me.  I am grateful for all the amazing people who continue to be sent to us to support us in our journey.

August 14, 2014

This morning I am grateful to have woken up one more day as it gives me a chance to continue to be of service. I am grateful I am almost done with grading for the summer session as it gives me time to complete the next time sensitive project. I am grateful for my time with Ursula yesterday as she makes me laugh and inspires me to push my culinary boundaries and learn German cooking. I am grateful for Sam picking some things up at the store yesterday as it enables me to make a pineapple upside down cake later today for him and Zoe. I am grateful for the decisions I have been making to take better care of my body as it is what is going to help me to live longer and healthier.

August 13, 2014

This morning I am grateful for all I have and all I am able to give. I am grateful for the love and support of my family in all things I strive to do. I am grateful for the opportunity and support from my department chair yesterday. I am grateful for all I accomplished and all I have yet to accomplish in my life. I am grateful for all I am learning about my body, my mind and my spirit in this journey.

August 12, 2014

This morning I am grateful for such an amazingly productive day. I am grateful to Sam for planting the butterfly bush and hafta we were given for the meditation and prayer garden. I am grateful Zoe got to work yesterday. I am grateful for the positive feedback we continue to get on our body products. I am grateful to have one more day here to be of service.

August 11, 2014

Today is another day to give thanks if for no other reason than I woke up this morning. I am grateful for Sam bringing my stones out to the yard last night to be recharged. I am grateful for having gotten all my participation sheets done yesterday. I am grateful that Lenny McNab won Food Network Star last night as he walks with such a humility. I am grateful for the positive feedback on our sugar scrubs that people have said are amazing and making a huge difference in their skin. I am grateful for the positive and uplifting discussion we had at love and inspiration yesterday.

August 10, 2014

This morning I am grateful for the wisdom to reduce the inflammation in my back to promote self healing. I am grateful for the continuous flow of gifts for the meditation and prayer garden we were told to create. I am grateful for the visit with Sharon and Bernie. I am grateful for the progress Zoe and I made yesterday in preparing for the fair. I am grateful for the affirmation I got last night from Heidi.

August 9, 2014

This morning I am grateful for friends who take the time to ensure places they are inviting me to are wheelchair accessible as it makes it easier for me to spend time with them. I am grateful for my Young Living essential oils as the DiGeze settled my stomach last night. I am grateful for my wife Zoe who never stops loving me unconditionally and supports me in being the best person I can be. I am grateful for friends who respect my time boundaries this time of year as i work to get everything done. So much to accomplish this time of year. I am grateful to be grateful as there are so many people in the world who are not able to have this frame of mind.

August 8, 2014

This morning I am so grateful for all that I have been given in my life and the blessings which continue to flow through my life. I am grateful for the opportunity to be of service. I am grateful for having woken up this morning and to have another opportunity to be of service. I am grateful for my load being lightened this morning. I am grateful for the blueberry jam which flavored my plain yogurt. 

August 7, 2014

This morning I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for giving myself permission to go back to sleep as I did not sleep well last night. I am grateful for the power to allow my emotions to flow through and out of me so that I do not store them in my body. I am grateful for having reached a place in my life where I am focusing on the positive in my life as it keeps me energized and filled with joy.. I am grateful for the pain in my back and joints as it keeps me humble and inspires me to continue to work on doing what I can to heal my body.

August 6, 2014

Whoo hoo! I woke up again this morning and as i know of at least one other person who did not, I am very grateful for another day on this side to be of service. I am grateful to have had a chance to spend time with Heidi last night after her group and to have the chance to work together on something. I am grateful for Zoe helping me with the research and ordering of supplies yesterday as there was so much to do. I am grateful to have seen a student i had 8 years ago who still remembered me and did so fondly :). I am grateful for my friend Ursula who blessed me with a beautiful amethyst crystal.

August 5, 2014

This morning I am grateful for the new client who was sent to me yesterday and the appreciation she expressed at the end of our first session. I am grateful for the quality time with the Healing Harbor group last night and the positive feedback Zoe and I got from Ursula as I am still growing in my own self-confidence. I am grateful for Sam feeling better and for the DiGeze which helped settle his stomach. I am grateful for Zoe's helping me with the pricing and decision making process yesterday. I am grateful to have the family, friends, and clients I have as they all remind me how blessed I am.

August 4, 2014

Today, I am so grateful that this summer session is almost over as I have really struggled to stay on top. I am grateful to have been there to support Kerry last night and help her to relax and eat a healthy dinner while she is going through this phase in her journey. I am grateful that Zoe and I were able to talk through a plan of addressing an issue with someone. I am grateful for the reminder this morning to lovingly untie things rather than cut them painfully. I am grateful to have gotten a good nights sleep as I feel rested and refreshed this morning.

August 3, 2014

This morning I am grateful for indoor plumbing, especially when I have to get up several times throughout the night. I am grateful for company who comes and leaves, as I appreciate seeing them and I appreciate having the privacy again. I am grateful for nobody coming to the potluck last night as I appreciated quiet time with Zoe and time to do nothing. I am grateful for the opportunities to share with others as I was reminded that when I do so I am spreading the joy. I am grateful to have so much to be grateful as I am mindful that not everyone has this attitude or chooses to use it.

August 2, 2014

This morning i am grateful that my friend Deedee got the medical attention yesterday to save her life after a bee sting. I am grateful for the donation of top soil and the offer to assist with fundraising for the meditation and prayer garden project. i am grateful for the love and support of friends and the awesome conversations I had with Mary and Ursula yesterday. I am grateful to be almost done with this summer class. I am grateful that Max is in the hospital getting the help needed. 

August 1, 2014

this morning my heart is overflowing with gratitude. i am grateful for the outpouring of love and support last night as I was encircled by people who love and support the ministry we have been slowly building for the last four years. I am grateful for the beautiful flowers that Ursula gave to brighten our home. I am grateful for the generous donations of cash, soil, and plants. I will be planting our first butterfly bush this morning and am so excited. I am grateful for the beautiful emails people sent letting us know how much the love we have been radiating has touched their lives. I am grateful to know, while I am still alive, that I am making a difference.

July 31, 2014

this morning I am so grateful to have woken up one more time and to be re-energized. I am grateful to have made it through my financial drought again one more time and to have money in my account again. I am grateful to have met Ali last night and to have had such an inspiring conversation last night and that she felt so welcomed. I am grateful for 4 years of sharing, learning, and healing with those I have met and those around the world whose spirits have come into contact with mine. I am grateful to be grateful.