October 18, 2014

This morning I am grateful to have sold the last of our tarps. I am grateful for the conversation I had with Bryan last night. I am grateful for all that I learn everyday. I am grateful for the opportunity to have met Tara yesterday. I am grateful for the courage to work through and heal my wounds.

October 17, 2014

This morning I am grateful to have woken up one more time and to have one more chance to be of service. I am grateful for the love and support of my family in all things and on all days. I am grateful for reminders to be human and enjoy life. I am grateful for Max telling me what to make this weekend. I am grateful for a freshly brewed pot of coffee this morning.

October 16, 2014

Today, I am grateful to remember that my parents loved me enough to adopt me into their family, although I had long already been born into their hearts. I am grateful for my Wednesday night love and inspiration group as we are so loving and supportive of one another. I am grateful for all I accomplished yesterday and all I will accomplish today. I am grateful for the little things Zoe did yesterday to make me feel loved. I am grateful for a good nights sleep and one more day to be in this realm

October 15, 2014

This morning I am grateful for a good nights sleep and a morning cup of tea. I am grateful for my developing relationship with Ursula. I am grateful for my morning session with Sam, nice to have someone listen to me and help me move through my own healing process with my brother. I am grateful for Zoe telling me to take some down time and rest. I am grateful for the courage to look within and help elevate myself to a higher level of peace. I am grateful to others who share their stories of overcoming and moving through. 

October 14, 2014

This morning i am grateful for a good nights sleep and feeling rested for the first time in days. I am grateful to have gotten midterm grades in on tme. I am grateful for Zoe taking me to Statt's to buy out some of their produce before they close for the season. I am grateful for the healthier choices I am making for my life and the lives of those I feed. I am grateful for having discovered pagemodo as it helps me visualize my thoughts for the days.

October 13, 2014

This morning I am grateful for all the grading I got done yesterday and the knowledge that I will complete the rest today and get midterm grades in on time. I am grateful for the chance to go to the grocery store with Sam yesterday morning as I have not been out in a while. I am grateful for the powerful conversation I had with Claude yesterday as he and I always have spiritually intimate conversations. I am grateful for the quality time I had with Zoe yesterday during my mini breaks from grading and napping. I am grateful to have the family's support in us all eating healthier and changing and trying new vegetables.

October 12, 2014

This morning I am grateful to have woken up one more time and to have gotten the sleep that I did. I am grateful for the love and support of my family as we agree to move away from flour and sugar in our diets and support each other in eating and living healthier. I am grateful for the Wegman's application which allows me to create my shopping list and print it out by aisle as it makes shopping and budget control so much easier. I am grateful for the courage I am finding within myself to reconcile with my past and release my fears. I am grateful for the free mulch we received yesterday from the Town of Ogden as it allowed us to protect our newly planted grasses, bushes, and trees in the meditation and prayer garden.

October 11, 2014

This morning I am grateful for all I have been able to work through in my past and the wisdom I have gained from others. I am grateful for having reached the space of being able to reconcile with my past. I am grateful for the love and support of my family who support and encourage me in my journey. I am grateful for the courage to share my journey with others. I am grateful for the rose of sharon trees we got from Phil and Eileen yesterday. 

October 10, 2014

So grateful for the freedom to go back to bed after a very early morning conversation with Sam. I am grateful for my stomach feeling better after a rough day yesterday. I am grateful for Zoe resuming work on a children's book she started months ago. I am grateful for the opportunities I have to be of service and to minister to people around the world. I am grateful to have been able to bless our neighbors with the home made bread they love and to watch their faces light up with a loaf of loving from the oven. 

October 9, 2014

This morning I am grateful for a good nights sleep. I am grateful for all I accomplished yesterday and all I will accomplish today. I am grateful for the life and energy which is being generated in our meditation and prayer garden. I am grateful for the courage of others to release their fears and live more in the present. I am grateful for my wife's support in trying to take better care of myself.

October 8, 2014

This morning I am grateful to have slept through the night and woken up inspired to write my blog. I am grateful I got so much cooking done yesterday. I am grateful to have been intentional about making myself some fish this week as I rarely give myself a special treat. I am grateful for peace and quiet this morning. I am grateful for the freedom to take a nap today if I need one.

October 7, 2014

This morning I am grateful for a good nights sleep and one where I woke up feeling rested. I am grateful for the fresh water and lemon this morning which is quenching my thirst. I am grateful for the little ways i am learning to simplify my life> I am grateful for the positive feedback from a new client last night. I am grateful the beautiful garden the universe has provided for us.

October 6, 2014

This morning I am grateful for the interesting night I had last night and the lessons learned. I am grateful to have woken up one more day and have another chance to be of service. I am grateful for the red fox who graced us with her presence this morning in our backyard. I am grateful for the possible opportunity to be part of a fair this weekend on the Westside. I am grateful to have already found homes for our tarps where they will be used. 

October 5, 2014

this morning I am grateful for the fresh glass of water Sam bought me with lemon. I am grateful for a good nights sleep. I am grateful for the fun time we had with Max and Kerry last night and the fried chicken I had been craving all week. I am grateful for all I accomplish each day and for the inspiration to publish the years of writings -- one volume at a time. I am grateful for the covers which keep me warm and the bed to sleep in at night.

October 4, 2014

This morning I am grateful for my aching arms, although I am not sure why they ache. I am grateful for the love and positive energy which flows into and through me. I am grateful for Zoe's relationship with the boys as it fills my day with memories and inspiration. I am grateful for Sam bringing home dinner last night. I am grateful for indoor plumbing which allows me to do laundry, wash dishes, shower and go to the bathroom amongst other things.

October 3, 2014

This morning I am grateful for giving myself permission to sleep in and get some much needed rest. I am grateful for Ryan and Sam getting the benches set up in the garden last night. I am grateful for the opportunity I got to be of service this morning. I am grateful for the transformative power of forgiveness. I am grateful for my wife and the little things she does each day to make my life a little smoother, easier, and more amazing.

October 2, 2014

This morning i am grateful for the lessons I learn cleaning my home. I am grateful for the reminder to give thanks for that which I brought out to the curb this morning as it served its purpose here and is now on to its next mission. I am grateful for the dust bunnies that seem to appear out of no where as they remind me to deal with my issues as they arise. I am grateful for the chance to wash dishes as it reminds me to give thanks for the water, the food, the pans, and the appliances that contributed to my being fed and nourished. I am grateful for the chance to clean my refrigerator as it reminds me to honor the "temple" in which the gifts of the Creator are being stored.

October 1, 2014

I am grateful I have made it through one more day and got to have a restful nights sleep. I am grateful for the reminder to release physical things from my life as they are just things and can wear me down and zap my energy. I am grateful to be able to wake up each morning to a clean and organized desk. i am grateful the benches are arriving today and that there is still some plant money left to spend (whoo hoo). I am grateful Phil's surgery went well yesterday and that we have been able to do our share to help lighten Eileen's load while he recovers.

September 30, 2014

This morning I am grateful to have gotten a good nights sleep. I am grateful for the food in our home as we do not need to worry about if we will eat. I am grateful that all the dirt is moved and the driveway is clear again. I am grateful for all who have blessed us and all who were blessed thus far in the garden creation process. I am grateful for the aromas coming out of the kitchen as breakfast cooks and I am spending time giving thanks.

September 29, 2014

I am grateful that our driveway will be clear of all the dirt today.  I am grateful the benches will be here on Wednesday. I am grateful for all I accomplish each day and all the opportunities I have to be of service. i am grateful for my sister in law Patricia who has transformed my brother's life. I am grateful for my niece Rebecca and the amazing things she is doing in her life and her passion for the environment.