November 15, 2014

This morning I am grateful Zoe did not hurt herself more than she did when she fell. I am grateful for Mary and Sam taking Zoe to the play last night. I am grateful for old friends with whom I can talk about anything and know they will be honest and help me process. I am grateful for a good nights rest and having woken up one more time. I am grateful for all I accomplish each day and the increasing amount of energy i am getting.

November 14, 2014

Today, I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for giving myself permission to sleep in and get the rest I need. I am grateful for the community I am a part of and how we love and support each other. I am grateful for my bladder and kidneys working. I am grateful to just be and for the opportunities to be of service in all situations.

November 13, 2014

I am grateful to have been able to give my body the rest it needed this morning. I am grateful for the love and support of friends and family. I am grateful for the decisions I am making about eating and living healthier. I am grateful for the sweaters and hats which keep me warm during the day. I am grateful for my wife who loves me unconditionally. I am grateful Max did not have to be admitted to the hospital again.

November 12, 2014

Today, I am grateful for the willingness to be open to all the ways the Universe is trying to help me grow and evolve, even when it feels like a thud. I am grateful for the unconditional love and support of friends and family throughout this phase of my journey. I am grateful for the medicine which is helping strengthen my bladder and keep me continent. I am grateful for every opportunity I have been given to be of service. I am grateful to my wife who brought me home seafood last night (which she hates) because she knows I enjoy it.

November 11, 2014

This morning i am grateful that I am realizing how strong and courageous I really am. I am grateful for my doctor Melanie Conolly who is always so loving and supportive. I am grateful for my friend Sam who took me to the doctor's yesterday. I am grateful for our friends Mary, Nina and Sharon who have been intentional about reaching out and inviting us and especially to Zoe to have fun and laugh in the midst of this journey. I am grateful for the increasing strength and healing in my bladder.

November 10, 2014

This morning I am grateful that my bladder seems to be getting stronger and is waking me up at night (whoo hoo). I am grateful for the love and support we were able to share with each other at love and inspiration yesterday. I am grateful for the power of honesty and openness to help heal. I am grateful for my wife who reminds me to not beat myself up for not doing something I cannot do. I am grateful for my friends and family who continue to send healing energies and prayers

November 9, 2014

This morning I am grateful that my daytime peeing is getting better and my bladder is giving me more time at night, yet another sign of healing. I am grateful to have been able to have made it through qigong yesterday morning even if I did have to go pee about 4 times (lol). I am grateful for Zoe's willingness to go out last night to ensure my needs were met. I am grateful to have the energy to make breakfast this morning and to even have the desire to think about cooking. I am grateful for the love and support of friends and family.

November 8, 2014

this morning I am grateful for the git of laughter from my friend Brenda who sent me a really cute get well card. I am grateful for the energy to do some grading. i am grateful for friends who understand how grateful I truly am just to be alive. i am grateful for ice pops to suck on when I feel thirsty. I am grateful for the love and support of my family.

November 7, 2014

This morning I am grateful to be alive and to be celebrating 7 days of my new life. i am grateful to have gotten as much grading done as I did yesterday and that i had that much energy. I am grateful for all the messages of love and prayers for healing from people, many of whom I have never met. I am grateful for my students who have been so amazingly understanding. I am grateful for my wife who continuously steps outside her comfort zone to ensure my comfort and healing. I am grateful to my friend Ursula who has become one of my confidants.

November 6, 2014

This morning I continue to be grateful to be alive one more day. I am grateful to Dr Eichel and his staff for their loving and compassionate commitment to helping people heal. I am grateful to my wife who never ceases to stop amazing me at the depth of her love for me. i am grateful for my friends who have surrounded me with love. I am grateful for the new medications which should help me be a bit more comfortable today.

November 5, 2014

This morning I am grateful for the little sleep I got and the ability to have made it through the night without wetting the bed. I am grateful for my family's unconditional love for me while I go through this journey of healing.  I am grateful for Sam going to the store yesterday and Zoe cleaning. It is such a blessing to be surrounded by those who pick up the slack for me. i am grateful for all the prayers for healing coming in from all over. I am grateful for making the decision to take the pain killer this morning. I am grateful for the offers of assistance and support from friends.

November 4, 2014

I am grateful to be alive and home and urinating independently. I am grateful for Dr Eichel who saved my life. I am grateful for the love and support of my family who walked with me through this storm. i am grateful for my students who have been so understanding. I am grateful to Heather and Jessica for the tray of lasagna. I am grateful for all the offers of assistance so that I can focus on healing.

October 26, 2014

Today, I am grateful to have been able to sleep in again and give my body some more rest. I am grateful for my wife who loves me unconditionally, especially on those days when i fall back into my old behaviors for a moment or two. I am grateful for the physical weight I have lost as I release emotional weight. I am grateful for my friend Ursula as I have not had a friend like her in a long time. I am grateful for the quiet time with Spirit as I continue to work on healing my inner child.

October 25, 2014

This morning I am grateful to finally be feeling better and for a solid 15 hours sleep. I am grateful for Sam and Zoe going to the grocery store to get me cream of wheat as it is what my body dreamed of eating yesterday and it tasted so good and seemed to settle my stomach. I am grateful for the love and support of my family in good times and bad. I am grateful for my friends who are finding people with whom to build relationships and breathe love into their lives.

October 24, 2014

This morning I am grateful for Zoe getting me some soup yesterday to help me feel better as it is the only thing I felt like eating. I am grateful to Sam for finishing the mulching. I am grateful for giving myself permission to rest, relax, and restore. I am grateful for the blankets, clothing, and shelter that keeps me warm. I am grateful for the water which cleanses my body and system. 

October 23, 2014

This morning I am grateful for the ibuprofen which seems to be easing the pain in my back. I am grateful for having made it through the first four hours of blackboard training to help me prepare for teaching online in the spring semester. I am grateful for the love and support of my family who always encourage me to take care of myself and honor the needs of my body, mind, and spirit. I am grateful to be able to forgive myself for past transgressions and live in the moment, not in the past. I am grateful for indoor plumbing which makes it easier to take care of my needs, especially on cold, wintry days.

October 22, 2014

This morning I am grateful for the willingness to embrace a culinary challenge so i can cook dinner for a friend who cannot eat any of my go to ingredients (i.e. cilantro, garlic, onions, beans, cheese, indian, mexican spices, etc).  I am grateful for Zoe's willingness to continue to try new foods and preparations that are flour and sugar free. I am grateful for her willingness to dig the extra comforter out of the closet last night as it kept me toasty warm. I am grateful for my positive attitude about life. I am grateful for the cuddle time with my boo yesterday as i know it made both of us feel loved.

October 21, 2014

This morning I am grateful for the awesome time of conversation and laughter we had at healing harbor last night. I am grateful for Zoe's willingness to try something new foodwise. I am grateful to be catching up on sleep and grading. I am grateful that Sam had such an awesome date yesterday and enjoyed his time with the monks. I am grateful to have woken up one more time.

October 20, 2014

This morning I am grateful to be feeling back to normal. It is amazing what a little sleep can do for one's body. I am grateful for the ability to listen to my body and do what it needs. I am grateful to be catching up on some of the tasks I had fallen behind on. I am grateful for warm blankets,. clothes, and shelter from the elements. I am grateful for the conversation we had at love and inspiration yesterday. I am grateful that I took time for me yesterday.

October 19, 2014

This morning I am grateful to have some energy back after a good nights sleep. I am grateful for the love and support of friends and family. I am grateful to have woken up to eight messages from others saying thanks for random acts of kindness. I am grateful for my wife who loves me and takes care of me when I am full of energy and when I am not. I am grateful for my giving myself permission to do what I can and not worry about what I do not get done.