February 11, 2015

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more day. I am grateful for the decluttering I was able to accomplish yesterday and that which I will declutter today. I am gateful for all the grading I got done yesterday and that which I will get done today. I am grateful for the inspiration for my blog this morning. I am grateful for the peace and quiet in our home. I am grateful for Mittens crawling up on top of me this morning.

February 10, 2015

Today I am grateful for the way Joanie has reached out and embraced me as part of her family. I am grateful for my friend Jane in Australia who always gives me something to inspire me. I am grateful for Zoe snow blowing the driveway and ramp. I am grateful Zoe got to work yesterday.I am grateful to have heard back from Dr Iannoli yesterday about his timeline for the gall bladder removal.

February 9, 2015

This morning I am grateful for all the rest I got yesterday. I am grateful for the healing prayers of friends. I am grateful for the roof over my head and the warm pajamas, and the leftovers to eat. I am grateful for indoor plumbing and heating. I am grateful for that which I accomplished and the ability to not punish myself for what I did not. I am grateful for my surgeons and the medical team who gave of their time, talents, and wisdom to help me heal and live a healthier life.

February 8, 2015

Today I am grateful for the visit from my friend Ursula yesterday. I am grateful for the rest I was able to get yesterday at home. I am grateful for food in the house so I did not need to cook. I am grateful for the decision I made a while back to cancel any thing which might challenge my energy level or prevent me from focusing on my healing. i am grateful for the love and support of all my friends.

February 7, 2015

Today I am grateful for my medical team that successfully cleaned out my kidneys and replaced the J stents. I am grateful I was healthy enough after surgery to come home and not have to stay overnight. I am grateful for all those who came to sit with Zoe and support the two of us. I am grateful Chrstal was well enough to come and be with us. I am grateful for all those who were praying for me around the world.

February 6, 2015

This morning I am grateful to be having my kidney surgery and getting my stents replaced. I am grateful the ducolox worked this morning. I am grateful for my wife who loves me unconditionally. I am grateful for my friends who have worked at being my friend in good times and bad. I am grateful for not feeling like I need to conform to other people's expectations of me but walking in my own truth and timeline. I am grateful for my 4 legged kitty boys who love me unconditionally and remind me to slow down and take care of myself.

February 5, 2015

I am grateful for my friends who help me process and stay centered. I am grateful for the lessons we learned last night from Pema Chodron. I am grateful for Zoe offering to go to store for me if I needed anything. I am grateful for Heather telling me about coconut water. I am grateful for the opportunities to be of service to others.

February 4, 2015

Today I am grateful my wheelchair is back up and running. I am grateful for Bill who repairs my chair and gave me some suggestions to think about as I move forward. I am grateful to have given myself time to process my feelings about Sam being gone and to begin to think about what my vision is for our reclaimed guest room. I am grateful to have my independence back. I am grateful for all I accomplished yesterday and all I will accomplish today.

February 3, 2015

Today I am so grateful for the love and support of my wife.I am grateful Sam was able to safely move his birds to his new home. I am grateful to have a physical space back where I can go to sit and be and meditate. I am grateful Zoe greased my legs so that I could sleep a little better last night. I am grateful for the love and support of my friends who have encouraged me to do a fundraising page to help me acquire a new wheelchair.

February 2, 2015

Today I am grateful for the healing that can happen over a simple pizza. I am grateful for my friend Claude who provides me with a space for commercial breaks when i need them. I am grateful for my increasing ability to make healthy choices about my and for my life. I am grateful for my friend Jane in Australia who helped me process and come back to my basics yesterday. i am grateful for Zoe's picking up the slack on the things that are temporarily difficult for me to do.

February 1, 2015

Today I am grateful for my wife who took the time yesterday to let me talk through what I was feeling. I am grateful for all I was able to accomplish yesterday. I am grateful for friends who journey with you in good times and bad. I am grateful for our Aunt Joanie who always gives us something to laugh about. I am grateful for each step I am able to take on my own. I am grateful for the magnifying feature on my computer which allows me to read my students posts and get my work done.

January 31, 2015

Today I am grateful for the unconditional love of my wife who supports me in good times and bad. I am grateful for my friend Crystal who loaned me her CCTV so I can keep up with my reading. I am grateful for my friend Woody who drove Crystal here and brought me my current junk food -- pickles and some fresh berries. I am grateful for the ability to walk and get around in my home. i am grateful for Dr Ryan who called just to check in on me and let me know I was in his prayers.

January 30, 2015

This morning I am grateful for Zoe who helped me stay positive and focused yesterday when I hit my emotional wall. I am grateful Sam was here yesterday when my wheelchair died and was able to help me get to my office. I am grateful for our dining room chairs that are fat girl friendly and can serve as an office chair for me to sit in until my wheelchair is fixed. I am grateful for those who were able to make me laugh yesterday as it helped me stay focused and positive. I am gratefulo for Crystal and Woody who offered to bring me a piece of adaptive equipment to help me with my reading.

January 29, 2015

This morning I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the laughter I got to share with my brother Mark last night. I am grateful for the conversation with Mary yesterday afternoon. I am grateful for Heather and Ursula and the friendship we share. I am grateful Zoe got to work again yesterday. I am grateful for the roof over our head and all we have been blessed with.

January 27, 2015

This morning I am so grateful for the liftline reservation. I am grateful for my wife who ensures that I get to all my drs appointments. I am grateful for my doctor who keeps on top of my health and advocates for me with other doctors. I am grateful for my friends who surround me with love and support. I am grateful for my blood levels returning to normal.

January 26, 3025

This morning I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful I found my grabby stick this morning. I am grateful for the liftline reservation I got without even being put on hold. I am grateful for the time at love and inspiration with claude yestreday. I am grateful to have gotten my winter grades in on time.

January 25, 2015

This morning I am grateful for the awesome time he had last night with Woody and Laura. I am grateful Zoe's back is beginning to feel better. I am grateful for the chance to have slept in yesterday and let my body rest. I am grateful for the opportunity to minister to someone going through crisis yesterday. I am grateful that my brother did not die during his surgery this week. 

January 24, 2015

This morning I am grateful for the flexibility of friends who are always willing to go with the flow. I am grateful for Dr Connolly who has been such an awesome physician to both Zoe and I.I am grateful for intentionally taking the high road in challenging situations. I am grateful for Frank Mancini's help when I could not get to campus this past week. I am grateful for the ability to be able to put my socks and shoes on by myself.

January 23, 2015

This morning I am grateful for my friendship with Ursula and how it is evolving. I am grateful for my evolving and growing relationship with Laura. I am grateful that my kidney surgery was scheduled, even if I did not know about it (lol). I am grateful that my bilirubin is way down. I am grateful to be caught up with my grading, at least for now. I am grateful Zoe's book is feeling better.

January 22, 2015

This morning I am grateful to have made it to another day. I am grateful for the conversation I had with Ursula last night. I am grateful for the love and support of friends and family in my healing and growth journey. I am grateful for a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food in our pantry and frig. I am grateful for clean clothes and a comfortable bed.