March 25, 2015

This morning i am grateful for the little things in life, like clean clothes, warm tea, cold water. I am grateful for the daily restoration of my health. I am grateful for my faith which keeps me moving forward. I am grateful for my wife who still loves me unconditionally after all these years. I am grateful for friends who let you know you are loved. I am grateful for Adrian who did a huge favor for us yesterday.

March 24, 2015

Today I am grateful for the ever lowering blood sugar levels I am achieving because of the choices I am making in my life. I am grateful for Adrian who is assisting us with the process of applying for food stamps. I am grateful for the quality time Zoe and I got to spend together yesterday and all we accomplished. I am grateful for the FB groups we started for Pampered Chef parties finally beginning to show some activity.

March 23, 2015

This morning I am grateful for the awesome time had by all at the crystal and stone party. I am grateful for the citrine shards Brian gave me and for Zoe's growing interest in stones and crystals. I am grateful for the chance I had to do two readings yesterday and to continue to minister to others. I am grateful for the new energy growing and flowing into and through our ministry. I am grateful for the love that continues to grow in my relationship with Zoe; each day is richer than the day before.

March 22, 2015

This morning I am grateful for my 127 blood sugar reading. So grateful to be able to be controlling it with just diet and exercise. I am grateful that the writing room is coming into shape and that Zoe and i took the time to organize it yesterday. I am grateful for being able to see my friend Heather later today. I am grateful for the great time we had with Sherlea yesterday. I am grateful for the love and support of friends.

March 21, 2015

I am so grateful for our developing relationship with Heidi. I am grateful for all the walking I was able to do yesterday. I am grateful that Dr Ianolli's office is finally going to schedule my gall bladder surgery and stent removal. I am grateful for the conversation Zpe had with me yesterday. I am grateful for the cheerleaders in my life who never miss an opportunity to tell me how proud they are of me.

March 20, 2015

This morning I am grateful for the courage to speak my truth in love and kindness. I am grateful for the power to be in the moment. I am grateful for the way Zoe and I have learned to balance each other out. I am grateful for the renewal of loving energy flowing between us and an old friend. I am grateful to be meeting with the surgeon today and setting up a time for my gall bladder and stent removal surgery.

March 19, 2015

This morning I am grateful to those who are helping us get our pampered chef business up and running. I am grateful for our growing love and inspiration group who are having such powerful discussions on Wednesday nights. I am grateful for my ablity to walk increasingly longer distances. I am grateful for the new energy that is flowing into our lives. I am grateful for friends who know we love them in sickness and in health.

March 18, 2015

This morning I am grateful for all Zoe and I accomplished yesterday. I am grateful for the lunch surprise we had from Ursula and the newest teddy bear  whose name is Lubbins. I am grateful for the update phone call from my brother and that he is doing so much better. I am grateful for a few days off from school so I can catch up on some other things and get organized. I am grateful for the chance to have helped a friend yesterday and spent time with another. I am grateful that my eyes have healed enough I could give Crystal her CCTV and one of her readers back.

March 17, 2015

This morning I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful to have had the chance to work with Ursula last night at Healing Harbor. I am grateful that Zoe got called in to work yesterday. I am grateful for getting all my grades turned in on time. I am grateful for the opportunities to be of service.

March 16, 2015

this morning I am grateful for the feedback from a friend about how I made what could have been a negative into a positive. i am grateful for remembering not to take things personally. I am grateful for the love and support of my friend jane in Australia. I am grateful for Zoe's willingness to try new foods and to always be so supportive of the dietary changes I have made in my cooking. I am grateful for all the grading I got done yesterday after we went grocery shopping. 

March 15, 2015

This morning I am grateful to be connected with myself and with Spirit. I am grateful for the healthy choices i am making about my life. i am grateful for the breeze that blows through bringing fresh air. I am grateful for the sounds of the birds chirping outside my window. I am grateful for the gift of Party Mix from janna for the boys.

March 14, 2015

this morning I am grateful for the new energy that is coming into my life and for creating a new acronym for fine with my friend Heather -- Flying In New Energy. i am grateful for the chance I had yesterday to help my friend Heather as she always does so much for me. I am grateful for the new people who came to Heidi's group last night and how it keeps growing. I am grateful for my students who are pushing their academic boundaries. I am grateful for the warm weather and the ability to see the grass again.

March 13, 2015

Today i am grateful for the chance of sleeping in and letting my body rest. I am grateful for dr madan's office who took me out of the middle yesterday. I am grateful for rite aid and their delivery person. I am grateful for zoe's willingness to try new vegetables. I am grateful for the chance to have spoken with my friend Heather yesterday.

March 12, 2015

This morning I am grateful for the new client who came last night and the positive feedback he gave. I am grateful for the powerful group and discussion we had at love and inspiration last night. I am grateful for the good nights sleep. I am grateful for the lowest blood sugar level I have had in months. I am almost at my goal of being in the 120;s. I am grateful for the healthier decisions I continuously make in my life.

March 11, 2015

this morning  I am grateful for time to rest and relax yesterday. I am grateful for referrals from colleagues. I am grateful the warmth of a hot cup of tea on my hands and my throat. I am grateful Zoe got asked to work again today. I am grateful for the inspiration to post my blogs on a blog site for women. 

March 10, 2015

This morning I am grateful for friends who provide safe spaces to process. I am grateful for my urologists office who continuously demonstrates their commitment to keeping me from developing new kidney stones. I am grateful I was able to walk into my eye dr's office and back as my legs get stronger. I am grateful for giving myself permission to sleep in this morning as I did not sleep well last night. I am grateful to have woken up one more time.

March 9, 2015

This morning I am grateful that my friends were not hurt when their tire blew out on the 490 last night. I am grateful for the energies which are flowing into my life. I am grateful for zoe's typing a document for me yesterday. I am grateful that my blood sugar continues to fall without any medication. I am grateful my blood tests for Dr Ianoli came back normal, except for the anemia.

March 8, 2015

This morning I am grateful for the chance to have met a colleague Deborah. I am grateful for every breath I take. I am grateful for my friends who are healing. i am grateful for Susan's message to me this morning about networking. I am grateful for the chance to have talked to Gloria yesterday and caught up on life. 

March 7, 2015

This morning I am grateful for the wonderful group we had last night and how comfortable people felt. I am grateful for the ability to walk in and out of the blood lab with my walker. i am grateful for the blessing to have been able to minister to people in the grocery store. I am grateful for the chance to have seen Heidi again and know that I have been missed. I am grateful for having treated myself yesterday to a low carb, low fat squid salad and some sashimi for lunch.

March 6, 2015

This morning i am grateful for a good nights sleep. I am grateful for Spirit's protecting a friend of mine. I am grateful for the roof over my head and all that keeps me warm in this winter weather. I am grateful for kind words from friends. i am grateful for not being constipated. I am grateful for the dream I had last night which has reinspired me.